Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 52 Dinner

My wonderful hubby knows that I LOVE Sushi, and we both have an itch to learn how to do more things in the kitchen.  So last night we (and by that, I really mean HE with ME watching! lol) did a lot of experimentation.  For his first try at doing a Sushi roll, he did AWESOME!  We learned a lot - especially what to do/not to do next time.

And yes, I DID help.... I cut up some veggies and made a FAB (and healthy!) Egg Drop Soup.  In fact, I TRIPPLED the soup batch, and my poor hubby only had 1 serving left to take to work for left overs today!  Oh well, it was a winner for sure! :-)

My sushi roll - with salmon and a TON of veggies. 
You can see that my hubby added a little "flare." lol - He's so creative!
And yes, that's even a bamboo placemat (background) and my
OWN Sushi plate he got for me.

This is my step-daughter's Sushi roll.  Of course the Princess could NOT be left out! (sigh)
But she didn't like the raw fish, so her roll was purely veggies, rice and nori (seaweed). 
The rest of the family got a little something like this.
A sushi-variation (no nori/seaweed) with sticky rice, seared beef and veggies.
Overall, it was a great night.  And although the Princess HAD to have her OWN sushi roll (which her dad gladly made for her), we realized that although she kept RAVING about it, she really didn't like it. (Private, evil snicker went through my head.)  We got the impression that she was a little jealous because Dan was not really creative in the kitchen prior to getting married to me.  (Frankly, me either - this is something we've discovered together as a couple.  *insert sappy sigh here* lol) 

And not to be left out, she wanted to be part of the sushi roll idea.  She ended up having 3 bowls of soup (!) and yet took over half of her sushi roll home to her mom's.  Actually, selfishly, I'm glad she doesn't like it.  My kids don't like it either, and frankly, my hubby doesn't like seaweed.  So it's ALL MINE! BAH-HA-HA! 

Ok, evilness aside, they (the whole family, including the kids!) all do continue to enjoy our "Asian dinners."  We do a mix of Japanese, Chinese and Thai recipes, but the kids all really seem to like (most of) the stuff we make.  It's certainly broadening their palates, and MUCH healthier for them too!

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