Thursday, August 16, 2012

PCOS - Day 2??

Yesterday was quite frustrating, and obviously didn't go as planned. I got a call from the doctor's office saying that my blood work from Tuesday was inconclusive for PCOS. So today I'm up bright & early so that I can go take a glucose test. Technically labeled as "Insulin Resistance Panel."

When I called to schedule, I asked quite a few questions because when I was pregnant & had to drink those nasty things, I passed with flying colors. Which is odd considering I was the size of a house for both pregnancies & had "DIABETIC" written all over me.... But yet, I wasn't. So I didn't want to waste the lab & my time over a test I knew wouldn't help. Well, apparently, this is slightly different. I will have fasted for 14 hours (you know how when you have to fast & you aren't hungry, but knowing you can't have food MAKES YOU FEEL hungry....yeah....). They'll take my blood right when I get there, & then after I chug they'll take it every 1/2 hr. Not only to see how I handle the glucose, but also what happens insulin-wise within my body (insulin being the PCOS factor). The lab tech assured me this was different.

So when Dan woke up today at 4am, of course my eyes popped open too (even though my alarm was set for 5:15).  Too much on my mind right now between Jig's Schoolhouse Rock and my medical stuff.  At least we're done with the older kids' registrations, and now need to get through the rest of the week.  Tomorrow (Friday) I have an internal & external sonogram - to make sure it's NOT my gallbladder and to see if I have any cysts on my ovaries.

However, there is some "better" news...I learned a bit more in my research yesterday. That PCOS suffers don't necessarily eat like a diabetic - more of a low glycemic type of diet.  So I'm trying to learn more about that (think: South Beach Diet).

Well, that's the update now. Hopefully, there will be more news tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome - Day 1

Today is my first day living the PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) lifestyle.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine (hormonal) disorder. 

I tried to find a good definition for it, but it's all over the board.  Some women just have symptoms, but no cysts on their ovaries, and some women have cysts with no other symptoms.  But it's ALL over the internet with a TON of information. 

DISCLAIMER:  At this point, I am not TECHNICALLY diagnosed with PCOS.

Yesterday I went into a new GP Doctor for issues that I thought might have to be with my gallbladder.  However, being a new doc, he was very good asking me questions about EVERYTHING - all aspects of my life, my family history, etc.  Here are the indicators that he (we) believe I have that point to PCOS:

- my mother had a history of ovarian cysts
- my father (and other family members) have diabetes related to weight
- we believe that I have a cyst near my right ovary (which marked the pain in my side, making us think "gallbladder")
- I have fought with my weight ALL my life.  Even though my usual "diet" is healthy, full of fruits, veggies, low-fat, etc.  I drink non-fat milk, I eat low-fat foods, try to get them low-sugar when I can without using stuff like aspartame and other artificial "sugars."  I DO drink pop, but have really cut down over the years and I drink a ton of water a day.
- I exercise 2-5 times a week (usually depending on work schedule & kids' schedule)
- I have a few "stubborn hairs" on my face that I have to pluck, wax, whatever (thought that was normal...and it is for women of MENOPAUSE! I'm in my 30's.....)
- no matter how "good" I am with my diet and exercise, I have never been able to lose a significant amount of weight.  Except....
- the ONE time I lost a decent amount of weight was when I was on the Atkins (i.e. protein, low-carb) diet.  I did it as a "diet," not a "lifestyle" and so that make sense that all the weight (plus some) would come piling back on....  But it was the ONE diet that WORKED.  But of course!

So my new doc did a bunch of blood work (currently waiting for results) and I have an internal and external sonogram scheduled for tomorrow morning before work.

How do I KNOW (or think I KNOW) I have this?  Other than the indicators above, do you know when you just KNOW?!?  That, and God put a friend in my life yesterday just at the right place, right time.  My friend K* came over to cut my son's hair.  Per usual, we were catching up with each others' lives and I told her about my dr. appointment earlier in the day.  She said: "oh yeah, I have PCOS.  I totally know what you're going through."  That was a God-moment.  I knew that God allowed K to come over THAT day, THAT time (I wasn't supposed to be there when she was cutting my son's hair and had already written a check for her).  I picked her brain, along with all the information I got online and just kept nodding my head.... "uh huh, that's me.  Uh huh....yep."  She told me about her treatments (which her doc took the hormone angle because she and her husband at the time were trying to have kids), and told me what my treatment might look be like (which corresponded to what the dr had eluded to).

So...what am I going to do differently today?  First, I'm going to make sure my carbohydrates are eaten in the morning, and try to track how many I'm consuming.  I'm not really a meat-eater...*sigh* which is one of the reasons why Atkins wasn't a lifestyle change for me.  But I CAN reduce/eliminate carbs, beef up my fruits & veggies (good carbs because they have fiber), and add more of the protein I DO enjoy - eggs, sausage, taco salads, etc.

I don't know what my diet will look like after I get put on medication to help with my "back up" of insulin, but I'm a proactive person, and feel like I need to do something NOW. be continued...

* Names removed to protect the innocent.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The long weekend is never long enough...

Wow, some great lessons learned over the last 7 days....

Last week was super crazy!  My class this year had a final "end of the year" trip planned to Triple Play - an indoor water park, arcade, mini golf, etc. to celebrate the end of the year.  Well, since our year wrapped up early, it was more like a "class reunion" rather than end of the year celebration! 

However, I gave myself "permission" to just have fun - ie have any/all junk food I wanted.  BIG MISTAKE!  Frankly, I didn't each MUCH, but what I did were bad choices (and all my old "vices"): soda, a bit of candy, fritos with chilli & cheese, etc., etc.  OH MY GOSH!  I paid for that for TWO DAYS while it all worked out of my system.  That was on Thursday, and I noticed on my run on Sunday I was STILL paying for it (sluggish, out of breath, etc.).  Won't do that again - PROMISE!

Yesterday was Memorial Day, and we hummed and hahed about what to do.  Dan really wanted to finish the other side of the garage roof (we already repaired the side that had the leak).  And I know that he really wanted to just say "IT'S DONE!" but his family really wanted him to head up past Grangeville (as per Kinnick Memorial tradition) for "day camping."  The rest of the Kinnick clan actually CAMPS, but since my dear hubby works all weekend, we only go up and "day camp" on Monday.

So we did....

It was great to get away, exhausting because of the great mountain air, sunshine and as with any family gathering, emotional overload.  (Everything from the kids acting up to being compared to the ex wife.)  But once the kids settled down, shot a few rounds (yes, I do mean bullets) and everyone roasted a few weenies, it was good.

Although I had to admit, once I got the camp fire smell showered off (I do love that smell), and layed in bed, I had a few tears flowing from my eyes.  (I've perfected the art of silent crying, as to not disturb my hubby with my emotional overload.)  The comments - although forgiven - hurt.  I wanted to shoot the gun too, but then didn't want it to be a competition (like everything else turns in to) because I'm a beginner and suck at shooting.  (I'm right handed, and want to shoot right handed with my left eye...which is WRONG.)  I'm used to being good at the things I do.  I don't mind being "bad" at shooting - I know I need to learn and practice, but I don't want the jeers of competition while I'm doing it....

And then hubby mentions taking the kids camping this summer because he knows I have to work.... THAT hurt.  More than the ex-comparison, more than anything else.  I don't want to keep my family from having a fun time, but I want to be there too.  There's no "right answer" to this solution.  And oh - by the way..... that's some thing that also happened with the ex a lot - Dan and the kids would go camping a lot without her because she (frankly) didn't like camping and was "too busy" to go.   I LIKE camping and I HAVE to work since I make a piddly income.  What to do???

Friday, May 18, 2012

Is it almost done???

Yes, yes, today is the "official' last day of our school year because it's been an INSANE year!  Going from our school building (which was sold underneath us) to my boss' house has been an incredible struggle this week.  Not only that, but each and every day my kids get more "Summeritius."  (I think this is a serious yearly disease that needs to truly be studied!!!)  Let's just say it's truly been a challenge this week...

And I think that God is truly opening a door and closing another....

This next week I'm supposed to be helping out my boss with her new "venture" with her inhome daycare.  This is because originally, our school year was supposed to go through June 5th.  However, I have found that a local school district is in frantic need of substitutes!  Although this probably means I won't get my FULL "contract" pay from my private teaching job, I will be DONE with that adventure (a relief in itself) and possibly not only earn a few $$ from subbing, but possibly get my foot in the door to that school district as well.  (Which would be a relief knowing that I have a "real" teaching job this fall.  "Plan B" for fall right now is to sub around in all the area schools - there are 4 local districts that I have to choose from.)

