Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 46...Heading into the weekend with a positive outlook! (Or trying to!)

Today is only Thursday, but it's my "FRIDAY!" (whoop, whoop!) 

I will say, one of the FEW perks about working in a privately owned school is that although we go with the local schools' calendars (for the most part), we can also create our own.  Because this weekend is a typical 3-day weekend for most (President's Day on Monday), our calendar has us of on Friday as well.  And now that my daughter is going to the public school instead of private school, that means I have the WHOLE DAY TO MYSELF!!!  (What the heck am I going to do?!?!)

Well, I know for sure that I'm going to have myself a great jumpstart workout to my weekend!  Since hubby has Monday off (normal schedule for him), I don't anticipate me wanting to get out of bed early to do a workout! lol  I may sneak one in later, but we don't have many days "off" together, so we tend to spend as much quality time together on those days that we can.

And per the parenting plan, we have his kids this Monday as well (schnitzel!), so we'll probably do something together as a family...usually involving a movie?? (i.e. popcorn...urg...)  So I need to make sure that I get my groove on this weekend FOR SURE!

But anyway...back to my POSTIVE OUTLOOK for the weekend....

I am pretty pumped about tomorrow.  I was thinking of trying to hook up with my SIL who lives a bit away, and I enjoy her company, but I don't get a lot of "me" time.  I might try to sew up a quilt (that I want to make for a fundraiser for our school), or "try" out a local gym.  (I'm not really looking to spend the money on a gym membership, but I hear that if you tell them you'd like to check it out, they usually give you a 1-2 day pass free???  Might check that out...)

I don't know!  The possibilities are ENDLESS! :-)

Treadmill AM: 40 min., SP estimate: 275 calories burned

(P.S. I'm still not happy about the SP estimate.  When you have a HRM, you just never vision going back to anything else.  I KNOW I'm a slow jogger...I KNOW that.  But it doesn't take into account my intervals of speed that I do, or the incline, etc.  Sad, sad....  I guess I'm just going to have to do THAT MUCH MORE to make sure I make my weekly 2100 calorie burn goal.)

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories Consumed: 1165
**Disclaimer: I actually did not TRY to go under, but it happened that way.  I had a GREAT dinner, but got filled on this great Spinach salad with Red Onion, Pear & Pomegranate!  So although I had dished up a full bowl of Clam Chowder soup (light, Progresso, thank you!) I ended up having my hubby finish over 1/2 of the bowl!  I was full! :)  That's a good thing, though!

I'm so super impressed with Deb and Tina-Marie.  How can they continually get UNDER their calories?  (I know that getting under goal consistantly is not necessarily good - your body needs to be FED.)  But I'm a snacker by nature, and although I enjoy having dinner with my family, I would also much rather have a snack tray (ie. meats, cheeses & crackers) as well!  But I know that the 3 meal/2 snack model is supposed to be pretty good.  But my snacks (I've noticed) are mini-meals.  But then again, I hear that 5 mini-meals a day are good too!  Where am I messing up?!?! LOL.

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