Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 58 - regretting yesterday

I got up first thing this morning, and around 4:45 I just couldn't "sleep in."  I guess that's a good problem to have, right? Because that means that I made my 5:00am "appointment' with my workout.

Well, it was good that I was on the treadmill, because if it wasn't electronic, I don't know if my legs would have moved!  At first I thought I was tired, but then I remember that I didn't have much to eat yesterday - only about 1,100 calories, and although I'm trying to lose weight, that's not enough for a workout the next day. 

I should have ate something before I worked out - but we have NOTHING in the house.  Tomorrow is payday, and thank goodness!  I need some "quick grabs": apples, bananas, clementines, etc.  There was even a point this morning on the treadmill that I had to hold on to the bars for a second - I felt a little woosey!  So right afterwards, I ate a piece of toast.  I don't like that feeling at all. 

I'm not one of those who will do "whatever it takes" to lose weight.  My goal: to be healthy and have a healthy lifestyle. Period.  Not eating enough is NOT a healthy lifestyle.  In order to use energy to burn calories, the body must have fuel - and GOOD fuel.  PREMIUM, baby! ;-)

Treadmill (mostly walking): 1 hr, 607 calories

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550 calories
Calories consumed: 1535 (whew!)

Yesterday, I knew I was almost at my wit's end with nutrition.  It was a HIGH STRESS DAY!  Start off with the fact that we heard my hubby's ex had her baby (NO - NOT HIS!) but yet, since she kept her married name after the divorce, this new baby has my husband's last name - and it was broadcasted in the local paper for all to see yesterday.  (Apparently, the ex and baby-daddy - as we call him - are on the "outs.")  So that ticked off my hubby more than you know, and affected me too.  (I got calls all day: "I didn't know you were pregnant" or "did your SIL have a baby - are you a new auntie?")

Then, at the beginning of the school day - 5 min before we started - my boss got an emergency phone call about a relative they needed to take off the ventalator.  (SO SAD!)  So for the most part of the day, I had 18 students.  THAT isn't the hard part - the hard part is that they were all ages Kindergarten - 5th grade. OI!  Talk about STRESS! 

And then I come home - the fun NEVER ENDS at home!  All the TV screens are on, and the family is ZONED OUT on them.  (I'm sorry - I have a big issue with TOO MUCH SCREENS!  TV, video games, etc.  It's especially bad when the step kids are here - they don't want to do other things other than zone-out in front of the TV.)  Anyway, I should have followed my first instinct and went for a run.  Nope.  I actually had a great conversation with my step son about a variety of things, and that's totally worth not going for a run.  He needs an adult outlet right now, and I see our relationship flourishing.  But with my own son, things got a bit out of hand.  He was protective about his phone, and so that lead me to feel the need to look through it (he is a minor, by the way) and he got beligerent, and it got heated between him, me and my husband (who will not stand for my son's disrespect).  I went to bed early....and in the middle of the night woke up with a raging ear ache.  lovely.....

But when I stress, I want to snack and eat on ANYTHING!  Knowin that my boss will be out for the rest of the week, I probably need to take gum to school.  Wish me luck and keep me in prayer! :D

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 57 - short and to the point

Not much to blog about today.  Typical Monday - didn't want to go to work, didn't want to wake up...

No work out - I think Monday's my unofficial "off day," but my nutrition was good to help balance it all out.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1080 calories

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 56

I have to son suggested this morning that I go for a run outside instead of on the treadmill.  Last I check the weather (a few min prior) it was 35 degrees with snow on the forecast.  Outside, however, it was slightly sunny, slight breeze and LOOKING warmer than 35... so I put on an extra layer and went!

It was a good run!  For some people, running outside is a challenge if you're used to the treadmill.  Well, the WEATHER is my "challenge," because I actually do a LOT better (pace-wise) on the road!  I did a sub-12 min mile, and my other two miles weren't shabby either!  Whereas if you look on my treadmill stats, I'm usually doing a 14/15 min mile.  I'm just thinking my treadmill sucks! lol.  Probably old and not very accurate anymore, but it's all I got!

Anyway, the minute I got inside, it started snowing! Ha! How funny is that!  It snowed off and on all day, never really sticking, but I thought the irony was just funny.

With daylight savings around the corner, I'm sure that I'll be heading outside a lot more for my runs, and that's a good thing!

Run outside: 44 min, 460 calories, 5k + cool down (walk)

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1442

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 55 - looking to the future...

I just realized (duh) that Day 60 is really coming upon me QUICKLY!  And I'm not so sure I'm looking forward to it.


I'm a slow loser.  (ha ha - get it? Sore loser - slow, my son reminds me that I'm not so funny....)

Actually, all puns aside, I AM a slow loser.  And there's positive and negative to that. 

The "bad news" about it is obvious: I don't get to see results quickly, which is frustrating, etc.  We are a species (speaking primarily women) who want it, and want it YESTERDAY (!) thank you, very much!  But honestly, I know that it's not the best way for weight loss results.

...The slow turtle wins the race...

The "good news" is that I cognitively know that although this weight just appeared one sad day, it didn't actually happen that way.  (I just had the REALIZATION on one, sad day!)  It crept on just a slowly as it's creeping off.  Slower weight loss not only typically STAYS off, but it shows that you're building good, life-long habits along the way; not just a quick fix.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1458

Treadmill: 1:13 min,  712 calories.

Let me tell you, it's SOOO good to have my Garmin back!  And yes, I was doing 15 min/miles (which is even slow by my standard), but I was on an INCLINE!  My heart rate was a-goin'!  And there's no better way to make sure I got the burned calories other than a HRM.  I would highly recommend one to anyone, and you don't have to get the super-expensive ones, either.


MY GARMIN CAME TODAY! *happy dance*

I had to go home at lunch today to get some papers (it's been the mother of all stress days), and there it was waiting on the front porch!  Oh, happy day! :)

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories Consumed: 1548 (2 under!)  Oops - I just remembered that I forgot to add a salad that I had at dinner...urg.  Oh well, it's "healthy calories over" (I guess)  I had too much bread (for me) today.  Not only is it pretty high is calories, but I've learned that this body that I have LOVES white carbs, but does not do well with them. Urg. So whole-wheat when I can, and small, small portions when it's white flour (like the garlic bread from dinner).  But oh, how I love 'em!

Walk/Jog around the local elementary: 2.25 miles, 35 min, 335 calories

I had truly forgotten how GOOD it feels to "work off" some stress.  I've really been pondering things in my mind about this "2nd job."  I just don't feel God's peace with it, and I feel the stress of it slowly creeping on me...and I haven't even accepted the job! 

On one hand, my family is in a financial pinch.  My husband and I are working hard to lower (cancel) out our debt, and I have always made a "decent" wage as a teacher, but not as a private teacher, and I know that to help out, I need to get something that will provide some additional income.

