Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 43 - I almost had a melt down...

I almost had a meltdown - truly.

In the middle of my last workout yesterday, my Garmin HRM/watch blanked out!!!  Ok, ok...tried to calm myself down... Maybe it just needs a software update, etc.  I can NOT afford to get a new Garmin right now!  This one I bought for myself while I was training for my first 1/2 marathon as a "prize" to myself for reaching some goals.  So it's more than just a $250 watch... it's MY WATCH! 

Long story short, it wouldn't budge all night...screen still blank. 

So, this morning, I called Garmin Support (who are GREAT!) and they couldn't even help me!  So I hung up with the guy, and I was about ready to put the "exchange" on my credit card (you send in yours, they send the same exact model - but refurbished - back to you), when I just felt a nudge "no."  So I quickly backed out - told the guy I needed to talk to my hubby.  Went along my business and back to my computer to post my blog and guess what???

I could cry tears, I'm so happy!  It's funny how the simplest things make my day!

However, since I didn't have the use of my Garmin for this morning's run on the treadmill (which made me very grouchy, by the way), I'm using SparkPeople's caloric burn estimate (which I think is low and doesn't take into account that I'm a bigger person).

Treadmill with Vibrams: 36 min, SP caloric estimate: 241 calories (My treadmill says 382 calories, which I know is "off" too - it's too high.)

Treadmill in the PM: 30 min, SP caloric estimate: 207 calories

In the evening, the Princess was just really ticking me off, and instead of lashing out (like I really wanted to), I decided to go run it off.  Although it was really only 2/15 min. miles (which is frankly slow - even for my standards), I'm NOT a PM exerciser, so that wasn't bad, because I don't tend to exercise well at night.  Plus, I burned off a bit of aggervation.  ON TOP of the Princess acting (normal) up, my Garmin was still acting up. :-(  So I had to revert to SP caloric estimation.  Urg... hopefully tomorrow is a better, less stress day!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1632 urg!  What put me over? The avocado at dinner (too much of a good thing?) and the rice cracker mix at snack.  NUTS!  And I thought I was doing so well!  urg...

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