Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 47 - FRIDAY! :)

Ok, I just have to laugh...

Today I had GRAND plans - starting with SLEEPING IN! HA! Nope - got up "late" at 6:15am.  Sheesh, can't get a break?  But that's good, because I've been up for a bit over 2 hours at this point, and I've already got quite a bit done in that 2 hours.  I've already called Garmin to send back my watch (*cue: sad music*), wrapped up and ready to ship at the post office, got a few applications ready to take back, and my devos done for the morning and my blog from yesterday finished and posted. WHEW!

Next on my list is a good, decent-sized workout to start off my "weekend" right!  I have a whole list of things that I need to do, and a few "wants" on my list.  For having a day off, it's probably going to be a busy day.

On a "female" note, I've seen signs of mother nature starting up today. (ick)  I should have known: the craving for chips yesterday (although I picked the "good" sweet potato/organic ones), and really wanting a SODA again.  But I wasn't supposed to start until Monday.  I guess that's ok, though.  If I am (indeed) starting, I should be almost wrapped up by Monday, and ready to do something with the family.  I'm not one of those who just SIT when they have their period, but I do lack in some motivation because I just feel BLAH.  However, I have to say, that I haven't had the cramping (yet) - 2nd month in a row!  (However, I'm expecting some probably tonight.  That's just the norm.)  So I think the regular physical activity, better eating and lack of soda is really helping.  No bust-bloat/tenderness, and I'm thrilled about that!  However, I WILL be scale-shy for the next week until the bloating disappears.  Hopefully next week will show good numbers after Mother Natures LEAVES!  I'm thinking it will.

Treadmill - 60 min, SP estimate: 397 cals burned.

...lunch time...

Well, other than a long phone call with my aunt on the phone and my treadmill workout, I haven't done much else...urg!  Kids will be home in 2 - 3 hours and I've gotta get moving!

I'm contemplating going to the Tri-Cities (where I'm from - 2 1/2 hrs away) for the next two days.  Why not?  Well, I know I won't get the workouts that I NEED, and eating healthy at my dad's is "questionable."  But the itch to get away is there, especially after talking to my aunt (who also lives in TC). hm...  Wonder what my hubby would say?

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories Consumed: ???


Well, after talking to the kids and hubby, we have decided to head off to Tri-Cities and visit family.  It will be a short visit, but I might be MIA for a couple of days considering how much internet access I may/may not have...

Wish us luck! ;-)

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