Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 41 - this weather matches my mood

It's Saturday.  *sigh* Usually that's the wonderful feeling of sleeping in, and a bit more relaxing than most days.  But instead I woke up bright and early with both ears throbbing on the inside.  I've been feeling a head cold coming on, but when it hits my ears, I'm a gonner.  My ears are so sensitive after years and years of ear infections as a kid.  So I put some homeopathic ear drops in them and hope for the best...I really hope it's just a cold, and I don't have to go in.  We're still "new" to this area, and I don't have a doctor or anything like that established here.  (Don't we always leave those things until the last minute?? Urg.) 

On a more positive note, the scale IS moving in the right direction, although frankly, I don't know WHY or HOW!  I'm down now to 193.8.  It's not a lot from last week, and the only thing I can think of is that I'm truly more consistant.  HA - CONSISTANTLY UP AND DOWN! lol.... No, seriously, I know that I've had some high days calorically, but OVERALL, my exercise and eating habits are becoming more consistant.  I'm also noticing that I'm trying to make "the BETTER choice."  For example, we were at Panda Express last night, and instead of rice and chow mein, I got the mixed veggies (which were actually pretty good!).  And for my entrees, I got one "not so good" (the honey walnut shrimp...I just LOVE shrimp!!!) and the brocolli beef.  NOT ONLY THAT, but I only ate the veggies, 1/2 of the entrees and left the REST for my son (who was at a basketball game for band last night). YAY!  I stopped when I was full - and TRUST ME - I could have (and would normally have) kept going.

Or even last week when we went to Arby's for lunch - instead of the melty, velveta-ish cheese concoction they have, I chose a Market Fresh sandwich.  Ok, GRANTED - I didn't pick the salad.  I looked over, and there were 3 ladies (on a work lunch break?) and all 3 of them had really healthy salads.  But not only did the salads looky icky, I'm just really not a salad-salad type of person.  I'd rather make my own at home.  But I made a BETTER choice.  It's certainly a step in the right direction.


Well, I headed downstairs for my treadmill.  It's seen quite a few miles, a couple 1/2 marathons and training on it...I really would like to get a new one... But for $75 on Craigslist 2 1/2 years ago and an $80 new belt she's seen me through some miles!  But once we get a lot of debt paid off, I'd really like to get a new one.

ANYWAY....(sorry for the tangent)....Once I got on the ol' 'mill, I was feeling pretty good.  Instead of speed drills today, I wanted to focus on my 4 minute segments of jogging.  I usually fast-walk for awhile, then jog for 4 min. at about 4.1/4.2  I'm not a speedy jogger.  However, there were segments today where I either jogged for 6 minutes straight (one time for 8 min!) or had it pumped up to 4.3/4.4 during the 4 minutes.  On top of all that, endurance-wise, I went for 75 minutes today!  (The extra 15 min. noted below was a bit of strength training afterwards as well as cool-down stretching.)  I feel really good about that.  I think I need to find some races in my area to keep me towards a goal because I'm "training" right now for nothing.  Just doing health-focused "training," I guess.  And that's ok too.  I don't want to train for any long endurance races...not just yet.  Not only do I really have to watch my eating differently (and eat for running calories, not eat for losing weight...which is NOT the same thing), but training for a half marathon can be all consuming.  Not quite ready for that least NOT YET.  I want to get a good portion of weight off - taking 180+ lbs over 13.1 miles at one time is NOT fun for my body.  Yes, an accomplishment, but I don't want to KILL my body. 

Treadmill: 90 min, 754 CALORIES! OH YEAH! :D

I was so pumped to see that I made my weekly fitness goal (of burning 2,100 calories/week)!  With my "off" days and being in a funk all week, I just really wasn't sure I'd pull it off, and was willing to work that much harder this next week to make it up.

Nutrition-wise, I keep forgetting my Shakeology!  Urg!  I don't know what my deal is (really)!  Maybe I just need to start having it for breakfast, that way I don't forget it during the day.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1366  That's even with tortilla chips and salsa for snack! YUM! ;-)

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