Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 29 - drama, drama, drama!

Ok, I know that every workplace has it's fair share of drama - especially in a woman-ladened profession such as teaching and daycare (right next door).  But it's getting ridiculous!

My boss used to own both the private school AND the daycare which share the same building.  She was overwhelmed by running both, being principal, teacher, business owner, etc., etc. so she sold the daycare this past fall (to a friend) hoping things would transition smoothly through the school year. 

It's not.

The stress is getting to me, and personally, I'm dealing with some delimmas: do I stay and work through my committment of the whole school year when I am honestly not sure that my job with last that long?  Or cut losses now and look for another job?

Disclaimer: There are NO teaching jobs in this area.  When I got engaged last spring, I started looking, and looking...and this is what I was able to come up with (a job at a private school).  It's not that I was even turned down, or wasn't interviewed: there were NO JOBS to apply for!  And frankly, I took what I could.  But hourly, I'm not even being paid minimum wage (for Washington state).  Granted, I know I'm not at the building for 40 hours a week, but I WORK 40 hours a week, ya know what I mean?  So that's why I'm even temped to just go and take a minimum wage job.

What's my problem?  I'm a person of my word.  I said I would teach for this school year, and I feel bound by my word.  But I need to talk to my boss and make sure she's being honest with me about the rest of the year.

How does this affect my weight loss journey? GREATLY!  Dealing with stress and drama leaves me to CRAVINGS!  But I'm learning to pray through it instead.... still learning.

Hubby took me to lunch yesterday.  It was a way to get away from the building, and a nice (short) respite, but Taco Time doesn't have a lot of great meals while watching your weight.  And yes, I did abstain from soda, but Powerade has quite a few calories, I found out.  So I went over today...

And today was a PLANNED sleep-in day, so no work outs.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Consumed: 1,750

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 28 - blah day...

This morning (day 29) I woke up like normal and came to finish my blog for day 28 to find that all I did yesterday (blog-wise) was to actually set up the day.  The entry was blank....  Sorta like my day.

I was in a FUNK!  I was letting all those bad conversations hit me like a ton of bricks!  Needless to say, it was an ugly day in my head.

I DID start to track my food, and frankly gave up mid-afternoon.  I "fed" my bad-head-talk with popcorn.  Light, with just a couple dashes of kettle corn sprinkle stuff.  As per normal, it didn't fill the void, nor calm the bad-talk in my head.

So my choices yesterday were all "good" choices as far as CHOICES go, but the portions I'm sure were not, as were the reasons behind WHEN I ate.  There were a few times I stood in front of the fridge thinking "what are you DOING?  You're not hungry, get out of the fridge!"  Most of the time it worked.

My relationships are a little out of whack here at home, and I"m sure that's a huge part of it.  I'm always at odds with my own kids over something or another, and add my two step kids (who are with us Mon-Wed) and that's just more fun to the mix. 

And then my husband - who is a WONDERFUL, FABULOUS man, and I love him dearly.  But he works LONG hours 4 days a week, and is fighting a nasty head cold on top of it all.  His wife is dying for his attention, but knows that it's not really the time to be asking for it.  And just when his work week is done, his kids show up and THEY want his attention.  At times I feel like the cook and maid who just lives here, shuffling around doing my chores.  See what I mean?  UGLY head-thoughts....

And I'm watching the Biggest Loser and slightly strengthened when the girls are getting around my weight (190's/180's) and are having a hard time pulling more than 1-3 lbs. a week ON THE BIGGEST LOSER RANCH!  If they struggle at times, I guess that means I can too, right?

Well, I did get a small workout in before church, but no nutritional tracking.

Treadmill: 55 min, 474 cals.

Here's to a better Day 29 - both tracking and mental head talk!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 27

Today I took a "sneak peak" on the scale.  My period finally wrapped up (I DO NOT go on the scale during my period.  It's just an untruth filled with bloat and misery!), and so I stepped on it.  It read: 193 lbs. (Previous: 196)  I'm feeling good that the scale is finally going down.  I'm a little disheartened that it's ONLY  3 lbs in 4 weeks. (That's less than a lb a wk.)  But I do know that the first couple of weeks took a bit of panning out with exercise and nutrition - especially to the realization that I needed to track my nutrion, and not just assume I made good choices through the day.  The choice of WHAT I was eating might have been fine, but the portion or frequency of eating wasn't where it should have been.