I don't want it taking away any more family time than I already (don't) have!  I think God really spoke to me last night through my husband.  We were laying in bed having one of those "into the night" conversations.  (It was very sweet - reminded me of when we were dating.)  We'd jump from subject to subject, but we did do a lot of focusing on "the past." (i.e. the ex/the divorce)  What stood out to me (and I think God placed on my heart) is that Dan said "she (the ex) was always at work or at school.  It was like she was bored at home."  From my own personal experience, I know that when divorce is on the horizon - or if you're in a not-so-good relationship with someone at home, you avoid going home like the plague!  I see that the ex really didn't want to come home (and probably not because she was bored), and that truly affected not only Dan (personally), but their relationship.  But I want to make sure that it doesn't happen to ME/US! 
I'm a hard worker, but through the years, I have learned that money truly doesn't buy happiness (neither do skinny jeans, lol) and you have to not only have a balance, but a balance based on priorities.  God first, my husband & our marriage second, family close behind that, and THEN work.  God will provide something that works within that; I just need to keep faithfully looking.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 53 - Weekend fast approaching

Well, I haven't been sleeping very well lately, and that's taking a toll on my workouts (or lack thereof).

My nutrition has been spot-on, having my Shakeology, etc.  All's well in that area, which is a good thing since I highly doubt I will meet my calorie burn goal of 2100 this week. 

Also with that good news, the scale IS going in the right direction! Hip, hip, hoorah! I don't normall weigh mid-week, but my period was last week, so I stepped on the scale.... DOWN 1.4 lbs! Yay!  And the other part is my engagement ring is swirling around & around my finger, so I know that I'll have to get it resized in the future.  I guess that's a good problem to have!

Anyway, my stress has to do with work. 

I work for a private school that will be closing at the end of the school year.  Being that I work for a PRIVATE school (vs. public), I knew I would have to get a "summer job" this summer, and would actually like a few hours now to help pad our budget.  My hubby works Thurs - Sunday (13 hrs each day), so I would like to find hours when HE is working, not necessarily during the week.

Well....our school is attached to a daycare (used to be owned by my boss).  And she's looking for someone to "take over." (Meaning, she only wants to be "THE OWNER.")  And is possibly looking at me to do so.  There's someone currently in that spot that just is not getting the job done the way the owner wants it done.  I'm just unsure about taking it.

If I take it now, it IS added income, and a few extra hours Mon-Friday  (I would be doing a lot of work from my classroom until the school year is done.), and I would have my weekends free.

But at this point, we're in a budget crunch, so although I will have less time with hubby and more stress on my shoulders (all the more reason to work out, right?) I'm sure I'll be assuming that additional responsibility and paycheck.  I only hope it's worth it.

Nutrional information:
Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed:  1048

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 52 Dinner

My wonderful hubby knows that I LOVE Sushi, and we both have an itch to learn how to do more things in the kitchen.  So last night we (and by that, I really mean HE with ME watching! lol) did a lot of experimentation.  For his first try at doing a Sushi roll, he did AWESOME!  We learned a lot - especially what to do/not to do next time.

And yes, I DID help.... I cut up some veggies and made a FAB (and healthy!) Egg Drop Soup.  In fact, I TRIPPLED the soup batch, and my poor hubby only had 1 serving left to take to work for left overs today!  Oh well, it was a winner for sure! :-)

My sushi roll - with salmon and a TON of veggies. 
You can see that my hubby added a little "flare." lol - He's so creative!
And yes, that's even a bamboo placemat (background) and my
OWN Sushi plate he got for me.

This is my step-daughter's Sushi roll.  Of course the Princess could NOT be left out! (sigh)
But she didn't like the raw fish, so her roll was purely veggies, rice and nori (seaweed). 
The rest of the family got a little something like this.
A sushi-variation (no nori/seaweed) with sticky rice, seared beef and veggies.
Overall, it was a great night.  And although the Princess HAD to have her OWN sushi roll (which her dad gladly made for her), we realized that although she kept RAVING about it, she really didn't like it. (Private, evil snicker went through my head.)  We got the impression that she was a little jealous because Dan was not really creative in the kitchen prior to getting married to me.  (Frankly, me either - this is something we've discovered together as a couple.  *insert sappy sigh here* lol) 

And not to be left out, she wanted to be part of the sushi roll idea.  She ended up having 3 bowls of soup (!) and yet took over half of her sushi roll home to her mom's.  Actually, selfishly, I'm glad she doesn't like it.  My kids don't like it either, and frankly, my hubby doesn't like seaweed.  So it's ALL MINE! BAH-HA-HA! 

Ok, evilness aside, they (the whole family, including the kids!) all do continue to enjoy our "Asian dinners."  We do a mix of Japanese, Chinese and Thai recipes, but the kids all really seem to like (most of) the stuff we make.  It's certainly broadening their palates, and MUCH healthier for them too!

Day 52 - Mid week hump

Yes, it's Wednesday, but feels more like Tuesday, so that's a good thing.  But I've got the mid-week blahs.  It's blowing wind like CRAZY outside (which reminds me of Saturday in Tri-Cities), and I'm NOT a fan of wind!  So no workout for me this morning.  I'm kinda hoping that my Garmin will magically come today (since it didn't yesterday) and I'll have a GREAT excuse to "try it out!"

Today I want to keep up my past 2-day trend of not eating so much, and if I DO feel hungry, trying to "fill" that hunger with water.  I know that usually when you first feel those hunger pangs that it's typically not FOOD you're "hungry" for, but actually a THIRST.  So I'm going to keep with that.

I'm also looking for a small, motivational "poster" to put in front of my treadmill.  Something that I can focus on when I just want to give up and be DONE.... hmmm...

Last night I was also looking online for races.  Most areas have SOME sort of St. Patty's 5k/10k race.  And lo' and behold there IS one!  So I'm going to print that out and sign up for it today!  Now the question is...5k?  Or 10K?  Hmmm...

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1,372

I think I know why people don't have breakfast...I'm experiencing (what I think) is the same thing.  I've been "pushing off" breakfast until semi-mid-morning (9-10am).  I think my body still thinks it's "fasting" from the night, and so I don't feel "hungry."  But I find that by a bit later (around 11) I'm not really HUNGRY still, but I am looking for "snacks."  (And not the good kind, either.)  So I need to find a balance.

I'm glad that my calories are low, because I have just not been sleeping well.  Between stress (primarily at work) and the winds howling at night, I'm not sleeping my best, therefore, not exercising in the a.m.  This has GOT to stop!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 51 - back from Presidents' Day Weekend and back on the wagon!

Actually, this sounds odd, but although I did "ok" this weekend away from home and schedule, it feels SO good to be back home and in "normal routine!"  I am a person of comfort, and comfort for me = schedule!

