Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 55 - looking to the future...

I just realized (duh) that Day 60 is really coming upon me QUICKLY!  And I'm not so sure I'm looking forward to it.


I'm a slow loser.  (ha ha - get it? Sore loser - slow, my son reminds me that I'm not so funny....)

Actually, all puns aside, I AM a slow loser.  And there's positive and negative to that. 

The "bad news" about it is obvious: I don't get to see results quickly, which is frustrating, etc.  We are a species (speaking primarily women) who want it, and want it YESTERDAY (!) thank you, very much!  But honestly, I know that it's not the best way for weight loss results.

...The slow turtle wins the race...

The "good news" is that I cognitively know that although this weight just appeared one sad day, it didn't actually happen that way.  (I just had the REALIZATION on one, sad day!)  It crept on just a slowly as it's creeping off.  Slower weight loss not only typically STAYS off, but it shows that you're building good, life-long habits along the way; not just a quick fix.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1458

Treadmill: 1:13 min,  712 calories.

Let me tell you, it's SOOO good to have my Garmin back!  And yes, I was doing 15 min/miles (which is even slow by my standard), but I was on an INCLINE!  My heart rate was a-goin'!  And there's no better way to make sure I got the burned calories other than a HRM.  I would highly recommend one to anyone, and you don't have to get the super-expensive ones, either.

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