Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 48 - Saturday of President's Day weekend

Well, I'm currently out of town, and I only have internet off and on.  (Right now I'm on my aunt's laptop she thankfully let me borrow!)

We were going to wake up and climb/hike up Badger Mountain here in Tri-Cities (which I've never done, but WANT to do!) and really couldn't because the wind is HORRIBLE today!  It's been blowing all night (last night), and all day today.  I'm actually really bummed!  I was really hoping that the climb could really help mix up my workouts! Bummer.  So no workout today...

I did go to Runner's Soul today.  It's the local runner's store that I've been horribly missing in Lewiston (there's nothing like that there).  You can buy running "stuff" around Lewiston, but not a "runner's store." *sigh* I really missed it, and got to meet up with the owner again - great guy - and talk shoes.  I'm thinking that my sore hip is a hint of needing new foot ware.

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