Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 53 - Weekend fast approaching

Well, I haven't been sleeping very well lately, and that's taking a toll on my workouts (or lack thereof).

My nutrition has been spot-on, having my Shakeology, etc.  All's well in that area, which is a good thing since I highly doubt I will meet my calorie burn goal of 2100 this week. 

Also with that good news, the scale IS going in the right direction! Hip, hip, hoorah! I don't normall weigh mid-week, but my period was last week, so I stepped on the scale.... DOWN 1.4 lbs! Yay!  And the other part is my engagement ring is swirling around & around my finger, so I know that I'll have to get it resized in the future.  I guess that's a good problem to have!

Anyway, my stress has to do with work. 

I work for a private school that will be closing at the end of the school year.  Being that I work for a PRIVATE school (vs. public), I knew I would have to get a "summer job" this summer, and would actually like a few hours now to help pad our budget.  My hubby works Thurs - Sunday (13 hrs each day), so I would like to find hours when HE is working, not necessarily during the week.

Well....our school is attached to a daycare (used to be owned by my boss).  And she's looking for someone to "take over." (Meaning, she only wants to be "THE OWNER.")  And is possibly looking at me to do so.  There's someone currently in that spot that just is not getting the job done the way the owner wants it done.  I'm just unsure about taking it.

If I take it now, it IS added income, and a few extra hours Mon-Friday  (I would be doing a lot of work from my classroom until the school year is done.), and I would have my weekends free.

But at this point, we're in a budget crunch, so although I will have less time with hubby and more stress on my shoulders (all the more reason to work out, right?) I'm sure I'll be assuming that additional responsibility and paycheck.  I only hope it's worth it.

Nutrional information:
Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed:  1048

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