Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 34 - day before Super Bowl Sunday...

Ok, first of all, I LOVE sports, espeically football.  But one of the ways that we've really been able to hone our budget down is to cut out all the cable/satelite).   (Oh my gosh, it's REALLY expensive!)  Not only because we really didn't want the kids (or my hubby) glued to the TV all the time, but also for the expense.  But let me say...I really DO miss my Sunday football games! :D

So being that tomorrow is Super Bowl, I've been invited to a variety of parties.  We're going to one that's pretty family friendly, which is important to me.  However, this is a family that is super-skinny, and I KNOW they don't work out - it's just in their genetics.  But they eat like no tomorrow. 

So my pre-plan for today is to get two workouts in, because I know I can't do it tomorrow, and to bring a healthy go-to snack to the party.  I am NOT going to beat myself up for indulging a bit tomorrow.  I will keep my water bottle with me, and keep my calorie counts down today and as much as I can before the party.  How do you track all that nibbling??


I am tired.

I know that a lot of my tiredness is from the drama of the week, and possibly anticipating it to come again starting Monday. (The drama is USUALLY involving my step daughter.  They visit Monday - Wednesday.)  I know that the stress is killing my weight loss.  I know ALL ABOUT how stress heightenes cortisol, and how that makes you not only wan to eat...which has been so-so...tired, weary, and trigger other things in the body.

But I can't get away from the stress.  It - the stress, or should I say "she", the STRESSOR -  is not only here Mon - Wed, but the calls from the ex (about my step daughter) and the drama still lasts the rest of the week whether or not she is here.  Yes, it's WORSE when she is actually HERE.  But it resonnates through the rest of our week, and our lives.  Although she is not my child, I do care for her.  I choose to love her, and therefore, I hate to see her go through this misery that she (frankly) creates for herself. 

The bottom line: she "hates" me.  SURPRISE!  Wicked stepmother senario!  However, even her own mother ("the ex") admits to all that it's nothing I've said, done, etc.  This drama and anger is all out her own selfishness.

Actually, she doesn't understand that a lot of the changes that her dad's household has gone through is not only because I'm here, but there are many other changes that have gone on as well - she went from homeschooling to public school.  Her mom moved her to Boise and then back again within 2 months, and now they're back, and mom is due any time now with a new sibling with an ex boyfriend (my fault???? I THINK NOT!).  And top it all off, she IS 13 - a teenager with raging hormones.  But, I am the oh-so-easy target.

On my "fault," I am the "new woman" who (in her eyes) has taken her spot (she's the family-proclaimed "daddy's girl").  Not only did I show up on scene, but I brought my daughter, who is younger.  But we live with her dad 24/7, she does not.  That's what I "did wrong."  Sorry, not going to change!  The other 3 kids (my 2, and his other son) have all taken the good with the "bad" and adapted to the sitation at hand, and the relationships that are forming. Period. 

So what can I do to help combat the stress?  I've been drinking chamomile tea at night for soothing & relaxation, and trying to get as much sleep as possible. I probably need to incorporate some Yoga,but that takes time away from my husband (which is precious little) and my family.  I need help/suggestions!

Turbo Jam Cardio Mix 1 - 38 min, 342 Calories
Lifting free weights - 24 min, 113 calories

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550 calories
Calories consumed: 1297 (YES!)

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