Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 45 - Bouncing back

I noticed that as I increased my water intake for the day, that the mid-afternoon cravings that I normally experience just weren't there today! :)  YAY!

But so far, that's really the only "hurrah!" thing.  My Garmin HRM is flip-flop.  One minute it seems to be working, the other minute.... not.  I really hate working out and not getting a CORRECT calorie burn reading, so I am avoiding working out.  Isn't that silly??  Working out is still working out - whether or not I have a watch or whatever!  Am I using this as an excuse?  Maybe...  I DO really like number crunching, so calories in vs. calories out is really my "thing."  So it's frustrating. 

I plan on sending off my "baby" back to Garmin tomorrow.  Just got paid today, so after I cash my check I can go and do that.  *sigh*

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1596 lol...I was UNDER by 7 measly calories until my husband put a tiny bit of wine under my nose and said "try this." 

lol.... It was Saki Rice Wine.  Not a lot of calories, and we had just a couple of sips, but of course, I HAD to count it! (Darn, that guilt!!!)  It was pretty good....would like to have it with Sushi sometime, but not my favorite wine to have.

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