Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 52 - Mid week hump

Yes, it's Wednesday, but feels more like Tuesday, so that's a good thing.  But I've got the mid-week blahs.  It's blowing wind like CRAZY outside (which reminds me of Saturday in Tri-Cities), and I'm NOT a fan of wind!  So no workout for me this morning.  I'm kinda hoping that my Garmin will magically come today (since it didn't yesterday) and I'll have a GREAT excuse to "try it out!"

Today I want to keep up my past 2-day trend of not eating so much, and if I DO feel hungry, trying to "fill" that hunger with water.  I know that usually when you first feel those hunger pangs that it's typically not FOOD you're "hungry" for, but actually a THIRST.  So I'm going to keep with that.

I'm also looking for a small, motivational "poster" to put in front of my treadmill.  Something that I can focus on when I just want to give up and be DONE.... hmmm...

Last night I was also looking online for races.  Most areas have SOME sort of St. Patty's 5k/10k race.  And lo' and behold there IS one!  So I'm going to print that out and sign up for it today!  Now the question is...5k?  Or 10K?  Hmmm...

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1,372

I think I know why people don't have breakfast...I'm experiencing (what I think) is the same thing.  I've been "pushing off" breakfast until semi-mid-morning (9-10am).  I think my body still thinks it's "fasting" from the night, and so I don't feel "hungry."  But I find that by a bit later (around 11) I'm not really HUNGRY still, but I am looking for "snacks."  (And not the good kind, either.)  So I need to find a balance.

I'm glad that my calories are low, because I have just not been sleeping well.  Between stress (primarily at work) and the winds howling at night, I'm not sleeping my best, therefore, not exercising in the a.m.  This has GOT to stop!

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