My clothes DO feel "bigger" and it's frustrating.  Clothes I used to fit into just fine this summer still are still a bit snug, but clothes that I've recently been wearing are getting looser, and I have a pair of jeans that I need to wash all the time to keep them "shrunk up!"  Yes, I would love to go out and buy new clothes, but not only is it not a reality in my budget, but when I have a closet full of clothes already, I really can't justify more.

Treadmill watching BL: 1hr, 13 min, 618 calories

I have noticed that my "resting" heart rate is REALLY low (60's-70's) - to the point where I even replaced the battery on my chest belt!  But I know that as you get more fit, your resting hear rate gets lower.  So once I'm warmed up, I do a few short sprints to actually get it UP!  Today I ran faster on my treadmill (5.7) than I ever have before!  It may not seem very fast, but it was for me (especially for 30 - 60 sec intervals)!  I got the idea from Biggest Loser where they really push them beyond their comfort zones, having them run 10 sec sprints at crazy speeds - 8.0, 9.0! Wow! I'm not even sure my treadmill goes that high, much less with ME on it!

Calorie goal:  1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1107

At the last minute I made Chicken Noodle Soup for my hubby who is fighting a cold.  There's just something about homemade soup that does a body wonders, and I was hoping that it would do him well.  But of course, there's not a lot of calories in soup and pretty filling too. So I was a little low today...which I think is ok too - offsets all those days I was a "little over," huh? ;-)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 26 - on the upswing

This morning is already a better morning (emotionally).  Yes, it still hurts, and I'm still missing my dog.  But she was old and in horrible pain, and now I don't have to watch her suffer.

My daughter even seems a little more chipper today, although it's another emotional day for her as well - this is her last day at the private school that I teach at - she's going to public school on Monday that's just 1 1/2 blocks down from our house.  This is the first time she won't be going to the same school that mommy is teaching at.  I won't get into all the reasons why, but it's going to be a good thing in the long run, but she's going to miss her private school friends.  But this is NOT "goodbye," just "see you later."

The even better news (for me) is that it's a half day grade prep.  I'm almost done with report cards for the semester, so that means that I can come home sooner than later and get in my workout, because I got to sleep in this morning!  (I needed it after the emotional rollercoaster with the dog this week.)

Lunch time....

Urg, what SHOULD have been a swift, easy half day at work turned into a mess!  Drama, drama, drama!  (Which I do NOT like.)  My boss has all of a sudden found me to be her new BFF confidant, and I worry more and more about my job.  I'm half tempted to really just find a new one.  We figured out the other day that even if I got a min. wage, 40 hr/wk job, I would be making more a month.  Ok...I admit, I don't spend 40 hours at work a week, but I DO put in 40 hrs a week...lesson planning, etc., etc.  But dealing with drama just isn't worth it!  So I succumbed to a brownie for snack.  (And YES, it WAS good!)  Good thing my breakfast was light!  I think I'll keep lunch light too since it's now 2pm, and I technically haven't even eaten more than a clementine orange!  Maybe another Shakeology since my second bag just arrived via mail today, and I still need to work out! 


Well, I did get in a short workout.  It was interrupted by a great surprise: a call from Japan!  My brother and his wife moved to Japan earlier this month.  Luckily, we got to see him at Christmas time, and surprisingly, I miss them already (we are just SO different, that sometimes it's hard to spend a lot of time with them all at once).  He's Air Force, so they will be spending at least the next 4 years there, and it was really good to hear from him - we talked for almost an hour! 

After that it was really hard to get back to my workout!  Not onlyl had my heart rate decreased, but I just really wasn't in the mood to do it anymore, and my hip has really been flaring up - especially with the step aerobics!  I can't afford to go in and get it checked right now.  Putting down our dog this week has made an unexpected dent into our budget (it's EXPENSIVE!) and I don't get paid until Tuesday...IF I even get my check! (Boss has been having $$$ problems, so I'm a little nervous to say the least....) So I need to really look into getting some advice on keeping my HR up, but trying not to aggrivate my hip so much.  Guess it's just going to be a lot of walking and upperbody stuff for me. That does not make me happy.