So, this morning I made my family cinnamon rolls.  I am SO HAPPY (ELATED!) to report that I wasn't even TEMPTED!  Yes, they looked good, and YES, they SMELLED FAB!  But I didn't even fathom having it for breakfast!  Instead, I had my Shakeology (which reminded me to call Beachbody and change my order to the new Tropical before my auto-ship was sent)!

Cinnamon rolls for breakfast...not MY breakfast!
And yes, it was hard to get out of bed this morning...per normal.  Hubby's nice and warm in bed, but I had a GREAT treadmill run on Sunday, and I wanted to see if I could keep the streak going.  I didn't have as much time as I did on Sunday, but I had a good run!  My endurance is lasting longer, and I can tell the difference in my training.  I may not have a lot of physical changes going on right now, but I'm noticing in other HEALTH areas - and frankly, in my book that counts too!

Treadmill: 30 min, 2.1 miles SP estimate: 27 calories

I can't wait for my replacement Garmin to get here!  Should be any day now....
HOWEVER - I realized that in my head - Garmin or not: it's STILL A WORKOUT!  Whether I'm stuck using SP's estimate or my real Garmin read-out.  I'm STILL working out, I'm STILL getting the job done, and I'm STILL putting out the effort! YES!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550 calories
Calories consumed: 1289  I just made it in my goal range!

I wasn't really hungry again this morning and through the day.  I made sure to eat, though (not like yesterday morning), but a bit here and there.  By evening, I still wasn't hungry, and it was my step-daughter's night to make dinner.  She was excited about making Fajitas, but I'm not a big fan.  Still, as a parent, I had some.  I wonder if there was MSG in the Fajita mix because I was BLOATED afterwards!  Oh my GOSH! It HURT!  Something didn't agree with me!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Days 49 (Sun) and 50 (Mon - Pres' Day)

Sunday (Day 49):

Sunday I was still in TC visiting family, feeling very homesick for my hubby!

I didn't calorie track, but I had a GREAT workout on my dad's treadmill!  I did a 5k and then some.  (Program 5k on the treadmill.)  I was running 8 -10 min. at a time!  Not too fast, but I can totally tell that my endurance is doing AWESOME!!  I'm getting back to the level that I was at when I was actually training for my half marathon.  I'm really itching to race now... Gotta look for some local races, I think!  Spring is usually the time when they start popping up! :-D

As for my nutrition on Sunday, no tracking, but I know I still did really well.  I had a 6 in long Subway for lunch, and kept hydrated.

Monday (Day 50):

For the most part, I didn't eat most of the day.  I don't really know why; I just wasn't very hungry!  I woke up kinda late (wahoo - 8am! - lol) and had wonderful spice tea - I think it was pretty filling!  And then my hubby wanted to make me something special (it was a secret!) for lunch.  We went shopping for ingredients, and had a good time all morning and part of the afternoon.  It wasn't until about 3pm, when he finally made a smoked sturgeon appetizer on baguette bread.  It was very good, and I'm so impressed with his surprise!

While he made that, I made the Greek dessert baklava.  If you've never had it, splurge ONE TIME!  It's very rich, very sweet, and very good!  I couldn't even finish my whole piece!  But I made a whole pan for my family of sweet-toothed teens (and hubby too - who happened to finish his slice AND the rest of mine)!

The 9x13 pan...after the family got to it! ;-)
Side view - see all the phyllo dough? And nuts?

It IS truly yummy!
Then in the later part of the evening, it was my step son's turn to make his weekly dinner (I wasn't really hungry at all)!  And that started a good evening with the family watching "The Help."  Getting 100% back on track tomorrow!  Easier to do with a "normal" schedule!

Day 48 - Saturday of President's Day weekend

Well, I'm currently out of town, and I only have internet off and on.  (Right now I'm on my aunt's laptop she thankfully let me borrow!)

We were going to wake up and climb/hike up Badger Mountain here in Tri-Cities (which I've never done, but WANT to do!) and really couldn't because the wind is HORRIBLE today!  It's been blowing all night (last night), and all day today.  I'm actually really bummed!  I was really hoping that the climb could really help mix up my workouts! Bummer.  So no workout today...

I did go to Runner's Soul today.  It's the local runner's store that I've been horribly missing in Lewiston (there's nothing like that there).  You can buy running "stuff" around Lewiston, but not a "runner's store." *sigh* I really missed it, and got to meet up with the owner again - great guy - and talk shoes.  I'm thinking that my sore hip is a hint of needing new foot ware.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 47 - FRIDAY! :)

Ok, I just have to laugh...

Today I had GRAND plans - starting with SLEEPING IN! HA! Nope - got up "late" at 6:15am.  Sheesh, can't get a break?  But that's good, because I've been up for a bit over 2 hours at this point, and I've already got quite a bit done in that 2 hours.  I've already called Garmin to send back my watch (*cue: sad music*), wrapped up and ready to ship at the post office, got a few applications ready to take back, and my devos done for the morning and my blog from yesterday finished and posted. WHEW!

Next on my list is a good, decent-sized workout to start off my "weekend" right!  I have a whole list of things that I need to do, and a few "wants" on my list.  For having a day off, it's probably going to be a busy day.

On a "female" note, I've seen signs of mother nature starting up today. (ick)  I should have known: the craving for chips yesterday (although I picked the "good" sweet potato/organic ones), and really wanting a SODA again.  But I wasn't supposed to start until Monday.  I guess that's ok, though.  If I am (indeed) starting, I should be almost wrapped up by Monday, and ready to do something with the family.  I'm not one of those who just SIT when they have their period, but I do lack in some motivation because I just feel BLAH.  However, I have to say, that I haven't had the cramping (yet) - 2nd month in a row!  (However, I'm expecting some probably tonight.  That's just the norm.)  So I think the regular physical activity, better eating and lack of soda is really helping.  No bust-bloat/tenderness, and I'm thrilled about that!  However, I WILL be scale-shy for the next week until the bloating disappears.  Hopefully next week will show good numbers after Mother Natures LEAVES!  I'm thinking it will.

Treadmill - 60 min, SP estimate: 397 cals burned.

...lunch time...

Well, other than a long phone call with my aunt on the phone and my treadmill workout, I haven't done much else...urg!  Kids will be home in 2 - 3 hours and I've gotta get moving!

I'm contemplating going to the Tri-Cities (where I'm from - 2 1/2 hrs away) for the next two days.  Why not?  Well, I know I won't get the workouts that I NEED, and eating healthy at my dad's is "questionable."  But the itch to get away is there, especially after talking to my aunt (who also lives in TC). hm...  Wonder what my hubby would say?

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories Consumed: ???


