Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 37 - avoiding drama...

Well, it's only Tuesday, but my mind is already focused on tomorrow (ONE DAY AT A TIME)!  "The Princess" (as I've privately dubbed my step-daughter) will be making her presence tomorrow.  I don't truly understand the thought behind her mother's maddness.... The Princess wants MORE time with her dad, yet, she gets to come LESS during the week???  Honestly, her mom said The Princess is "on the verge of blowing up" and she's afraid that depending on what happens, I may call the cops on her (i.e. physical harm towards anyone in my house).  YOU BETCHA!  I'm sorry, I'm a tough-love parent, and I would MUCH rather call the cops on a 13 year old, learn the lesson early than to have her blow up at age 23 at work because she never learned how to control her actions, etc. I'm really trying not to dwell on it, but I have to figure out what I'm going to be doing for the 4 hours that I'm off of work, but she's in my home.  My husband does not like the idea that I'm being "chased" out of my own home.  But I have told him that this is MY choice.... My goal is that she will see that whether or not I'm here (physically), life is still going to be the same.  But I have a feeling that will backfire.  He already has plans to take her to the garage and help her build her shelf...and she wanted Japanese for dinner this week, so instead of having it TONIGHT, he asked me if I can move it to TOMORROW for when she comes.... (see why I call her "The Princess?")  So I'm sure she will get (to some degree) the "royal treatment" (excuse the pun).  So why excuse myself from the house?  SO I DON'T HAVE TO PUT UP WITH HER!  Frankly, I have a feeling if I were here, I'd be sick from disgust. :-/ 

So what does this have to do with my weight loss journey?

This is the stress that I can't get away from.  I know this stress is working completely against my weight loss.  Not only does it trigger those "gotta have something sweet" cravings, but it sends my cortisol levels through the roof!  (Why am I letting her affect me so much??)I'm already planning to bring a Yoga DVD with me to work tomorrow so that I can do it after work.  But we're on a pretty tight budget, so it's not like I can go out and do my nails, or go out to dinner....Maybe $5 footlong Subway, though? :0)

Treadmill: 50 min, 428 calories

Ok...I know I went over my calories for the day.  But let me tell you, we had a GRUBBIN' dinner!  I made a Spinach/Mushroom Lasagne from my Runner's World Magazine.  Oh, YUM!  But what put me over wasn't the Lasagne (which was pretty healthy), but the Red Lobster Cheddar Biscuits that I made with it.  Oops....  Worth the extra workout?  YOU BETCHA!  Gotta still live.
Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories Consumed: 1761 (oops)

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