Step Aerobics - watching BL: 40 min, 372 cals

Calorie Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1353

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 25 - a sad day in the journey of life

Today we put down Rainie, my chocolate lab of 14 years.  To say it minimally, it was a sucky day. 

I was giving myself the day "off."  "Off" from the challenge, "off" from working out and eating well.

Ha, ya know, it's kinda funny...but when you work really hard at something, you really don't want to screw it all up with an "off" day.  So I just walked on the treadmill with 1 lb wrist weights.  And although I was "off" today, I still tracked all my food, and yes, I did go over my calorie allotment, but I made GOOD CHOICES!  I did not grab chocolate, I did not go and get fried, greasy junk food that I really WAS craving badly!

In retrospect, the only things I should have done differently is make my snacks a little lighter (in the AM I had cottage cheese, but only had the 2% kind instead of my normal non-fat, and my Shakeology in the PM was mixed with OJ and Almond milk instead of water), and drink more water.  I know I didn't drink enough and feel a little dehydrated.  I don't even regret the 4 oz. of white wine with hubby after dinner.  NOPE.  Gotta still live....

Walking on Treadmill with 1 lb. hand weights: 44 min, 435 cals.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1,887  (over by 337)

Tomorrow is a new day. 
Tomorrow will be a better day, and it will continue to get easier (emotional-wise) each and everyday.
I will give myself permission to cry.
I will give myself permission to grieve.
But I do NOT give myself permission to hide in the comfort of food and calories.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 24 - shoulda saw the signs...

The day didn't start well...shoulda known it probably wouldn't end well...

It started out sleeping through my alarm (don't you hate that?)...so not only did I miss my workout, but I was running frantically through the house.  LUCKILY, I wasn't too late (overall), but pinched enough on time that my normal routine was completely out of whack.  Then my step-daughter decided to take my shower time (yes, I was up by then) which set me back ANOTHER 15 minutes, and when I could finally get in the shower, my son had my bathroom "occupied."  Yep...that was the start to my day...

Forgot my waterbottle AND my Shakeology as I ran out the door...luckily, I think I remembered my head...but only because it was attached.

No Workouts.

As we got home from a glorious day at work, the step daughter was already ticked off at the world (this is more "normal" than not, but still adds to the stress of the house), and then I realized that our 14 year old Chocolate Lab was taking a turn for the worse...

Our Rainie....
Rainie came to our family when my son (now 16) was just 2.  So she's been with him practically his whole life, and since we rescued her, she's always just been a very grateful, loving family pet.  This past year her arthritis has really flared up, and I knew we probably wouldn't have another year with her.  In fact, when my husband and I got married this summer, I'm surprised that she made the trip from our home in Washington to our new home in Idaho.  But that's Rainie: a trooper.  She's been through marriage #1, the divorce, most of my son's life, my daughter's life, 4 moves and now a new marriage/familly.  She's really been through it all with me and my kids.  Now, sadly, she's really suffering.  She can't go up or down the back porch steps to go to the bathroom, and it kills me to see her suffer.

I couldn't eat dinner tonight.  I'm just sick to my stomach.  I guess in retrospect, it's a good thing that I calorie loaded up at the beginning of my day.  Sorta.  Weight-loss wise, the thing I'm worried about is that I quickly go from not being able to eat (my stomach just kills me) to wanting to eat EVERYTHING to mask the pain and bad feelings.  I can't do that.  I can't self-soothe that way anymore.


Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1,401

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 23...*warning: "female content"! Males beware! ;-)

Sorry guys, but I have to forewarn you, there's going to be a lot of "girl talk" in this one. 

Mother nature arrived last night, and I have to tell you that I feel the difference this month (in a very positive way)!  Normally, my boobs ache about 5 days beforehand (during that lovely "PMS week").  I've always known it was due to the amount of soda that I consume, but I never knew if it was related to the carbonation, artificial sweeteners or sodium in the soda, or just the crap in soda itself!  I guess it doesn't really matter, but anyway, I only had a 1/2 day of problems with that this month.