My first prayer is that God shows me His will.  I know first hand the frustration of having a "plan" and thinking..."Is this not happening because of something I'm doing?  Or is it just not HIS WILL?"  And I know that God's Will for me is certainly better for me in the end.  I might have some trials and tribulations (like this past school year), but undoubtedly, I will come out a better person because of it.

So, if you're a person of prayer, please keep me in your prayers.  I certainly don't want to overload myself again (as I'm famous for doing), but I also want to just get myself to a point where I have A (ONE, SINGULAR) job, and it's providing what we need financially for our budget.  Is that really too much to ask????

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Continuing the craziness...

Well, if last week was the crazy week from hell, this is probably the continuation of that week, just a different location.

So "technically" speaking, as of last Friday, we lost our building to our school and daycare that I work for.  We shortened up the school year to end on the 24th (end of May before Memorial weekend) and had a goal to finish it out at my boss' house.

That's my 6 students.
That's with her 7 students.
AND 7 day care kids....3 under the age of 1.

Well, as expected, Monday was complete chaos.  Not only was the new location a huge issue, but my boss has a decent sized house, but there were just TOO MANY BODIES!  So my class meets outside until lunch time.  At that point, we have no more shade out back, we've been outside for WAY too long (we're exhausted) and the heat just starts to get to us.

Fortunately, the rest of the week is supposed to be cooler.  However, we've hit a high of 94 degrees on Tuesday. :-/  No matter how much sunscreen-lubbing up we're doing, there's always SOMEONE who gets too much sun.  I, myself have quite the tan going on...not that it's my goal.  But you know that when you use sunscreen SPF 55 for your "moisturizer" first thing out of the shower, you know you're going to get touched by the sun!  (And yes, I keep re-applying.)

By noon school is "done."  Not because we're so good at staying on task, but because they're spent.  After lunch we do a bit of "reading buddies" with the younger ones and then by 1:00, they're DONE.  A lot of water play has been happening, and then for the most part, I'm recess duty until 3:15 when I BUST outta there.

It's crazy.

Well, we've now shortened up the "year" to end Friday - yes, thank GOD tomorrow!  And I will continue to come in next week in the mornings to help her out with the daycare kids because I still want to be paid through my contract and NEED that income.

In the meantime, what does this mean for my health?  sheesh...

I'm exhausted, so I'm going to bed early, still waking up early. No "real" exercise except on the weekends (however, I'm still "active" outside with the kids - moreso now than ever).  I'm still eating well, but by noon I'm having my Shakeology for lunch and minimal for dinner.  When I get overheated, I just can NOT eat.  Fruit or carrots are my snacks, so that's good, and drinking water and iced tea like CRAZY!

To add more "craziness" to it all, I'm working with my son's Parent Group for football, and I'm in charge of the Football program this year.  I took it on ONLY because I thought this would be a "summer project." HA!  The "summer project" is already in full swing!  Gathering advertisements, calling for bids (for printing), etc., etc.  OI!  What did I get myself into? 

Just really excited for Memorial Day weekend - the "signal" that I get my life BACK!

Until next time...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Crazy week from you-know-where

Well, I have to admit, I'm sliding off the wagon, and it's a slippery slope.

It's funny, because like with most issues, you never INTEND to slip off the wagon. 
You never INTEND to go to bad habits.
You never INTEND to undo all your hard work.

But unless you're consciously aware, you can undo it all and not only be back to square one, but starting back in the place even worse than before.

What's going on?  Stress in the worst, worst way.

- First, this week is "Luau" week.  It's SUPPOSED to be an end-of-the-year fundraiser that my private school puts on to get ready for scholarships for the next year, and supplies for the next year as well as the daycare that my boss owns.  Since our building has been bought out from under us and we're forced to be out by the end of next week, and the so-said boss is not good at business dealings, it's the "oh-crap-cover-my-bills" fundraiser.  I know my last 4 checks are coming from this fundraiser.  So whereas I don't truly support the reason why it is (to cover her debt), I have a vested interest in it's success.

Because it's crazy luau week, my boss has had all kinds of special requests for my kids to create things to sell at the silent auction at this event, and I have a BIG problem with the fact that these projects take presidence over education.  But I do what I'm told.

- Meanwhile, while the parents of the daycare kids are pulling their children, as they should.  It's sad to see some of those little faces leave.  I know that I haven't been their main "teacher" in the daycare, but they are sweet, and I will miss them.  However, some of them (seven to be precise) will be "following" us to the new location of my boss' house when school resumes in her home.  We have 9 days to finish out in her home.  Her husband will be working graveyard (meaning: we need to be quiet) with 18 students and 7 daycare kids (3 of them under the age of 1).  HOW IN GOD'S NAME IS THAT GOING TO HAPPEN?  I know that those 9 days I will be more of a "daycare person" than a "teacher."  And it really bothers me.

- Ok, remember that it's Luau week?  We have Friday off (to set up for it).  Guess what, I won tickets to go see Mark Gungor (Christian Marriage seminar person, author of "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage") in Tri-Cities!  Guess what weekend....??? Yep, Luau weekend.  So on Friday (today), I'm heading out of town instead of setting up.  Yes, I'm in "trouble" for it.  But I don't get paid to work the Luau, and I certainly don't get paid to set up for it, and my marriage is more important than the Luau.  We're still newlyweds setting the foundation of our life-long covenant, and it's more important.  HOWEVER - YES - I'm going to be able to be back to "work" the Luau.  No...I'm not winning brownie points by not setting up...

- Speaking of the Mark Gungor series, the reason why I won tickets in Tri-Cities (instead of the CLOSER Spokane seminar) is because my family is located in TC.  And whenever we can, we try to go to TC and catch up with them.  We usually try to stay with a family member as well - not only to save us on $$ for a hotel, but so we can spend the added time with family.  I tried to set it up to stay the night with my dad, and without getting into too much of the issues, I was basically told that if I come, not to involve him. 

I was accused of being a bad mom (for leaving my children for 24 hours).  NOT because they can't handle themselves (one is staying with family friends, and the other is 16).  But because I desired to attend a MARRIAGE seminar and spend 24 hrs. with my hubby SOLO - without children.  ( a marriage seminar???)  Plus, to come with us, I'd have to pull them out of school early - another household no-no.  So I'm deemed a "bad mom."  Uninvolved mom.  Same mom that went to a Varsity football meeting (for next season) and is heading up 2 key committees...yep...BAD MOM.

However I KNOW the "allegations" are NOT true, it still hurts.

This is my father of my childhood - quick to judge, even if he's the pot calling kettle black.  Time and time again, I've forgiven (even without apologies) primarily for the sake of my children, but the hurt is hard to forget.  This is a final straw.  In time, I will continue to forgive, but I will lessen contact even more to prevent the continuous verbal onslaught.  The sadness is that he continues to live in my mom's house (my mom passed away 2 1/2 yrs ago), and I know in his continued grief, he has yet to allow any other family member to have any of her things - they are all still horded away in the house.  *sigh*  But it's just stuff.

So that's my stress, and the week is yet over.  My husband and I are excited about getting away, even if it's only for 24 short hours, and spend some needed 1-on-1 time together.  Hopefully, it will all be worth the stress!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 25 & 26A - Friday & Saturday (10k)


Although I was off of work on Friday (from teaching), I had to work at the bible bookstore.  And I got myself in a pickle because I wanted to work out AND get a half a dozen things done before I went in.  Well, of course you can't have your cake & eat it too.  So I only got a bit of a treadmill run in, but that was probably best right before the 10k.

Treadmill: 41 min., 399 calories


I was a bit nervous for this 10k.  It's been a LONG time since I did an official 10k, and the most mileage I've done lately has been right around 5-ish.  (10k = 6.2 miles.) 

It was a really good run for the first half, and I felt REALLY good.  But the run map was deceiving, and we spent most of it on the Lewiston side (in the direct sun - eesh) = HOT!  I could tell that I've only been running around 5 miles, because my motor was running out of energy around mile 5, but I kept pushing on, knowing I was really near the end.  I KNOW that last mile was my longest time, but my average pace was 11:34.  That's MUCH faster than my last 10k pace of 12:08!  I've MUCH improved!

Before the race - PERFECT weather! Cool, but sunny!

