Saturday, February 25, 2012


MY GARMIN CAME TODAY! *happy dance*

I had to go home at lunch today to get some papers (it's been the mother of all stress days), and there it was waiting on the front porch!  Oh, happy day! :)

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories Consumed: 1548 (2 under!)  Oops - I just remembered that I forgot to add a salad that I had at dinner...urg.  Oh well, it's "healthy calories over" (I guess)  I had too much bread (for me) today.  Not only is it pretty high is calories, but I've learned that this body that I have LOVES white carbs, but does not do well with them. Urg. So whole-wheat when I can, and small, small portions when it's white flour (like the garlic bread from dinner).  But oh, how I love 'em!

Walk/Jog around the local elementary: 2.25 miles, 35 min, 335 calories

I had truly forgotten how GOOD it feels to "work off" some stress.  I've really been pondering things in my mind about this "2nd job."  I just don't feel God's peace with it, and I feel the stress of it slowly creeping on me...and I haven't even accepted the job! 

On one hand, my family is in a financial pinch.  My husband and I are working hard to lower (cancel) out our debt, and I have always made a "decent" wage as a teacher, but not as a private teacher, and I know that to help out, I need to get something that will provide some additional income.

I don't want it taking away any more family time than I already (don't) have!  I think God really spoke to me last night through my husband.  We were laying in bed having one of those "into the night" conversations.  (It was very sweet - reminded me of when we were dating.)  We'd jump from subject to subject, but we did do a lot of focusing on "the past." (i.e. the ex/the divorce)  What stood out to me (and I think God placed on my heart) is that Dan said "she (the ex) was always at work or at school.  It was like she was bored at home."  From my own personal experience, I know that when divorce is on the horizon - or if you're in a not-so-good relationship with someone at home, you avoid going home like the plague!  I see that the ex really didn't want to come home (and probably not because she was bored), and that truly affected not only Dan (personally), but their relationship.  But I want to make sure that it doesn't happen to ME/US! 
I'm a hard worker, but through the years, I have learned that money truly doesn't buy happiness (neither do skinny jeans, lol) and you have to not only have a balance, but a balance based on priorities.  God first, my husband & our marriage second, family close behind that, and THEN work.  God will provide something that works within that; I just need to keep faithfully looking.

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