But even better, I started during the night last night (which is pretty normal for me), and "felt" inside what was going on.  BUT NO CRAMPS!  Really!  I don't get those horrible, debilitating cramps like some women where they have to stay home, etc.  But on Day 1, I usually get my fair share and inhale enough Advil to choke a horse!  (And usually with a Diet Coke for the caffeine to open up the capillaries!)  And on TOP of it all, I woke up feeling pretty good this morning!  Usually on Day 1, I wake up exhausted and just overall wanting to go back to bed.  NOPE!  Yay!  Awesome!  If this is what each period will be like from now on, I'm a new woman! ;-)

Still not overly "peppy" to do more than a treadmill workout, despite the lack of fatigue.

Treadmill: 46 min, 399 calories

Tonight's dinner menu is Asian food - potstickers, Sweet & Sour Meatballs (from the Beachbody cookbook!), Soba noodles & stir fry.  I'm going to need to watch the potstickers and soy sauce: too much sodium!  I'll have to drink a lot of water today for sure!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed:  I have no idea...

I'm sure it was over 1,550.  I did pretty good during the day, but succumbed to a Fast Break candy bar... And I stuck with mainly stir-fry for dinner tonight,  but I'm sure I went over too... *sigh*  New day tomorrow...

Day 22...yeppers, feels like a Monday!

Ok, let me start this Monday off with the fact that I am working on 6 (or less) hours of sleep after a date night with hubby on top of an emotional (PMS induced?) attack on myself... (to be explained in a bit)

I know if I don't get about 8 hours of sleep, I cannot work out.  I just can't - I function ok, but I can't put anything into my workout.  So the "workout" plan today is to walk at recess with the kids.  It's not a huge calorie burn, but at least I'm moving, right?

And today's nutrition I'm hoping to hit the lower part of my 1,200 - 1,550 calorie goal since the last 2 days haven't been stellar, and with Mother Nature visiting soon, I usually start craving very "clean" foods anyway. 

So...for that "emotional attack" I mentioned earlier....
I won't give all the personal details, but I was really hoping that my husband would have said SOMETHING about me losing weight, or looking nice for date night last night... nope.  ** Disclaimer for him: not only was it "late," but he'd been up since 3am that morning for work, and had a long, 12 hr. day before we even got to our date night.**  But he wasn't even really his attentive self, and I took it personally.  I've got to stop doing that because I just beat myself up.

But today is a new day.  I'm still emotionally "bruised" from my own self beating, and I'm hoping it's just the fuel I need to make sure I do my laps at recess...


I honestly tried to walk at recess, but I had people and students coming up to me needing things, so I wouldn't really count what I did.  I guess we'll just call Monday my off day.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1494 (yay!)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 21 - heading toward the peak again! :-)

Trying to bounce back from yesterday is easier than expected.  The only thing is, I HATE wasting food!  Although I ordered a "mini" pizza last night, they accidentally "upgraded" me to a medium!  That's ok and fine for most people, because it means YAY - LEFTOVERS!  But I'm the only one who will eat this kind of pizza (Seafood combo), and the leftovers are staring me down.... RESIST!

But since I don't have a lot of time before church, I just got in a short Turbo Jam, and plan on getting in more later.  Yes, another 2-shower Sunday.  Starting a trend, I think....

Turbo Jam - Cardio Mix 3 with 1lb hand weights: 35 min, 277 cals
Step Aerobics during BL: 53 min, 490 cals

Total Calories burned:  767 calories  (not bad...)


Well, my calorie consumption has been pretty good thus-far, but my hubby announced "date night" tonight at a restaurant that I have never been at, but my hubby really wants me to try.  I'm really nervous because I can't pre-make my choices.  AND to top it off, he wants to go to the movies after.  Oh man....  It's not the soda, or even the candy... I WANT POPCORN!!!!  BAH! Oh Lord, have mercy....


Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: ???

(Day 22, wrapping up thoughts for Day 21:)

I didn't finish this blog last night because we got home at 11:30pm - TOO LATE for me for a school night!  I truly hope I don't "pay" for that all day....

I tried to go onto the restaurant's website to look up the nutritional information.  That is so frustrating!  However, I don't think I chose too badly - a fetticini (sp?) pasta with scallops, shrimp, mushrooms and olives and the sauce was NOT ALFREDO! :-)  It was a lemony-garlic sauce.  It was good, but about 1/4 of it my hubby finished for me.  (Pat on back for me.) ;-)

And yes, I did have popcorn at the movies (darn those PMS salt cravings!), HOWEVER I stopped myself.  Normally, I can eat a whole XL bag by myself!  But I was thinking "this doesn't even taste that good!"  Is that a step in the right direction???  I'm hoping so.