As I passed by "bigger" people, I thought about how I'm SO glad that I'm not there anymore - but I USED to be! 
So I'd encourage them on - usually by saying "keep going!" "You can do it!" "One foot in front of the other!" And hopefully someday they too will continue to PR their walking times, and go from walking to jogging, and jogging to running.

And I reflected about how much I have changed over time - when I started "waddling" back in 2009.  In 3 years I have gone up and down in weight, but I'm getting STRONGER and FASTER! I've always been STRONG, but NEVER "fast."  But getting FASTER means I'm improving, and that's the point.

At the finish line - took this pic a few seconds after I actually had gone through.
MY TIME: 1:11:42

How we were getting back to Clarkston for our cars: by boat!

5K PR as well! 34:50
10K PR: 1:11:42

My post-race photo: bib, shirt, shoes & times.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 22, 23 & 24A - Tues, Wed & Thurs.

Well, I'd love to say that everything has been "normal" around our place, but that's true, yet not.  (Full of oxy-morons, aren't I?)

In the past couple days we've had a ton more drama at Job #1/#3.  The building where the school & daycare are located has been sold out from underneath us.  Like with everything else, of course it's good and bad news. The good news is that my boss doesn't have to deal with the jerk who USED to own it.  (Long story.) Bad news is it was sold to another daycare in the area, and they want to make it their new school - age facility..... BEFORE summer.  Oi!  My boss is pretty good friends with the new building owner, and before they can move in and make renovations it's needs to be licenced for the new business, etc.  Our biggest concern is....can we finish school in our building?  I'm thinking NO.  So we may have to finish it up at my boss' house; which will be a bit of a squeeze.  (I have 6 students, she has 10.)  And of course there's the daycare side of it all.  The staff is panicking for their jobs, and parents are upset (where will they be taking their child?  How long do they have to find a new place?)  Lots of questions, and not a lot of answers right now.

Of course this is killing my sleep patterns.  I finally buckled down and had to take BENADRYL (of all things) to get to sleep last night (Wednesday night).  FINALLY I feel well rested!  On top of it all, we've been having a crazy summer-like heat wave, and of course the AC is not working in my classroom OR my car (making me quite cranky when you add the lack of sleep in there).  Luckily this morning I woke up to rain! YAY! I'm hoping we get more answers today.

Treadmill: 40 min, 390 calories

I still have my 10k this weekend, and I'm glad the heat wave broke because it's supposed to start at 10am - I would have died.  It's been around 78 degrees + by 10 am!  Whew!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Days 20 & 21A - Holy Hot Sunday & Monday!

Good thing I got out early on Sunday - it was a scorcher!  It went from spring to SUMMER!  Some would say that's good, but I don't do well in the heat....AT ALL. :-(

Bridge to bridge (plus some): 5.12 miles, 1 hr, 681 calories (getting a bit faster!!!)

Monday was my usual day off.  I'm not sleeping well (heat on top of my normal lack of sleeping well), and my classroom is a SAUNA!  I may not be working out, but I'm certainly SWEATING! 

The best news of the day: I won two tickets (actually FOUR) to Mark Gungor!  He's known for "Laugh your way to a better Marriage."  I won 2 tickets to this weekend in Spokane, and then I realized that there's NO way I could go (I've got that 10k, working at the bible bookstore, and Dan has a lot of people off at his work right now).  So I quickly put in for the other contest location - in Tri-Cities and WON BOTH!  I gave this weekend's tickets to my friend Sally, and next weekend hubby & I were both able to get off.  We're going to see Mark Gungor! :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 19A - Saturday

Today I was just MOM.  I slept in a bit, and then headed out to my daughter's last soccer game. :-(  They got wallopped, but she had a good time, and is so sad to see the season end.  I'm sad to see it end because I only got to see 1 game (because of work).  Next year...1 job only, baby!

My baby girl playing what she loves! :)
I got to take her to their team's party, and then I had to go to work.  :-(  It was fun being "just mom" while it lasted....

Next weekend I have Saturday off - I have a 10k (6.2 miles) that I'm running in the morning, and so I got the whole day off.  I'm excited.  My paycheck will suck pond water, but having a day off will be even better.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Night 18A - Friday night

In the deep introspection of losing Jobs #1 & 3, I totally forgot to report about the Twilight 5k that I ran last night!

Ok, first of all, remember that I had such a crappy, crappy day yesterday.  Not just because of what happened ON the job, but because of the whole day in general.  I got home after I got off all 3 jobs, and my kids are being turds...urg!  So I was actually pretty excited that I was going to go on a run.

I don't normally run in the evenings - at all!  I'm tired from working, and although it SOUNDS like a good release, it also keeps me up late because of the adrenaline rush.  When I work out, I'm getting ready for my day, so in the evening if I do anything, it's only Yoga or walking to keep my HR where it should be.

So I asked my husband if he wanted me to stay - he just got home as I was trying to head out the door.  (He had a crappy day too, and it was going to be worse this weekend - 4 of his support people were off this weekend, and that means he'll be 5 people. Not good...)  I thought he might want me to stay and be the supportive wife.  Nope - he told me that I needed the run and get outta there! ;-)

So I did.

The weather was PERFECT for the race - cloudy, breezy and great!  (But the clouds matched my mood.)  I tripped over a railroad tie, and hoped it wouldn't affect me (which it did...just a bit).  And right as the race started, my iPod craps out on me.  Great - hurting ankle, no tunes...CRAP!!!  And I just wasn't "into" it, ya know?  But I was resigned to finish, and just DO IT!

So I did.

I was pleased that everyone I had passed along the way stayed behind me.  I'm not a FAST jogger, but I have endurance - even on the crappy runs!  There was a gal that I was toggling with off and on, but by mile 2.5, I had well surpassed her.

Also within mile 2, I met up with a gal who wanted to talk.  Not my favorite thing, but friendly thing to do.  She commented on how fast I walked (when I take a short jogging break), and so we talked for 0.10 of a mile.  She was smaller than me (read: skinnier) and said she had only run on the treadmill, and talked about her goal of doing all 3.1 miles in 32 min.  I asked her "do you realize that's about a 10 -10 1/2  min mile average?  (I didn't want to burst her bubble because it was clear we wouldn't be making it.)  And she said "oh, I didn't realize!"  And I told her it's a good goal to work towards! ;-)

Finally, by mile 2.5 I was feeling pretty good.  I didn't care about my PR because of my crappy day, but I finished strong.  Finish time: 35:19

Had to laugh...I PR'd by 1 SECOND!  My hubby & I had a good laugh over that. 

However, as noted, I didn't sleep very well last night - tossing and turning.  I don't know if it's from the race, or the worries.  I need to start doing yoga at night....or SOMETHING!

My typical post-race picture:
Bib number (with time written on it),
the tshirt and shoes I ran in.

Close up - bib, date, time.  Beat my PR by ONE SECOND!
How do you like them apples? LOL

Day 18A - Friday

Oh crap.  Don't you hate it when you don't get up when you PLAN on getting up?

Yep, that was the start to my morning. Crap.

I wasn't late for my getting-ready-for-work morning, but I totally missed my workout.  And yes, I was actually LOOKING FORWARD to working out today because I have a Twilight 5k tonight, and knew that this morning would be pretty low-key because of it.  CRAP.

So right now I'm getting all my stuff ready for the day, getting my race stuff out, etc.  I'm excited and nervous for this 5k.  I've not ever run a race at night, and I'm NOT a person who works out at night.  After a LONG day, I just have NO energy.  And yes, I have all 3 jobs today!  Luckily for me, it's early release at school, Friday is typically low numbers at the day care, and although I have a lot of errands to run at lunch time, I actually HAVE a "lunch time" today.  (I'm off at 11:30 from school, and don't have to be work at the bible bookstore until 2. YAY!)  So maybe a walk in the park will be warranted!


Ok, so my crappy morning turned into a crappy day.  Dealt with daycare crap ALL DAY LONG.  An employee needing to leave to catch her dog that got out, another needing to leave to transport kids....all before the "school" part of my day even started!

And then the mother of it boss I think finally resolved the fact that she just can NOT keep going like this.  She's made too many bad business decisions in the past, and she's not going to be able to recoop from it (financially).  So I think she's UNofficially decided to close the doors the last week of school.  When she told me, I was taking it pretty well, but as my mind dwelt upon it, I started freaking out - almost panic-attack like!  I know that I had already made the decision NOT to do Job #3 this summer (working as the daycare manager), and Job #1 would be done (teaching).  However, I always felt that since I didn't put in my notice about that yet, that I could fall back on that option.  NOW I CAN'T!  AND I'M FREAKING OUT!