Well, after talking to the kids and hubby, we have decided to head off to Tri-Cities and visit family.  It will be a short visit, but I might be MIA for a couple of days considering how much internet access I may/may not have...

Wish us luck! ;-)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 46...Heading into the weekend with a positive outlook! (Or trying to!)

Today is only Thursday, but it's my "FRIDAY!" (whoop, whoop!) 

I will say, one of the FEW perks about working in a privately owned school is that although we go with the local schools' calendars (for the most part), we can also create our own.  Because this weekend is a typical 3-day weekend for most (President's Day on Monday), our calendar has us of on Friday as well.  And now that my daughter is going to the public school instead of private school, that means I have the WHOLE DAY TO MYSELF!!!  (What the heck am I going to do?!?!)

Well, I know for sure that I'm going to have myself a great jumpstart workout to my weekend!  Since hubby has Monday off (normal schedule for him), I don't anticipate me wanting to get out of bed early to do a workout! lol  I may sneak one in later, but we don't have many days "off" together, so we tend to spend as much quality time together on those days that we can.

And per the parenting plan, we have his kids this Monday as well (schnitzel!), so we'll probably do something together as a family...usually involving a movie?? (i.e. popcorn...urg...)  So I need to make sure that I get my groove on this weekend FOR SURE!

But anyway...back to my POSTIVE OUTLOOK for the weekend....

I am pretty pumped about tomorrow.  I was thinking of trying to hook up with my SIL who lives a bit away, and I enjoy her company, but I don't get a lot of "me" time.  I might try to sew up a quilt (that I want to make for a fundraiser for our school), or "try" out a local gym.  (I'm not really looking to spend the money on a gym membership, but I hear that if you tell them you'd like to check it out, they usually give you a 1-2 day pass free???  Might check that out...)

I don't know!  The possibilities are ENDLESS! :-)

Treadmill AM: 40 min., SP estimate: 275 calories burned

(P.S. I'm still not happy about the SP estimate.  When you have a HRM, you just never vision going back to anything else.  I KNOW I'm a slow jogger...I KNOW that.  But it doesn't take into account my intervals of speed that I do, or the incline, etc.  Sad, sad....  I guess I'm just going to have to do THAT MUCH MORE to make sure I make my weekly 2100 calorie burn goal.)

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories Consumed: 1165
**Disclaimer: I actually did not TRY to go under, but it happened that way.  I had a GREAT dinner, but got filled on this great Spinach salad with Red Onion, Pear & Pomegranate!  So although I had dished up a full bowl of Clam Chowder soup (light, Progresso, thank you!) I ended up having my hubby finish over 1/2 of the bowl!  I was full! :)  That's a good thing, though!

I'm so super impressed with Deb and Tina-Marie.  How can they continually get UNDER their calories?  (I know that getting under goal consistantly is not necessarily good - your body needs to be FED.)  But I'm a snacker by nature, and although I enjoy having dinner with my family, I would also much rather have a snack tray (ie. meats, cheeses & crackers) as well!  But I know that the 3 meal/2 snack model is supposed to be pretty good.  But my snacks (I've noticed) are mini-meals.  But then again, I hear that 5 mini-meals a day are good too!  Where am I messing up?!?! LOL.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 45 - Bouncing back

I noticed that as I increased my water intake for the day, that the mid-afternoon cravings that I normally experience just weren't there today! :)  YAY!

But so far, that's really the only "hurrah!" thing.  My Garmin HRM is flip-flop.  One minute it seems to be working, the other minute.... not.  I really hate working out and not getting a CORRECT calorie burn reading, so I am avoiding working out.  Isn't that silly??  Working out is still working out - whether or not I have a watch or whatever!  Am I using this as an excuse?  Maybe...  I DO really like number crunching, so calories in vs. calories out is really my "thing."  So it's frustrating. 

I plan on sending off my "baby" back to Garmin tomorrow.  Just got paid today, so after I cash my check I can go and do that.  *sigh*

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1596 lol...I was UNDER by 7 measly calories until my husband put a tiny bit of wine under my nose and said "try this." 

lol.... It was Saki Rice Wine.  Not a lot of calories, and we had just a couple of sips, but of course, I HAD to count it! (Darn, that guilt!!!)  It was pretty good....would like to have it with Sushi sometime, but not my favorite wine to have.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 44 - Valentine's Day confession....

Ok, this blog is going to make me sound like a single person (which I am happily NOT)!  But I truly hate Valentines' Day. WHY?  Here are a few reasons:

First (and foremost), I'm one of those sappy people who think that you should show your loved ones 365 days a year that you love them.  Disclaimer:  I am NOT one of those sappy, lovey-dovey people/parents/spouse!  But if you don't show the people you love them on MOST days, what if today is their last day on earth?  Would they know how much they mean to you?

Second - today is my exhusband's bday.  Yep.  Up until last year, I didn't have a Vday simply because it was his birthday.  I know how much it's gotta suck having your bday on a holiday, and to share it.  My bday is AROUND Thanksgiving, so I think I get the general idea.  But with my ex, there was no sharing - it was just simply HIS BDAY. End of story.  *sigh, the romance....or not*

So that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Although, as far as hubbys go, I've got a good one.  It's mid-afternoon as I write this, and he's already come and take me to lunch at one of my favorite Thai places (since we can't go out tonight...I refuse to leave The Princess in my home without parental supervision), and brought me tulips.  Yes, tulips.  My favorite flower.  He even mentioned that he tried to find PURPLE tulips, but couldn't.  (Yes, purple my favorite color.)


Anyway, I pretty much tracked my food until the Vday party here at school started, and frankly, gave up.  Yes, I had a few sweets, but not over-load.  At least I didn't feel pukey sick later.  And no workouts.  Gave my body a break, and honestly, didn't feel like testing the Garmin and finding it didn't work....sad, sad....

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 43 - I almost had a melt down...

I almost had a meltdown - truly.

In the middle of my last workout yesterday, my Garmin HRM/watch blanked out!!!  Ok, ok...tried to calm myself down... Maybe it just needs a software update, etc.  I can NOT afford to get a new Garmin right now!  This one I bought for myself while I was training for my first 1/2 marathon as a "prize" to myself for reaching some goals.  So it's more than just a $250 watch... it's MY WATCH! 

Long story short, it wouldn't budge all night...screen still blank. 

So, this morning, I called Garmin Support (who are GREAT!) and they couldn't even help me!  So I hung up with the guy, and I was about ready to put the "exchange" on my credit card (you send in yours, they send the same exact model - but refurbished - back to you), when I just felt a nudge "no."  So I quickly backed out - told the guy I needed to talk to my hubby.  Went along my business and back to my computer to post my blog and guess what???

I could cry tears, I'm so happy!  It's funny how the simplest things make my day!

