Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 42 -

It's Sunday, and contrary to popular belief that I should sleep in, my body doesn't agree with me.  IN FACT - we go to the 11:15 am church service so that we can have a relatively low-key, low-stress morning! (Which we never have Monday - Friday!)  But apparently from 6:45 - 7:05 when my body had it's eyes open, staring at the ceiling, it was clearly time to get up.  Lucky me.

However, all is not upsetting, I was able to get my blog done from the night before and posted (day 41), and think about the day ahead, as well as the week before me.  And set myself up for SUCCESS!

First (today): I always have a mental "to do" list going - ESPECIALLY on the weekends!  So much that I want to cram into that little bit of time!  I need to work on my little mini-scrapbook that I'm giving my hubby for Valentine's day (more on that holiday later), and make cookies for him for the following week.  I also need to (groan) start our taxes.  Not too excited about that one....

Next (this week):  The Princess is gracing us with her presence Mon - Wed, as normal (per the parenting plan).  Apparently, this 1-day a week crap didn't pan out like the ex thought it would (shock, surprise) and so our (hubby & my) opinion is to basically just tell her to buck up and deal with it!  This is our life - as is.  We're not dancing around you (or anyone else).  We will HELP you get used to this situation, but we are not going to make special accomodations for you so that you can turn around and continue your bratty ways.  The end.

But that also means that her day to cook dinner (each one of our kids has a night during the week) is Tuesday. V-day.  Glorious!  Ironically, the dish she wants to make is one that my hubby made for me on our very first date! (insert "AW!"  I just hope she doesn't poison me/us.  Originally, we were going to go out with every other couple in the L-C valley, but I refuse to leave the Princess here in our house without an adult.  Nope, sorry, not happening.  We'll just have to make V-day plans another day, which is ok with me.

Turbo Jam with 2 lb weights - 20 min, 119 calories
Turbo Sculpt (too slow for me...didn't care for it) - 10 min, 75 cal
Treadmill - 48 min, 455 calories

total cals burned: 649 calories

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1557 NUTS! Over by 7 calories!!!

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