I always, always know that God will provide for me.  It's head knowledge for me, but not HEART knowledge.  It's like people learning about Faith - faith isn't what you see - it's about believing in what you DON'T see.  I know that this is a test for me.  I've had to rely on God's provisions this past year when I took a job that pays only 1/3 of my public school teacher salary.  I've had to trust that He would provide for my family and help us through; He most certainly has!  Times have been tough, but we've certainly been making it (with much angst, worry and strife on my part).  I know He's calling me to TRUST HIM - even more than I have had to in the past because now he's taking away my "Plan B."  I've always had a Plan B (or C) that is my no-fail plan.  Now I don't.  As of June 5th, I'm down to ONE part-time job.

And oh yes, I feel the relief at the same time I feel the worry.  I already know that my home is suffering because I don't have the time to dedicate to it, my family and all that NEEDS (and deserves) my attention.  Dinners are leftovers (more times than not), and crappy hamburger helper vs. a real dinner I've made from scratch.  My daughter is STOKED because I purposely took off tomorrow morning to see her last soccer game.  In the past I've always, ALWAYS gone to every game, and this season tomorrow will be my first and last one I go to.   :-(   My children deserve to have their mom rooting for them.  My husband deserves to have his wife at home waiting for him.  And I haven't been.  So that IS the relief I feel - I WILL be here, and it will help.

But yes, that worry, stress and angst is back - bigger than ever.

But I really looked introspectively into the situation - why is this SO devistating to me? I figured it out (I think)...

I base my worth off of what I can do...and when I can't provide, I feel like a ZERO.

I'm NOT a ZERO - I know I shouldn't feel that way, I know my husband would be so upset that I think of myself that way, but I do.  And it's not healthy.  Now I know how men feel when they can't provide financially for their families; how low they feel - and it's not pretty.  I feel like since I can't contribute, what good am I?  Oh man, that's not good!

So in the next few days I'm going to be doing a lot of PRAYING and talkin' with God. Not only for His PEACE, but His DIRECTION and for His WISDOM.  Not only about WHAT I should do, but HOW I should do it, and WHY I base my worth off of WORKS.

So is this a sign that I need to work on my BeachBody coaching?  I do think so. 

I need to have a job where I can be wife and mom over EVERYTHING - even teaching.  So Deb - watch out, here I come! 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 17A - Thursday

Oh my stinkin' gosh!  Just when I think life has smoothed out... NOPE!  Today I ran my butt off at Job #1/#2.  And just a little venting here: when your boss has asked you to cover her class a MULTITUDE of times during the week, you would think that she would cover MY class for a 1/2 hour when I'm trying to cover for 2 daycare staff who are late from a dr.'s appt, and one who had to transport kids from elementary school!  But NOOOOOO....!  I had to cover those 2 spots, my class AND hers!  (sorry for the rant...I'm done, nothing that can be done about it now.)  My husband said "I just can't wait for you to get out of there."  Hear, hear!  Can't wait for June 5th - last day of school!

And yes, I had Job #3 immediately after school, but in comparison, 2.5 hrs. at a low-key bible bookstore is NOTHING in comparison!  Granted, I wanted to BE at home (since hubby gets off at 4:00 on Thursdays), but compare that to the chaos at Job 1/ Visa would say...."priceless."

Short treadmill time: 36 min, 276 calories

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 16A - Wednesday

Just another working day...until I got home!  Spent 3 hours on the garage roof helping hubby put on the shingles for 1 side.  He's spent the last 2 days (yesterday & today) on and off with the patchy weather trying to get the old stuff off, and the new stuff on.  Well, not only was his horrible blister (and legs, and back!) barking at him, but then he had the Princess' student-led conference to attend to.  So it was up to me and the boys (my son and his son) to get as much done as we could.  I know my husband was frustrated because the boys were learning, and not doing it to the standard that he wanted...which meant slower and there were a few "re-dos."  But I remember as a kid being scared of making a mistake because my dad would just yell at me and didn't understand why I couldn't do it just like him.  (Really??)  So I tried to not continue that down our generational tree.  They did well.  Not professional, but hey - we got Matt (his son) on the ROOF!  And he's scared of HEIGHTS! Yay!

I may not have done a "workout" yesterday, but at the end of the day, I felt good about what was accomplished.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 15A - Tuesday

Well, I only woke up once last night (surprise after my 3 hr. nap yesterday afternoon)!  I was a bit panicky about being able to go back to sleep, but I did, and since I walked yesterday, I allowed this morning to be my off/sleep in morning.

Eating, it was a CRAPPY day.  I craved JUNK and gave in. :-(  By dinnertime, I was NOT feeling peachy, and by bedtime, I was READY to go to bed and start over tomorrow!  I'm totally ready to jump back on that cleanse!!!  Here's to a better tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 14A - Monday

I'm exhausted - I've been up since 2am.  I am one of those people who have serious sleep issues.  I don't have any problems GETTING to sleep, but staying asleep is a different story.  It never fails - between 2-3am I wake up...usually with stuff on my mind...and can't get back to sleep.  After our short date night last night, my hubby tried to talk me into a movie, and I just couldn't - I was tired already.  And usually I take an over-the-counter sleep med, and that REALLY helps.  But as I was laying in bed (hubby already snoring), I thought..."oops - I forgot my sleep med."  But thinking because I've been really active, I've had a lot of fresh air lately, and I was already tired, I would probably sleep through the night - no prob, right??


2am came, my eyes opened.  I tried to read, I took Melatonin (which never works, but I thought I'd try anyway), and so when about 4:50 showed up on the clock, I figured I might as well make the most of it and at least do something resembling a workout....  But I'm wiped, no energy, but at least I walked on the treadmill.  Just a bit of speed walking, nothing too over-the-top.  At least I pushed "go."

Workout (if you could call it that):
57 minutes, 445 calories


Well, the day got worse before it got better. 

I just couldn't function at work - I couldn't focus, and when I don't get enough sleep I have that "I really gotta puke, but can't" feeling in my gut.  So I went home at lunch.

Hubby apparently didn't understand that I was coming home early because I didn't feel good!  He took me out to lunch (aw) and I about fell asleep at the table.  Then he took me home (finally!) and tucked me into bed.  He layed with me for a bit until the kids started coming home.  I think spending that little extra time with him was almost as beneficial as the sleep.

I slept for 3 hours!  When I woke up I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to sleep that night, but I felt SO much better! So we ended up staying up a bit late so that I could finally sleep.  But I didn't take any chances...I made sure to take that OTC sleeping aid! :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 13A - Sunday - CLEANSE DAY 3

I just have to say that I'm FULL of it (!) today!  (It meaning energy...OF COURSE!)  I woke up feeling GREAT and got a 5+mile run in BEFORE CHURCH!  I'm feeling GREAT!   This cleanse is killing my sugar/white flour cravings, and I LOVE that!  I'm bummed that I had to put a bit of ground beef on my salad last night (instead of white meat), but it was a must for 7:30pm last night, and my cupboards were BARE.  But today is grocery shopping day, and I'm going to pick up some more chicken, fish, etc.  Now that the spring weather is staying pretty consistant (decent), I'm really craving LIGHT meals, and this Shakeology cleanse is going GREAT with that.  I just can't rave enough about it!  I think I need to do this at least once a month???  Not sure... 

Pre-Workout: E2, apple cider vinegar, Vit-C packet, metamucil and Gatorade on the run. (Anything over 3 miles I put in electrolytes.)

Breakfast: Tropical Shakeology with strawberries, 1/2 scoop of Van. Whey protein, green tea, ice & water

AM Snack:  none - was at church

Lunch: Chocolate Shakeology with 1/2 scoop of Whey Protein, water, coffee & ice.  (It was like a healthy frappacino!) lol

PM Snack:  almonds (needed a boost) and a few grapes

Dinner: well, consider the cleanse done...Hubby took me out on a short date night.  We had Chinese.  Although honestly, about 1/2 way through it, I started feeling sick!  I don't know if it was because I wasn't used to eating like THAT for the last 2 days, or what?!?!?