However, since I didn't have the use of my Garmin for this morning's run on the treadmill (which made me very grouchy, by the way), I'm using SparkPeople's caloric burn estimate (which I think is low and doesn't take into account that I'm a bigger person).

Treadmill with Vibrams: 36 min, SP caloric estimate: 241 calories (My treadmill says 382 calories, which I know is "off" too - it's too high.)

Treadmill in the PM: 30 min, SP caloric estimate: 207 calories

In the evening, the Princess was just really ticking me off, and instead of lashing out (like I really wanted to), I decided to go run it off.  Although it was really only 2/15 min. miles (which is frankly slow - even for my standards), I'm NOT a PM exerciser, so that wasn't bad, because I don't tend to exercise well at night.  Plus, I burned off a bit of aggervation.  ON TOP of the Princess acting (normal) up, my Garmin was still acting up. :-(  So I had to revert to SP caloric estimation.  Urg... hopefully tomorrow is a better, less stress day!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1632 urg!  What put me over? The avocado at dinner (too much of a good thing?) and the rice cracker mix at snack.  NUTS!  And I thought I was doing so well!  urg...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 42 -

It's Sunday, and contrary to popular belief that I should sleep in, my body doesn't agree with me.  IN FACT - we go to the 11:15 am church service so that we can have a relatively low-key, low-stress morning! (Which we never have Monday - Friday!)  But apparently from 6:45 - 7:05 when my body had it's eyes open, staring at the ceiling, it was clearly time to get up.  Lucky me.

However, all is not upsetting, I was able to get my blog done from the night before and posted (day 41), and think about the day ahead, as well as the week before me.  And set myself up for SUCCESS!

First (today): I always have a mental "to do" list going - ESPECIALLY on the weekends!  So much that I want to cram into that little bit of time!  I need to work on my little mini-scrapbook that I'm giving my hubby for Valentine's day (more on that holiday later), and make cookies for him for the following week.  I also need to (groan) start our taxes.  Not too excited about that one....

Next (this week):  The Princess is gracing us with her presence Mon - Wed, as normal (per the parenting plan).  Apparently, this 1-day a week crap didn't pan out like the ex thought it would (shock, surprise) and so our (hubby & my) opinion is to basically just tell her to buck up and deal with it!  This is our life - as is.  We're not dancing around you (or anyone else).  We will HELP you get used to this situation, but we are not going to make special accomodations for you so that you can turn around and continue your bratty ways.  The end.

But that also means that her day to cook dinner (each one of our kids has a night during the week) is Tuesday. V-day.  Glorious!  Ironically, the dish she wants to make is one that my hubby made for me on our very first date! (insert "AW!"  I just hope she doesn't poison me/us.  Originally, we were going to go out with every other couple in the L-C valley, but I refuse to leave the Princess here in our house without an adult.  Nope, sorry, not happening.  We'll just have to make V-day plans another day, which is ok with me.

Turbo Jam with 2 lb weights - 20 min, 119 calories
Turbo Sculpt (too slow for me...didn't care for it) - 10 min, 75 cal
Treadmill - 48 min, 455 calories

total cals burned: 649 calories

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1557 NUTS! Over by 7 calories!!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 41 - this weather matches my mood

It's Saturday.  *sigh* Usually that's the wonderful feeling of sleeping in, and a bit more relaxing than most days.  But instead I woke up bright and early with both ears throbbing on the inside.  I've been feeling a head cold coming on, but when it hits my ears, I'm a gonner.  My ears are so sensitive after years and years of ear infections as a kid.  So I put some homeopathic ear drops in them and hope for the best...I really hope it's just a cold, and I don't have to go in.  We're still "new" to this area, and I don't have a doctor or anything like that established here.  (Don't we always leave those things until the last minute?? Urg.) 

On a more positive note, the scale IS moving in the right direction, although frankly, I don't know WHY or HOW!  I'm down now to 193.8.  It's not a lot from last week, and the only thing I can think of is that I'm truly more consistant.  HA - CONSISTANTLY UP AND DOWN! lol.... No, seriously, I know that I've had some high days calorically, but OVERALL, my exercise and eating habits are becoming more consistant.  I'm also noticing that I'm trying to make "the BETTER choice."  For example, we were at Panda Express last night, and instead of rice and chow mein, I got the mixed veggies (which were actually pretty good!).  And for my entrees, I got one "not so good" (the honey walnut shrimp...I just LOVE shrimp!!!) and the brocolli beef.  NOT ONLY THAT, but I only ate the veggies, 1/2 of the entrees and left the REST for my son (who was at a basketball game for band last night). YAY!  I stopped when I was full - and TRUST ME - I could have (and would normally have) kept going.

Or even last week when we went to Arby's for lunch - instead of the melty, velveta-ish cheese concoction they have, I chose a Market Fresh sandwich.  Ok, GRANTED - I didn't pick the salad.  I looked over, and there were 3 ladies (on a work lunch break?) and all 3 of them had really healthy salads.  But not only did the salads looky icky, I'm just really not a salad-salad type of person.  I'd rather make my own at home.  But I made a BETTER choice.  It's certainly a step in the right direction.


Well, I headed downstairs for my treadmill.  It's seen quite a few miles, a couple 1/2 marathons and training on it...I really would like to get a new one... But for $75 on Craigslist 2 1/2 years ago and an $80 new belt she's seen me through some miles!  But once we get a lot of debt paid off, I'd really like to get a new one.

ANYWAY....(sorry for the tangent)....Once I got on the ol' 'mill, I was feeling pretty good.  Instead of speed drills today, I wanted to focus on my 4 minute segments of jogging.  I usually fast-walk for awhile, then jog for 4 min. at about 4.1/4.2  I'm not a speedy jogger.  However, there were segments today where I either jogged for 6 minutes straight (one time for 8 min!) or had it pumped up to 4.3/4.4 during the 4 minutes.  On top of all that, endurance-wise, I went for 75 minutes today!  (The extra 15 min. noted below was a bit of strength training afterwards as well as cool-down stretching.)  I feel really good about that.  I think I need to find some races in my area to keep me towards a goal because I'm "training" right now for nothing.  Just doing health-focused "training," I guess.  And that's ok too.  I don't want to train for any long endurance races...not just yet.  Not only do I really have to watch my eating differently (and eat for running calories, not eat for losing weight...which is NOT the same thing), but training for a half marathon can be all consuming.  Not quite ready for that least NOT YET.  I want to get a good portion of weight off - taking 180+ lbs over 13.1 miles at one time is NOT fun for my body.  Yes, an accomplishment, but I don't want to KILL my body. 

Treadmill: 90 min, 754 CALORIES! OH YEAH! :D

I was so pumped to see that I made my weekly fitness goal (of burning 2,100 calories/week)!  With my "off" days and being in a funk all week, I just really wasn't sure I'd pull it off, and was willing to work that much harder this next week to make it up.

