Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 51 - back from Presidents' Day Weekend and back on the wagon!

Actually, this sounds odd, but although I did "ok" this weekend away from home and schedule, it feels SO good to be back home and in "normal routine!"  I am a person of comfort, and comfort for me = schedule!

So, this morning I made my family cinnamon rolls.  I am SO HAPPY (ELATED!) to report that I wasn't even TEMPTED!  Yes, they looked good, and YES, they SMELLED FAB!  But I didn't even fathom having it for breakfast!  Instead, I had my Shakeology (which reminded me to call Beachbody and change my order to the new Tropical before my auto-ship was sent)!

Cinnamon rolls for breakfast...not MY breakfast!
And yes, it was hard to get out of bed this morning...per normal.  Hubby's nice and warm in bed, but I had a GREAT treadmill run on Sunday, and I wanted to see if I could keep the streak going.  I didn't have as much time as I did on Sunday, but I had a good run!  My endurance is lasting longer, and I can tell the difference in my training.  I may not have a lot of physical changes going on right now, but I'm noticing in other HEALTH areas - and frankly, in my book that counts too!

Treadmill: 30 min, 2.1 miles SP estimate: 27 calories

I can't wait for my replacement Garmin to get here!  Should be any day now....
HOWEVER - I realized that in my head - Garmin or not: it's STILL A WORKOUT!  Whether I'm stuck using SP's estimate or my real Garmin read-out.  I'm STILL working out, I'm STILL getting the job done, and I'm STILL putting out the effort! YES!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550 calories
Calories consumed: 1289  I just made it in my goal range!

I wasn't really hungry again this morning and through the day.  I made sure to eat, though (not like yesterday morning), but a bit here and there.  By evening, I still wasn't hungry, and it was my step-daughter's night to make dinner.  She was excited about making Fajitas, but I'm not a big fan.  Still, as a parent, I had some.  I wonder if there was MSG in the Fajita mix because I was BLOATED afterwards!  Oh my GOSH! It HURT!  Something didn't agree with me!

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