5.18 miles, 735 calories (booh-yah!), 68 minutes (with cool down).
P.S. coulda gone for so much more, but I had to get back home and get ready for church.  I am going to ROCK the Twilight 5k on the 20th, and so ready for the 10k on the 28th! WAHOO!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 12A - Saturday - CLEANSE DAY 2

Yesterday was really hard in the afternoon on my cleanse.  Only because Friday is cooking day for my class, and I was teaching them how to make Monkey Bread.  Which (if you're unfamiliar) is frankly just white flour, sugar, butter, cinnamon and brown sugar.  It's ewey-gooeyness and great for a breakfast treat.  Of course I chose this torture BEFORE I chose to do the cleanse, and although torturous, it was a great feeling knowing that I had all-the-more reason to decline.  It's not good for you in the first place, let alone on a cleanse.

Pre-workout:  E2 (energy/vitamin drink), Vit C, Apple cider vinegar & Metamucil

Breakfast: Tropical Shakeology with 1/2 scoop of Whey Protein Powder, Strawberries, and green tea, with water & ice

AM Snack:  none :-(  Too busy

Lunch: Greenberry Shakeology with green tea, water, and 1/2 scoop of Protein powder

Snack: (starving!) Apple and some yams - should have had my 3rd shakeology, but I was at work and had NO time!

Dinner:  Dinner was at 7:30pm (not good), and I was already starving!  When I went to the fridge to get out the cooked chicken (from last night's leftovers), I found that my KIDS ATE THEM! URG!  So I had to put on leftover ground beef.  I know that we're supposed to refrain from red meat, but with hubby heading to bed at 8pm, I either had to have a blah salad (which I couldn't - I was HUNGRY!) or go with the substitute meat.  NUTS!

The cleanse itself isn't hard!  The only "hard" part today was I was at work for most of it, and in retail when it's busy, it's BUSY and I couldn't get back to the break room to actually MAKE the shake!  I had cut up yams from the night before, so it was easy to slip a bite here and there - same with the apple.  Oh well, they are fruit/veggie, so it's good.

I don't usually weigh myself during my period - it's just a bad idea.  But I snuck one in....I still weigh 188.4!!  (ok, the weight is still high, and it hasn't moved, but during my period, I gain/lose about 5+ lbs all in about 5-7 days.  Dang water weight!)  I'm really looking forward to the next weigh in, believe it or not!

I think I'm going to try to take this through Day 4.  I have a feeling that hubby is going to try to take me out on a date night tonight after work, and since we haven't had one in WEEKS (!) - since Tim Hawkins in Tri-Cities - I can't say no. We're in BAD NEED of one.  But maybe I can convince him to wait until MONDAY

Treadmill:  1 hour, 551 calories

I'm off my calorie burn goal for the week by about 600 calories.  Ouch.  That's because my Saturday workout wasn't as long, and I didn't workout Mon - Wed.  That pre-period days really caught up with me.  I'm hoping that the lack of calories during this cleanse will help offset that.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 11A - Friday - CLEANSE DAY 1

Yep, yep...another restless night.  I was cramping pretty bad (odd for day 2 of my period), and then my back was killing me from the Turbo Jam workout last night.  (That's a good problem to have, right?)  So I popped ibuprofen a few times last night and managed to get a few winks. 

So it was pretty hard to wake up when the alarm went off...but I DID!  When I jogged, it was a SLOW jog, and I had a lot more walking spurts in there, but I got up, and I "hit play" (so to speak).

Treadmill: 47 min, 415 calories.


I don't know what just hit me today, because I've been looking at the 3 day cleanse poster that Deb posted on Facebook for about 3 days now....  And I know the group has been talking about the difference between the new Reset vs. the Cleanse.  I just can't do the Reset right now.  As much as I would really like to "reset" my insides, I just can't NOT exercise for 21 days. (Uh-oh...a HUGE teacher mistake...just used a double-negative...)  Nope, not an option.  And I understand the basis for it.  But on a Cleanse, I can, so I will! :0)

Pre-workout: E2 energy drink, Metamucil & Vit-C mix (not on cleanse - just part of my regemin)
Breakfast: Tropical Shakeology with strawberries & banana
AM Snack: apple
Lunch: Greenberry Shakeology mixed with Green tea, 1/2 scoop of protein powder and WATER!
(I had to add the protein powder - I needed the extra OOMPH!)  Or so I thought...because I never got in my third Shakeology...I was at job #2 and not only didn't have time for it, but never felt hungry.  I LOVE THIS!
Dinner:  Chicken salad with romaine and spinach leaves.  I did add some Yams - with NOTHING on them but nutmeg & cinnamon.  I figured that it was still a veggie, but no added sugar.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 10A - Happy Birthday, Princess!

First of all, Happy Birthday to my husband's daughter...whom I've nicknamed "THE PRINCESS!"  (She would HATE that I put that in pink.  Heck, she would hate to know that I even REFER to her as a Princess!)

And by the way....I'm patting myself on the back....

One of the reasons why she's the Princess in our house is because our household rules do NOT apply to her Royal Teenageness.  (Which kills me.)  One of the rules she breaks A LOT (and did so again yesterday) was that I want FULL loads of laundry done in our washer, and now we have a clothesline.  So when the weather is good - they get hung.  But not for HER!  She does not like to "mix" her clothes with others' clothing, so my husband turns a blind eye and allows her to do a medium (or whatever size) load.  I have an easy solution:  bring clothes from her mom's house to clean or take her stinkin' clothes to her MOM's!  (Yes, I don't care if she washes the clothes from her mom's house here at our home.  Just use the FULL load!!!!)  And because she doesn't like to use the clothesline, she does her laundry on crappy (weather) days, so she can have them dried in the dryer.  (She's not a dumb child.) 

So instead of bringing it up AGAIN and creating an issue AGAIN (with my husband), I let it go....

Why?  Because I need to pick and choose my battles with her, and preserve the peace I have with my husband.  We will never see 100% eye to eye on her.


On the "good news," I did wake up (although a bit later than I'd like) and got in a short workout!  Yay!

Turbo Jam Cardio: 32 min, 333 calories

Not a lot of "burn," but I'm still pretty tired.  But I hit PLAY! :-)



Well, the kids have gone back to their mom's after the Princess' bday, and I have to say, it went VERY well.  I don't know if the Princess is behaving because of her bday...(?) or is she FINALLY maturing a bit?!?!  I truly hope and pray it's on the mature side.  It's a very nice and welcome change...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Day 9A - Wednesday

Once again woke up with a sensitive stomach, and  I've been exhausted.  There's a lot of stress going on at job #1/#3.  So much that #3 (daycare managing) is totally interfering with teaching (job #1).  I had to talk with my boss yesterday about it, and told her that in no uncertain terms this can NOT continue!  She agreed - no shock, 2 of her kids are in my class! - but I'm serious!  I can't keep doing 2 jobs within the timespan it usually takes me to do one job WELL. 

So I think the stress is eating away at me, and I'm trying to soak up every sleeping minute I can.

Stress at home is fine!  The Princess is behaving well (it IS her bday on Thursday...does that have something to do with it??) and the weather has been great so we've been spending a lot of time outside planting, gardening, etc.  Hubby even put up a clothesline for this cheap-wad woman(!) and I got to put out my first load yesterday!  So life at home has been pretty good, with the exception of workouts.  At least I'm outside and MOVING, though....


Well, today was a pretty good day at work!  Although my boss is still "playing" with the employee's schedules (driving us all NUTS!), the staff is mellowing out a bit and things are just starting to "flow..."  FINALLY!  However, I'm sure it's short lived...

The sun was shining today (which was odd - we were expecting thundershowers), so I got a bit of Vitamin D and I think that helped to mellow me out too...and my period started.  (Sorry if that's TMI.)  The first day I'm usually in a daze...

So it's a blah day around here for this ol' girl.  Tomorrow is the Princess' 14th bday, and I wonder what that is going to bring.  Luckily (?) for me, I have to work at job #2 tomorrow until 6, and so I'm urging hubby to go ahead with the party without me.  It's not like she cares if I'm there anyway - she gets the presents whether I'm there or not! :)  And I've already prepped her bday cake (her choice: strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting) and my asparagus.  She's mostly excited that her daddy is grilling her steak.  (Again, her bday dinner choice.)  But since it's not one of our normal visitation days, they are only at the house for a limited time.  That's ok with me - I'll miss most of the drama, I think. (I hope!) :)  Actually, she's been pretty good this week.  Only minor snarky things here and there.  I think it's really helped that my daughter (a huge source of irritation for the Princess) has been out of the house after school playing with friends.  A win-win for all!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 8A - Tuesday

Ok...set my alarm for good intentions for working out today...middle of the night, change of plans.  I think I food poisioned myself!  (Just know how people ask what restaurant that happened do you say, "Oh no, it was all at home!  I food poinsioned myself!"  Urg - just great...)