Nutrition-wise, I keep forgetting my Shakeology!  Urg!  I don't know what my deal is (really)!  Maybe I just need to start having it for breakfast, that way I don't forget it during the day.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1366  That's even with tortilla chips and salsa for snack! YUM! ;-)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 40 - TGIF


I woke up to my alarm, and went right back to bed.  Yep, I made a conscious decision to go back to bed.  I know to meet my weekly goal, I really need to burn over 800 calories.  Between today and tomorrow, that's a good 400 calories a day.  I usually hit 350 on a GOOD week day, and 400 is doable for a weekend.  WHY did I sleep in?  Frankly, it's an "eh" day.  The weather is crappy, I didn't sleep well and my gut's up & down (probably from Arby's lunch yesterday...why do I go out? Oh yeah - to eat with hubby).  So I have to at least walk at recesses today - rain or shine.  Oh joy.

Frankly, I just don't wanna. 

I'm in a funk.  Exercise-wise, that's not like me.  I try to make exercise fun because I know if it's "fun," I look forward to doing it, and I WILL do it.  I've got a million DVDs from Jillian Michaels, to Bob Harper, Tony, Turbo Jam, etc., etc.  I have a treadmill and free hand weights and a step.  It's not about the lack of variety.  It's me.  Oi.


Ok.  Still in a funk.  Check out what I've eaten today, this should just make your head shake, and frankly, your body shudder:

No breakfast (not usually like me), unless you count hot tea.

AM Snack - most of my Chocolate Shakeology (with almond milk)

Had 2 Charelston Chews and BBQ Stackers (like Pringles) chips. ...and a soda...  :-(  Broke my no-soda streak.  However, I didn't even finish 1/2 of the Coke Zero.  It didn't taste like I imagined, which is good, right?  Actually, it's SO sad....

No PM snack.  (probably for the best...)
Sadly (and ironically) I still have enough calories left for a small dinner.  Just doesn't seem right (or possible).  But my hubby isn't feeling too great tonight, so I'm thinking that maybe a little soup is on the menu for tonight, which should be just fine.

As for exercise, I DID walk at last recess - I was running errands at lunch recess, but after I go home from work tonight, I plan to get my booty moving.  I gotta do SOMETHING...I'm hoping that will not only help me feel better, but get my head straightened out.


Well, I got home and had to deal with a situation with my son, so there went my workout!  By the time I finished with him, hubby was due to be home.  And hubby wasn't doing so well - he's been fighting a stress headache all day. :-(  He's one of those introverts to internalizes everything.   So my evening was spent trying to help him relax.  I took him to Panda Express (which he said he had wanted to try, but never had eaten there), had him take a warm shower, and gave him a nice back massage with oil.  He was snoring before I turned out the lights.  Poor guy!

Anyway, at Panda Express I knew I didn't have a lot of calories left, and I am proud of myself because I didn't just think "Oh well, I didn't make (calorie) goal today, so who cares?!?" and eat all tempura crap!  Nope!  I had mixed veggies and brocolli beef and I DID have some honey walnut shrimp - but NOT a lot!  YAY me!  Yes, I did go over my calorie count, but I feel that I ended the day with a victory as opposed to how my mid-day was earlier. 

Recess: 19 min, only 119 calories.  Urg.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Consumed: 1,779 urg.

All I can say is that I'm human.  This is a JOURNEY.  I'm going to have ups and downs.  I've been fighting my "food battle" all my life, frankly, allowing my feelings to torment me, and choose what goes in my mouth.  I'm working hard to control it, and through the grace of God one day it will be easier.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 39



Ok.  Let's just say it was an off day all the way around.  I hit my caloric limit by lunchtime...oops. A BIG OOPS!  So tomorrow is a new day...

Day 38...whew!

Well, my hubby asked me to come home like "normal" instead of avoiding the Princess for hours upon hours.  And since I choose to honor him over his ex wife and daughter's requests (and even my own feelings for wanting to avoid the Princess), I came home.  It was a good thing too, because the ex thought she was going into labor, and so the kids ended up staying the night!

Overall, it went well.  The Princess was still her snarky self, but dealing with her for only 1 day vs. 3 is better!

However, I didn't want to eat most of the day, and so my calories were significantly lower than normal.  I even ate a left over biscuit from the night before to get another 150 cals in!

Treadmill - 43 min, 338 cals

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1129

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 37 - avoiding drama...

Well, it's only Tuesday, but my mind is already focused on tomorrow (ONE DAY AT A TIME)!  "The Princess" (as I've privately dubbed my step-daughter) will be making her presence tomorrow.  I don't truly understand the thought behind her mother's maddness.... The Princess wants MORE time with her dad, yet, she gets to come LESS during the week???  Honestly, her mom said The Princess is "on the verge of blowing up" and she's afraid that depending on what happens, I may call the cops on her (i.e. physical harm towards anyone in my house).  YOU BETCHA!  I'm sorry, I'm a tough-love parent, and I would MUCH rather call the cops on a 13 year old, learn the lesson early than to have her blow up at age 23 at work because she never learned how to control her actions, etc. I'm really trying not to dwell on it, but I have to figure out what I'm going to be doing for the 4 hours that I'm off of work, but she's in my home.  My husband does not like the idea that I'm being "chased" out of my own home.  But I have told him that this is MY choice.... My goal is that she will see that whether or not I'm here (physically), life is still going to be the same.  But I have a feeling that will backfire.  He already has plans to take her to the garage and help her build her shelf...and she wanted Japanese for dinner this week, so instead of having it TONIGHT, he asked me if I can move it to TOMORROW for when she comes.... (see why I call her "The Princess?")  So I'm sure she will get (to some degree) the "royal treatment" (excuse the pun).  So why excuse myself from the house?  SO I DON'T HAVE TO PUT UP WITH HER!  Frankly, I have a feeling if I were here, I'd be sick from disgust. :-/ 

So what does this have to do with my weight loss journey?

This is the stress that I can't get away from.  I know this stress is working completely against my weight loss.  Not only does it trigger those "gotta have something sweet" cravings, but it sends my cortisol levels through the roof!  (Why am I letting her affect me so much??)I'm already planning to bring a Yoga DVD with me to work tomorrow so that I can do it after work.  But we're on a pretty tight budget, so it's not like I can go out and do my nails, or go out to dinner....Maybe $5 footlong Subway, though? :0)

Treadmill: 50 min, 428 calories

Ok...I know I went over my calories for the day.  But let me tell you, we had a GRUBBIN' dinner!  I made a Spinach/Mushroom Lasagne from my Runner's World Magazine.  Oh, YUM!  But what put me over wasn't the Lasagne (which was pretty healthy), but the Red Lobster Cheddar Biscuits that I made with it.  Oops....  Worth the extra workout?  YOU BETCHA!  Gotta still live.
Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories Consumed: 1761 (oops)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 36 - Still recovering!

