Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 36 - Still recovering!

This morning my gut is still rolling from the lesson that I learned at the Super Bowl party yesterday afternoon.  Yuck.  I think Ginger and Peppermint teas are going to be my best friends today!


As the day went on, I started feeling a bit better.  Lunch was still pretty "eh", but soup helped, and I was able to walk around at recess to burn a few calories.  My husband is working Mon-Wed this week (for inventory), so it's really odd to not be doing lunch with him, but caloric-wise, it's VERY helpful!  Not only that, but I'm able to walk not only at last recess (which I do "duty" for), but lunch recess as well (20-30 min depending on when I finish my own lunch)!  But I DO miss him... :-(

Recess walking: 38 min (total), 242 calories

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550 calories
Calories consumed: 1,317  YAY!

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