We had leftovers for dinner last night, and it was either food poisioning or something did NOT agree with me the 2nd time around - bloated, gas, you name it!  I went to bed before hubby (he was watching a Lonesome Dove marathon), and that NEVER happens!  And I'm so sorry Biggest Loser, you may have people puking on the treadmill and LOVIN' it!  But that's NOT how this girl rolls!  (Isn't that just a whole new form of anorexia??? PUKING WHILE WORKING OUT?!?! Wow...)  So with a slightly sensitive stomach today, I slept while I could.

However, to just stir up the stomach-pot, I AM doing something semi-new today...I'm adding flaxseed to my oatmeal today!  While I was at Costco getting my eye exam, hubby texted over a list (luckily, without a cart, it was a SMALL list...well, small for Costco...) and I saw the flaxseed. I used to put flax in my smoothies and oatmeal before, and I don't know why I stopped???  So I'm going to be adding that today to get some Omega 3's and a bit more protein in that oatmeal.

I was just updating some stuff on my page.  And I found a photo that I haven't seen in a LONG time...

2008 at 213 lbs.
Oh my gosh, this is WHY I HATE having my pictures taken, but honestly why I need to.  Looking back on this I see such an unhappy person that was really struggling with herself.  This was 3-4 years ago - not only just yesterday, but also a LIFETIME ago...  Or at least it FEELS that way.  I remember those capris - they BARELY fit in this picture, but I've since then thrown them away because they slide right off.  They were size 18/20, and this was my low point - when I knew I couldn't just live this way anymore.  Nothing fit, I felt GROSS, and I HAD to take a picture because I didn't SEE myself like this.  Urg...I have to scroll my screen up because I just can't look at it anymore...

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 7A

Monday...oh, LORD it's a Monday! 

Monday is normally my "off" day for workouts, and it seems to fit - at least for me.  Whereas most people in the states are starting a new diet today, I'm giving myself rest after working my butt off all weekend - both literally and figuratively!  (Weekends are my best workout days!) :-)

As for the food choices for today, I've been doing really well.  I'm just struggling (still) with finding the time to track it all!  But breakfast has been 1/2 cup oats with a 1/2 scoop of Whey Protein and a 1/2 cup of fruit (it's been strawberries & blueberries lately).  YUM!  Today for lunch...lunch?!?!  I need to start taking my Shakeology for lunch!  I didn't get a lunch (due to job #3 sneaking in there...lucky me!), and we had leftovers for dinner tonight. So my eating is still on track.

We didn't get the kids much candy (only a hollow chocolate bunny) for Easter, so there's no Easter treat temptations in the house - yay!  Which is good, because I think the PMS cravings are starting to call my name again.  Gee, it's so great being a woman sometimes!  *sarcasm*  But I don't know about OTHER women, but right after I start my period, my cravings for CRAP food subside, and I really start craving REAL food - fruits, veggies and everything else that I wish I would crave the other 29-30 days of the month.  For the most part, I don't ever have a problem EATING those foods, but for those 2-3 days I really CRAVE them.  (sorry guys, for the female insight...) But it's like since my body is purging of all that old "stuff" for those days, I need to refuel/refill my body with PURE fuel/food & ingredients.  Even moreso than I normally do - NO artificial stuff whatsoever! Look past the cravings and look forward to those upcoming days...

Here's a shot of my family and I yesterday at Easter.  What you can't see (very well, anyway) is that I'm rocking a SIZE 12 DRESS! (I was a 16 - and a TIGHT 16 - at the beginning of the year! WAHOO! ;-)  And yes, hubby's liking the difference too...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 4A, 5A & 6A I am, back in the saddle again.  Honest. Here we go...


Treadmill - 1 hr, 36 min, 927 calories

Treadmill - 1 hr., 14 min., 629calories (before work!)

Treadmill - 49 min., 410 calories (before church!)

Honestly, I haven't been tracking my food - I am just not finding the time to get on the computer and do it!  But I know I'm making good choices - I weighed in today at 188 lbs still, but 39% body fat (down 2 percent)!  AND - for Easter Sunday I fit into a size 12 dress!  (I was pushing a size 16 dress at the beginning of the year.)  I still think it's mis-sized, but I had the size 14 at first, and had to take it back! 

AND - NO Easter candy!  The kids got 1 chocolate bunny each, and it left me with no temptations!  Yay!  Overall, a GREAT end to my spring break!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The past 3 days...

Tuesday and Wednesday (the past two days ) have been my only "spring break."

For the most part, I just had a good time with my hubby and family.  We had really nice weather on Tuesday, and so-so weather on Wednesday, so we took advantage of it!  That's why I was hardly inside - much less on the computer.

Tuesday was mainly outside.  We gardened - put in our 5 blueberry plants, planted seeds, etc.  We had fun in the partially-cloudy weather, and then ended our day at the park where hubby and I took a 2.63 leisurely stroll.  (Yes, I did end up mapping it on Sparkpeople - I wanted to know how far we went!)  But it was LEISURELY!  Hubby has taken "walks" with his ex-wife in the past, and she's left him in the dust so she can get a workout.  I'm sorry, I know that some people like to work out with their spouses, and that's GREAT!  But my husband doesn't want to workout with me, so I wanted him to understand when we take a WALK together, the purpose is to spend time together, walking, talking, etc.  So we did.  It was GREAT!

Yesterday, however, the rains returned and (oh crap), we found a hole in the roof of the garage.  Oh crap...did I say that already?  I really would like to say something stronger...

I had just made a resolve to NOT have 3 jobs this summer. I ENJOY having a day off - much less WITH my husband and family.  I can't keep killing myself, especially for money, and it's my lack of faith that God will provide.  So I'm feeling TESTED.  I need to keep the faith that we'll have the $500-$600 to fix the roof of the garage, and that I don't need to continue with 3 jobs to do it.

So at the end of the day, the SK back to their mom's house, my two kids at friends' houses, it's just my hubby and me.  He asks..."wanna go out for dinner?"  I coulda throttled him!  I told him: "AFTER we pay for the roof."  I think our lunches and dinners out - and date nights as well - are on hold until AFTER the roof is fixed.  *sigh*

However, I didn't track my food, but I know I did ok.  No snacking, 3 small meals each day...and a walk thrown in there for good measure.  Back on the saddle tomorrow!

Day 3A

As per normal Monday (even though it's spring break), it's my off workout day.  That's good - leg muscles are a bit sore from JM's workout yesterday.

Today has been a bit tense around the house.....

The SK (step kids) are at the house Mon-Wed per normal, even though it's Spring Break.  But I was seriously bummed because I had to go and be at work (Job #3) to fix lunch (cover for a staff person that was off today).  Well, I got off at 2, and headed home.  But the family had already had a great day, and then they were having lunch when I arrived.

And not only that, but because they had all worked so hard this morning on the garden (MY garden?!?!) hubby wants to reward them with root beer floats and a movie.  That not only do not get to do because of my staff meeting tonight, but don't deserve to do.  *jealousy monster*

I admit.  I was a grump.  I hate that I'm in a bad mood and have that mind set.  I hate that I am JEALOUS that they got to stay home and do yard work, and I had to go work-work.  So I bit off my husband's head about something DUMB (STUPID, STUPID ME!) and knew that I would just be a grump if I stuck around, so I headed back to work.  I probably wouldn't have, but not only was my attitude crappy, but I had work to do at the computer (didn't matter at home vs. at work computer) and I have a staff meeting later tonight anyway so I knew I would have to come back.

I just know that as of right now it's 5pm, staff meeting is at 6:30.  I'll try to make it quick (yeah, right), and then go home and eat humble pie. :-/

Today's food includes:
bfast: 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 1/2 scoop of whey protein
lunch: Shakeology - 1/2 chocolate, 1/2 tropical with Almond milk  (sorry, Deb, not a fave combo for me)

So instead of looking backwards (other than knowing I need to apologize), I will look forward.  What will tomorrow look like? What will be different?  Hopefully I will not get any phone calls from job #3, and I'll at least have 2 days of my spring break to enjoy with the family, even with the SK there as well.  I still have to work a LOT this week (job #2), but we have a coupon going, so I'm hoping that the time will just FLY on by!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 2A (Day 2 Again)

Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred: 36 minutes, 328 calories
Treadmill walk: 2.1 miles in 35 min.  40 min total (with cooldown and stretching), 366 calories

I think it's really interesting that the treadmill "walk" and JM 30DS workouts were almost the same, calorie vs. calorie.  However, I like the 30 DS because it's 3 min. of strength training, 2 min cardio and 1 min of abs all in 3 circuits.  So although it's not as INTENSE with cardio, I know (espeically as a runner) I need to amp up my core and ST workouts.  This is one way to do it.  And my upper body is SO WEAK! Oi!  Oh my gosh!  I think I need to sneak in some push ups here and there during the day! Although I WILL say that I can NOW do 3 "regular" push ups (ie not on my knees) whereas I couldn't do ANY before!  Yay me!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: ??