This morning my gut is still rolling from the lesson that I learned at the Super Bowl party yesterday afternoon.  Yuck.  I think Ginger and Peppermint teas are going to be my best friends today!


As the day went on, I started feeling a bit better.  Lunch was still pretty "eh", but soup helped, and I was able to walk around at recess to burn a few calories.  My husband is working Mon-Wed this week (for inventory), so it's really odd to not be doing lunch with him, but caloric-wise, it's VERY helpful!  Not only that, but I'm able to walk not only at last recess (which I do "duty" for), but lunch recess as well (20-30 min depending on when I finish my own lunch)!  But I DO miss him... :-(

Recess walking: 38 min (total), 242 calories

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550 calories
Calories consumed: 1,317  YAY!

Monday, February 6, 2012


Ok, now I TOTALLY understand why Deb felt crappy after she had a simple Costco sausage after she'd been going Vegan for awhile!  Because I felt like that last night, and a bit this morning!

Yesterday was good intentions gone awry!  On my way to the party, I got myself some sparkling water (still no pop for 2012! YAY!), tortilla chips, salsa & veggies.  When I got there, I had a sample of most things: tiny weenies, chili/cream cheese dip, olives, chips & salsa, meatballs and taquitos.  Oi.  Where are the Tums?  Just listing it makes my gut roll again!

I took a lot of Tums yesterday, didn't sleep well last night, and I'm doing "ok" this morning (day 36).  I'm sipping on Ginger Tea, had toast for breakfast, and trying to remind my stomach what "normal" is supposed to be like!

What did I learn?

Oh my gosh, I don't want to ever feel like that again!  That is truly a wake-up call for my lifestyle!  Those foods are just NO GOOD for the body!  YUCK!  And honestly, they didn't even taste that great going down.  Isn't that a bummer?

I'm also still in the stage of my journey where although I arm myself with good "tools" (ie the veggies, salsa), I'm still no stranger to succumbing to temptation.  I truly hate that.  I know I'm not strong enough, and I need to pray through it.  Although if I were honest, I DIDN'T want to pray through it, I COULD have said "no" to those things, I know that.  But with another lesson under my belt, I have yet another tool to help me in the future part of my journey.

Although I will say, I didn't have anything the rest of the night (how could I?), so I'm hoping those calories didn't put me over the edge too much.  I'm not even going to try and track it!

Treadmill:  41 min, 347 calories

Day 30 "results"

Ok, I have to really admit that this is where I give up...IN THE PAST, that is....

I'm looking at the pictures that I took last month vs. the pictures that I took this month, and frankly, I don't see any change.  In fact, if I SCRUTENIZE myself (and who doesn't?) I actually see myself looking WORSE (in the face-forward shot)! 

This is where the enemy tells me that all my aching muscles and good eating habits are for not.  That no matter WHAT I do, or what my good intentions are, I won't accomplish this goal.  And it's so VERY hard not to buy into it again.

"Before" - Jan 2012

Day 30 - Feb. 2012 on the "side shots," I do notice that I'm a bit trimmer.  YES! I see SOMETHING that is an improvement!  

"Before" side - Jan 2012

Day 30 side - Feb 2012

However, I wish I could say that the "proof" was in the pictures.  NOT YET.  I know that cognitively, this should be my motivator - to work harder, try harder.  REALLY?  Exercise-wise, I'm truly giving it what I've got!

Ok, so I'm a numbers girl.  I like them - I can't crunch them, calculate them, etc.  So here they are:

Day 1 numbers are in black, Day 30 numbers are in PURPLE.
Difference +/- is in RED.
Today's numbers:

Weight (in lbs):  198.4   194.2  - 4.2
BMI:  34.1 OBESE   33.3 OBESE    - 0.7
Body Fat %:  42  40.8   -1.2%

Measurements (in inches):

13.5  13.75  +0.25
Bust: 41.5 (with sports bra on) 41.75  +.25
Waist:  38  36.5   - 1.5
Hips:  46  45.5  - 0.5
Left Arm: 14.5  14.0  - 0.5                  
Right Arm:  14.5  14.5   SAME
Left Thigh: 27   26.75   - 1.0                 
Right Thigh:  27.5   27    - 0.5
Left Calf: 16.5     16.75    +0.25             
Right Calf:  17   17.0   SAME

Overall, I'm much more happy with the numbers than I was on Day 20 when I did a "sneak peak" at them.  I'm truly glad to see my waist and hips go down (and that configures what I see in the side picture above).  I'm disappointed that my chest measurements are going up and down.  Some women really don't want to lose in the bust area I DO!  (Don't ask my husband, he doesn't have to haul "the girls" around!) 

And I'm not surprised to see my calf muscles stay the same/get bigger.  I've always had big, strong, muscular calves.  I don't like it; it's not very feminine.  But they're mine, and I like that they're strong, and getting stronger.  Not a lot of fat on those!  My thighs are another story.  They too are big and strong, but there's PLENTY that can be dropped from those!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 34 - day before Super Bowl Sunday...

Ok, first of all, I LOVE sports, espeically football.  But one of the ways that we've really been able to hone our budget down is to cut out all the cable/satelite).   (Oh my gosh, it's REALLY expensive!)  Not only because we really didn't want the kids (or my hubby) glued to the TV all the time, but also for the expense.  But let me say...I really DO miss my Sunday football games! :D

So being that tomorrow is Super Bowl, I've been invited to a variety of parties.  We're going to one that's pretty family friendly, which is important to me.  However, this is a family that is super-skinny, and I KNOW they don't work out - it's just in their genetics.  But they eat like no tomorrow. 

So my pre-plan for today is to get two workouts in, because I know I can't do it tomorrow, and to bring a healthy go-to snack to the party.  I am NOT going to beat myself up for indulging a bit tomorrow.  I will keep my water bottle with me, and keep my calorie counts down today and as much as I can before the party.  How do you track all that nibbling??


I am tired.

I know that a lot of my tiredness is from the drama of the week, and possibly anticipating it to come again starting Monday. (The drama is USUALLY involving my step daughter.  They visit Monday - Wednesday.)  I know that the stress is killing my weight loss.  I know ALL ABOUT how stress heightenes cortisol, and how that makes you not only wan to eat...which has been so-so...tired, weary, and trigger other things in the body.

But I can't get away from the stress.  It - the stress, or should I say "she", the STRESSOR -  is not only here Mon - Wed, but the calls from the ex (about my step daughter) and the drama still lasts the rest of the week whether or not she is here.  Yes, it's WORSE when she is actually HERE.  But it resonnates through the rest of our week, and our lives.  Although she is not my child, I do care for her.  I choose to love her, and therefore, I hate to see her go through this misery that she (frankly) creates for herself. 