Still having a hard time FINDING the time to track.... Will try to do better tomorrow...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Starting Again...Numbers

Just because I'm a numbers-kind-of-girl, I want to show why I'm not starting "over," but since I'm starting "AGAIN," it's still good to take a look at ALL the numbers, not just the number on the scale (which is an all-time bummer number usually).

90 Days ago:                               Day 1 of "Starting Again":

Weight: 194.4                             Weight:  187.6
% body fat: 42%                         % of body fat: 41.4
BMI: 33.4                                    BMI: 32.2 (next goal: 29. Gets me out of the "obese" classification)

Measurements:                              Measurements:
Neck: 13.5                                  Neck: 13.5
Chest: 41.5                                 Chest: 40.75
Waist: 38                                    Waist: 37
Hips: 46                                      Hips: 45.5
Thigh (L): 27                              Thigh (L): 26
Thigh (R): 27.5                           Thigh (R): 26.75
Calf (L): 16.5                              Calf (L): 16.25
Calf (R): 17                                Calf (R): 17
Arm (L): 14.5                             Arm (L): 14.5
Arm (R): 14.5                            Arm (R): 14

In the past 90-ish days, I've lost (more than) 6.8 lbs. (The reason why I've lost "more" is because at one point in time, I was up to 198 lbs.!)  And I've lost 4.75 inches.

My endurance (primarily jogging/running) is much better!  I've been able to make "the right choice" 80 % of the time, and my portion sizes are MUCH SMALLER.  I'm thinking about what I'm eating. 

I've also had soda only ONCE this calendar year (2012), and I stay away from artificial flavors, sweetners, etc.  I drink a TON of water, and pee a TON.  (What goes in, must come out after all!)

90 days ago (January 2012):                                                                                       Today - April 2012:

90 days ago (January 2012):                                                              Today - April 2012:

I don't see much in the way of changes here, but then again, I'm my worst critic.  Next 90 days, though...WATCH OUT!  I'm on fire! :)

Starting AGAIN - Day 1

Why "Starting AGAIN" vs. "Starting OVER?"  Because I'm NOT starting OVER.  I'm not where I was 86+ days ago.  I'm not where I wanted to be at day 86, but I'm not where I was at Day 1 either. I'm starting AGAIN....

And so far, it's a good start.  Why not start tomorrow?  Why not start on Monday? 

My question is.... Why NOT today?

Every time I start "tomorrow" or "Monday," that gives me time to binge, not work out, etc.  I oftentimes wonder what new contestants do once they find out they've been selected for the show: do they start on their journey that minute?  Or do they pig out and wait for that first weigh in to be a doozy?  Well, not only is this not the Biggest Loser (which I DO love), but this is real life and I'm constantly on this journey.  So I choose to "start again" daily, choice by choice, minute by minute.

However, today marks "Day 1" for a reason.  I am putting my priorities back into place.  I started today with my devotionals - as I should.  I worked out already this morning - as I should.  And later, I'm going to spend time with my children after work.  Granted, it's going to be while grocery shopping, but WHY NOT?  (And yes, hubby fits in there too, but he's working late tonight.)

Treadmill - 48 minutes, 428 calories

I expected this workout to be "eh."  After all, it's been over a week since I've done anything resembling a "workout."  But for the first part, it was ok!  Not stellar, but not bad either.  Actually felt really good to get back into things again. 

I would have liked to gone OUT for a run, but I needed to fit in what I could - I still have a house to take care of and 6 hours at work today.  So my goal with "starting AGAIN" is to aim for at least 10 minutes a day.  More, if I can.  Why 10 minutes?  Because it sounds so SMALL (ie "reasonable") and it works with my Tony Horton 10-Minute Trainers.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1801

Ouch not a very good start to day one (calorie-wise).  And no excuses; I was craving Taco Bell.  I should have just eaten what I had packed. 

On a brighter note, I got to try the new Tropical Shakeology.  Oh my gosh!  My favorite yet!  I love it!

On another bright note, at work today I met another SparkPeople person, Sheree.  It's nice to meet a local that has similar health goals.  She's an RN in the area, and we have kids the same age (and a Christian)!  So maybe we can get together, encourage each other on and work towards our goals together.  I bet she'd LOVE shakeology... hmmm....

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Starting over...looking back AND looking forward...

I'm frustrated with my current life situation, and something needs to change.

Right now I'm juggling 3 jobs which I promised myself I would never do again once I became a teacher, I'm barely being a mom and slightly more of a wife than a mom.  I'm never home, and even when I am HOME, I'm not "here."   I'm either on the computer doing work, or my mind is on work.  WHY?  Why did I volunteer for this?

JOB #1 - Teacher:  This position is a private school job.  I get paid about 1/3 of what I got as a public school teacher, which leads me to feel GUILTY that I'm not financially pulling my weight.  Also, this job ends June 8th (with the school year), as does my pay.  (Public school teachers have their salary stretched across all 12 months, mine does not.)

JOB #2 - Retail clerk at the local bible bookstore - Ok, I have to admit, I LOVE this job!  NOTHING to take home - when I clock out, I am DONE!  The pay is slightly above minimum wage, and I love working with people.  The hours currently are ok - I work when hubby is at work except a couple hours on Thurs. pm he beats me home (which he's not happy about).  But I got this job in preparation for summer when I needed a job.  Any hours I was getting right now was supposed to be padding our savings account for the summer, but a recent oversight in our checking account just whiped out the couple of hundred I had (so-far) saved up. Crap.

JOB #3 - Daycare Manager - Our private school was conjoined to a daycare, both owned by my boss (principal).  She was selling the daycare (too much stress), and the new owner hired me for 5 hrs a wk to do the schedule, menus and just check in since I was teaching on sight.  The "new owner" bowed out of the deal this past week, and now my boss-boss wants to keep me on...but I'm doing so much MORE than just 5 hours.  And this was also to be worked into the summer.  The stress is already killing me: will she keep the daycare, or close the doors?  What about the summer program?  Staffing concerns? etc., etc.  I honestly want OUT of this job: I don't get paid enough for the stress of managing.  But I need the income...

Why is all of this included in my HEALTH blog?  Because STRESS is a #1 killer among women.  All of us type-A, kick-ass and take name later women are killing ourselves.  Not only do I not have time for my family (my #1 priority), but I don't have time for myself, to eat healthy or workout.


I need a change.

First, I have to remember to rely on my Lord, Jesus Christ to bring me through this: lean on Him.  He will give me His PEACE, and HE will provide.  I need to pray about what direction He wants me to go in.  I don't believe it's His will to have me be so stressed out and stretched from one end to another, and ignore the basic needs of my family.

What now?  Well, I'm going to get off this blasted computer and do what I need to do for me right now: go for a run.... be continued...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 86 - trying to find "normal" again...

Oh my gosh, can this week just start OVER?  Nevermind...I'd rather fast forward....

My life has NOT been focused on weight loss AT ALL.  On Monday I accepted Job #3.  Which at this time was simply to start taking over a management position at the day care that is next door to the school I teach at.  I was supposed to work about 5 hrs a week - mostly just going over to the center, checking on things, making staff schedules and lunch/snack menus.  No big deal, right?  Once again, it's in preparation for summer when my full time teaching job is done, and I'm in need of income.  By June the boss planned to have me on full time as manager.

Well, that all sounded fine...I was busy prepping for the staff meeting that was to be today (to announce the change), when the boss dropped the bomb on my principal:  she's no longer going to buy the daycare from her (the school owner).  My boss/boss (principal) is DEVISTATED.  She was so tired of all these "hats" she was wearing, and was looking forward to just having a normal teacher-like summer.  Now she has to deal with all this, and because I stepped into this role this week, I'm literally stepping in "IT."  This is no longer going to be 5-ish simple hours.  I've got to basically "sell" the idea back to my boss to continue this thing through. 