The bottom line: she "hates" me.  SURPRISE!  Wicked stepmother senario!  However, even her own mother ("the ex") admits to all that it's nothing I've said, done, etc.  This drama and anger is all out her own selfishness.

Actually, she doesn't understand that a lot of the changes that her dad's household has gone through is not only because I'm here, but there are many other changes that have gone on as well - she went from homeschooling to public school.  Her mom moved her to Boise and then back again within 2 months, and now they're back, and mom is due any time now with a new sibling with an ex boyfriend (my fault???? I THINK NOT!).  And top it all off, she IS 13 - a teenager with raging hormones.  But, I am the oh-so-easy target.

On my "fault," I am the "new woman" who (in her eyes) has taken her spot (she's the family-proclaimed "daddy's girl").  Not only did I show up on scene, but I brought my daughter, who is younger.  But we live with her dad 24/7, she does not.  That's what I "did wrong."  Sorry, not going to change!  The other 3 kids (my 2, and his other son) have all taken the good with the "bad" and adapted to the sitation at hand, and the relationships that are forming. Period. 

So what can I do to help combat the stress?  I've been drinking chamomile tea at night for soothing & relaxation, and trying to get as much sleep as possible. I probably need to incorporate some Yoga,but that takes time away from my husband (which is precious little) and my family.  I need help/suggestions!

Turbo Jam Cardio Mix 1 - 38 min, 342 Calories
Lifting free weights - 24 min, 113 calories

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550 calories
Calories consumed: 1297 (YES!)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 33

Today I'm still dealing with a lot of the stress from last night's step-daughter drama.  (Long story.)  But I'm finding that exercise is a really great outlet.  So although I have already been on the treadmill ONCE today (this morning), I'm bound and determined to get on it AGAIN this afternoon.

Treadmill (AM): 50 min, 435 calories
Treadmill (PM): 43 min, 390 calories (mostly walking)

Today I had to run to the store to go get eggs for cooking for my kids, and so I was running through Albertsons, and the "food demons" were calling my name: down the bakery section, the chips aisle, etc., etc.  I got out of there with one portion of "healthy" chips (like Pirates Booty) and a latte from Starbucks that I've been sipping on ALL DAY. Unfortunately, it may put me over on my calorie count, but I AM getting an extra work out, and I'm not much of a coffee drinker, so I may not finish it all anyway.

I was just finishing up on the treadmill, earbuds still in my ears, sweat dripping down me, and stretching, when I turned around and saw my husband standing here ("admiring the view" as he said) and scared the living crap right out of me!  Despite the nasty sweatyness, the bad workout BO, and everything, I got a wonderful kiss!  Despite how awkward I felt because of how I look in my workout clothes with my hair pulled back, no make up, etc., etc., it was GREAT to realize that he's noticing SOMETHING! :-D

Especially with all the drama at home (with his daughter), I really needed the assurance that I wasn't just the glorified cook/maid/laudry maiden in the house.  I got it!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories Consumed: 1490

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 32


Well, I know I need to get my 30 day stats and pics up here.  I will probably do that this afternoon.  This morning already hasn't gotten off to a great start - I DID set my alarm, and I'm sure it went off (it's on my phone), but I think the volume was too low....didn't hear it.  So I woke up a few minutes shy of 6:00 (my "sleep in" time) and let's just say I'm grateful that I'm not officially "LATE!"  But of course, no workout this morning.  **grrr**

So, lesson that I learned from yesterday was to be intentional with my eating, therefore to not go over.  I'm organized: type-A person, leader, teacher, mother/step mom of 4, so I have to be organized out of necessity!  But I'm not SO organized that I pre-plan my eating.  I wish I could, but it's frankly leftovers for lunch (not today! last night's dinner was TOO caloric!) or whatever is in the fridge.  Today's lesson is having a PLAN B!

Too many times (especially lately), I've not been able to get in my morning workout.  Typically it's an alarm thing, but I can't let this continue!  So my plan B is usually walk at recess, and even plan C HAS to be to at least walk on the treadmill after work.  I don't like doing this because I want to spend time with my hubby.  At least today I have almost an hour buffer of time when I get home vs. the time that he gets home from work.


Well, I'm glad I walked at school.  It wasn't for more than 35 min, but I had to stay after school, and then drama hit at home, so no work out at home. :(

Walking at school (with lunges)! 35 min, 240 cals (not a lot, but better than nothing!)

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Consumed: 1148

I don't know whether to be happy or upset about that lack of calories.  It will certainly help me wiht the days I over consumed, but I basically didn't have snack or dinner because of the family drama.  Kills my stomach each time something new comes up.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 31

Wow, talk about if you're not intentional, what can happen!

Because of the crappy week I've been having with work drama (add a little home drama in there too to round it out...), my hubby wanted to take me to lunch at a Thai place that has Sushi.  He knows that I love Sushi, and I usually don't get to have it a lot because he doesn't like the Nori (seaweed wrap) and the kids are hit-and-miss.  WOW - "spent" quite a few calories there!  And we had already planned to have breakfast dinner, but he wanted to make bfast burritos with the Spanish rice my son had left over from Spanish class (they had a fiesta)...and oh my.... high in protein, but high in calories as well! OUCH!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Consumed: 1,719


That just goes to show that I truly have to keep a game-plan in mind.  I know there are people who have posted "I have eaten ALL DAY LONG and I still need to eat 1,000 more calories!!!" (Ok, slight exaggeration on the number...)  And I've had a day or two of that.  But not usually.  I think it's because I don't eat a lot of veggies.  WHY?  It's not that I'm veggie-phobic. I like them.  I don't prefer them! (True confession)  I love fruit, and I have no problem having fruit for "dessert" or any other time.  So I think I just really need to hit more veggies.  Not just for snacks, but overall.  I was doing pretty good with my "one salad a day" goal for awhile, but I just pittered out on it - got bored.  And my last excuse (and yes, I know it's just an "excuse") is that produce is expensive (overall), but especially since they're not in season.  And I COMPLETELY prefer fresh to canned, and frozen is ok.

It was raining here all day, so I didn't get any extra recess walks (which I was actually looking forward to)!

Not a "stellar" workout by any means.  Frankly, didn't want to do it, so I walked most of the time. :-(
Treadmill with BL: 40 min, 340 calories

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 30

The drama continues... But so does life.

No workouts except a walk at recess.  Really didn't get my HR up like I wanted it too. :-(  Pretty disappointed.  However, my calories were in range. YAY!

Walk at recess: 14 min, only 54 calories.  At least I was moving and not behind a desk!

Goal: 1,200-1,550
Consumed: 1,505