However, my first thought (when she considered closing the doors when the school year ended) was actually relief!  Managing a daycare is NOT what I really want to do - been there, done that!  The stress is super-crazy!  I frankly took the job because we need the income - I can't be without full time work in the summer, and I know my little retail position at the Christian bookstore won't be enough.

I just have to keep looking to God and pray that he gives me peace from the stress, and the strength to lean on Him.

Speaking of's killing me again.  And if I let it, it's going to continue to affect me not only at work, but follow me home.  I can't let it.  My husband just stared at me while I was on the phone most of the evening, and tried to be of comfort.  Exercise is non-existant because I'm so exhausted, and eating is sporatic at times, and not carefully planned.

Something needs to change....

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 85 - back from our SHORT vacation!

Me, my hubby Dan and his son Matt
At Olive Garden.  Hubby and I shared a meal yay for both of us!

Oh my GOSH I am SOOOOO tired today!  And today is NOT the day to be tired!  It's a busy week - the week before spring break, and I have report cards to get out, my son has 2 track meets AND a band concert tomorrow, and I think I'm getting Job #3 today.... *sigh* 

Can I go back to bed?

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1130
Hubby and I - at the site where we took our "first pictures" about a year ago.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 83 & 84 - going to TC to see Tim Hawkins!

Day 83

Well, per Stacey-usual, I can't sleep!  Hubby and I stayed up late to watch a movie together, and I thought FOR SURE that would make me tired enough to allow me to sleep a full night without a sleep aid.


Not only did I have a hard time FALLING asleep, but at 4am, my eyes opened, and that was that.  When I have a lot on my mind, (which, frankly is most of the time), I have a hard time sleeping, it's nuts.  I just can't shut my brain off!  So since we're leaving for TC today, I thought I'd post yesterday's blog, check email, do a few household chores before we rolled out of town.  *sigh*  I guess it's good that I got up.

Today we're heading to my hometown.  I'm excited, but at the same time, I'm worried we're going to try to shove too much into 2 days worth.  So many family wants to see us - we were JUST THERE about 1.5 months ago!  But I guess that's a good problem to have.  It's going to feel odd to be in my hometown and not staying with family.  For the first time EVER - I'm staying in a HOTEL in my hometown.  Partly because it's not just me, hubby & my kids.  We were planning to take both of Dan's kids as well, but the Princess "opted out."  (We always give our kids the chance to "opt-out" of some family situations.  The Princess felt as if she couldn't behave herself for these two days.  So sad, really.  She's going to be missing out!  But frankly, we don't want to deal with her attitude, so - secretly - I'm a bit glad she did.)  So it's more people going, and we wanted to get a hotel with bfast and a pool (for children-entertainment purposes).  This crew can EAT, so getting a "free" bfast is a money saver for us!

Anyway, we're going for the purpose to see Tim Hawkins.  He's a Christian comedian, and frankly, even if you're NOT a Christian, he's HILLARIOUS!  Check him out on YouTube or  I can't wait to see him LIVE tonight!  I'm also hoping that he has a new DVD we'll be able to buy and bring home.

But my nervousness is about the food.  (ALWAYS, THE FOOD!)

My husband is PUMPED because TC has restaurants that we don't have here at home: Olive Garden, Outback Steakhouse, Red Robin, etc.  We don't have the time (or money!) to try them all, but I know he's excited.  I'm SCARED!  At home I can control what is IN my food, AND the portions!  I want to be able to LIVE but not OVERDO.

Day 84

The concert was AWESOME!  I had a great time with family, and even got to bring a friend from our old youth group with us.  We had such a good time!

We got to visit a lot of family as well - my mom's sister, my dad's brother & his wife and my brother and his family.  The only person we really didn't get to see that we normally do is my dad.  Apparently, he's been really battling a lot with his diabetes, and I have a cold, so he was afraid of catching it and sending his blood sugar out of whack.  I guess he's been really having a hard time lately with that.  I'm not so sure that's the FULL story, but it kept us from meeting up.

Anyway, so we've been up late the last 2 nights, and I'm exhausted.  My hubby bought me the new nook tablet, and I'm so appreciative of it!  I'm already getting frustrated with it, so I'm not so sure how much I love it just yet....  I already had a first generation nook (e-reader), and I love my (original) nook, but I'm used to iTouch applications as far as a tablet/itouch goes, so we'll see.

That's it for now - more to come later, I'm sure.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 82

Treadmill: 1 hr, 47 min., 980 calories (WOW! - That shocks even me!)

I hit my miles per week goal (goal: 12, I've done 13) as well as number of minutes.  But I'm 200 calories short of the amount I want to burn for the week.  I'm hoping that I get an opportunity tomorrow to do something, but I'm not going to beat myself up if I can't. 

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed:  1437

He knows that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Red Lobster's coconut shrimp.  LOVE it!  But however much shrimp is good for you, the way they make their all-too-famous dish is NOT.  It's fried.  Just leave it at that.  So anyway, he's been searching for a recipe makeover, and he FOUND ONE!  Oh my gosh, it was SO good!  I will admit, it wasn't quite the same, but frankly, it was good enough NOT to care!   And yes, I completely overdid it!  I ate 10 of those buggers!  But I stayed in range for calories and said "no thanks" to the coffeecake later that night.  How's THAT for livin'?

Recipe for Coconut Shrimp (baked) can be found here: Oven-Baked Coconut Shrimp

I don't know what's been going on with my body lately, but I've been weighing myself every day, and over the last 4 days I've been losing an average of a lb. every 2 days.  Granted, it's only been 4 days total, but that's more weight lost in the last 4 days than I've lost in WEEKS! 

I'm hoping that with trying to manage my stress, regular workouts and watching my intake (gee, aren't those the 3 keys to weight loss???) I'll continue to lose.  Probably not always at this pace, although that would be nice!

The only thing that I can think of that I've been doing "differently" is actually apple cider vinegar.  Ok, sounds a little hokey, but I've been told about all the "wonderful properties" of acv.  I know it really helps in the bath to sooth muscles (pulls out the lactic acid), and it was suggested to my hubby for his stomach problems.  Well, he tried it once, and never did it again!  (It does taste like vinegar - duh - and it "burnt" going down for him....)  I put it in my "morning drink" each day.  I have a 10 oz bottle that I put in a pack of vitamin C (Emergen-C, 1000mg), a tsp of metamuscil (I don't get enough fiber), and 1-2 TB of acv.  Maybe it's doing the trick?  I dunno, but I'm going to keep on doing it - I'm down another .3 lbs just from yesterday!  If it's not broken, don't fix it!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 81

Over the past 3 months, I've lost 10 lbs! YAY! :)

Treadmill, 44 min, 420 calories

Yay! Got a workout in today, and I know that I'll get one in tomorrow, but most likely not Saturday. Tomorrow I'm off of school (conferences), and we're heading to Tri-Cities for the weekend.  We're going to see Tim Hawkins (a comedian) and since it's a (most of the) family trip, I'm not so sure that I will be working out like I usually do on the weekends.  In fact, this is the first time (in a LONG time) that my husband has taken the weekend off, and since I've started job #2, I don't get "weekends" off anymore.  So I'm pretty pumped!

So....if I seem a little "quiet" for the next two days, just know that I'm livin' life! :)  Still trying to work off calories (yes, the hotel has a gym and a pool!) and I'll try to track, but my iPod touch is acting up, and I'm not so sure that I'll be able to track away from a computer.  (Technology is good, but when it doesn't work, it truly leaves people up in arms!)  But I'm vowing to make good choices.  My husband is all pumped up about the eating-out choices that we'll have in the TC that we don't have here at home.  And that's good - I can LIVE! But that doesn't mean I need to over do it either.  Just a BITE or a SAMPLE is good for me.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1078

I hadn't purposely tried to go under calories for today.  We were just having a hard time fitting in dinner.  I sent my kids to the fridge for leftovers (so they wouldn't be in the house while we're gone), and hubby was doing some work on my car.  I was getting some stuff done after working job #1 AND job #2, and the next thing we knew, we looked at the clock and OH CRAP! It's 7:30!  (Hubby has to be in bed by 8 on nights that he has to wake up at 3 the next morning.)  He didn't want food settling on his stomach while sleeping, and I know I NEEDED to eat, but since my cold is trying to come back (my fault; didn't finish the antibiodic), I just grabbed a glass of milk with my meds and went on with the evening!  Oh well!