Well, I know I'm going to have to swing by Starbucks this morning for a little caffiene jolt...oi!  So I'm going to make allowance for that in my calories this morning.  Thank goodness Starbucks puts its nutritional information online!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 20 Numbers

I took measurements on Day 20. 
Day 1 numbers are in black, Day 20 numbers are in PURPLE.
Difference +/- is in RED.
Today's numbers:

Weight (in lbs):  198.4   196.2  - 2.2
BMI:  34.1 OBESE   33.7 OBESE    - 0.4

Measurements (in inches):

13.5  13.75  +0.25
Bust: 41.5 (with sports bra on) 41  - 0.5
Waist:  38  38  SAME
Hips:  46  46.5  +0.5
Left Arm: 14.5  14.5  SAME                  
Right Arm:  14.5  14.5   SAME
Left Thigh: 27   27.75   +0.75                 
Right Thigh:  27.5   27.75  +0.25
Left Calf: 16.5     16.75    +0.25             
Right Calf:  17   17.25   +0.25 


I'm a bit frustrated.  I LOVE that my bust is going down (it usually is the LAST to see results! YAY!), but frustrated to see things bigger or the same.  One important thought:  it IS my PMS week (oh, bundle of joy).  So that could explain SOME of the bloat.  I'm more excited to see the numbers from Day 30.  I should be JUST wrapping up my period, and as for the scale, it usually takes me a week to "absorb" what my body did (calories in vs. calories out).  So I'm really hoping that my good habits show up more on day 30.

I am happy to finally see the scale go down!  Gaining all this muscle again, (which is what I think is happening in my legs), makes the scale usually go up!  So I have to have that little celebration!

Day 20, after peaking, there's bound to be a valley...

Today I KNEW I would have some challenges.

First, I was leaving mid-day to travel to my nephew's bday party.  I knew that meant CRAP FOOD all afternoon!  I'm ok with handling cake (not a big fan), and probably ice cream as well, but I wasn't aware we were going to a bowling alley.  Do you know what they serve there???  Oh jeez...

So in preparation, I did a LONGER workout (and plan for a LONG one tomorrow as well), and "skinny'd up" on my intake in the am, and try to make the best choices possible.  I really didn't want to track this.  I didn't want to see the "damage."  But in retrospect, I'm glad I did.  Because I needed to see HOW BAD the damage was.  I would have normally ate like this (and then some) before this challenge.  No wonder why I was almost 200 lbs again!


Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 2,588  OUCH! THAT'S 1,000 OVER GOAL!

The sad/funny thing is, is I actually "prepared" for this.  Not just by saving some calories for the morning and getting a long exercise time in, but I took an apple and oranges with me in my bag, AND my own water bottle.  However, when we got to the bowling alley, they would not allow any personal food in (you had to buy their's).  So I was able to get away with the water bottle (because they didn't even have a water fountain there!), and I refused to drink pop.  But the owner said the fruit was too sticky.  Oh sheesh, really?!?!  So much for preparing.... 

And I KNEW I would eat a few slices of pizza.  I "allowed" myself that for a few reasons: #1 I don't normally care for pizza on a regular basis, so I wouldn't go hog-wild, and #2 I still need to "live life!" (And yes, I did have a salad with it!)  It was Nathan's bday!  There wasn't cake or ice cream (whew!), but I could participate in the celebration. 

The ironic thing is, my other sister-in-law (not the bday boy's mom) was on a 7 day detox diet - the one where you eat nothing but cabbage/veggie soup for 7 days.  She was MISERABLE!  This was day 3 or 4 into it, and she was a grouch, and clearly wasn't enjoying anything.... So glad I'm not on a DIET! :D

Step aerobics: 64 min, 584 calories burned

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Treadmill breakdown and my story...(Day 19)

Sometimes when I'm on the treadmill, I watch episodes of the "Biggest Loser" on my iTouch.  I'm a pretty big fan of the show, and it always provides me with motivation - if 300/400+ lb people can work their butts off day in and day out, then I can move my butt too!

Now I know it's TV - it may be a "reality show," but let's face it, NBC certainly likes to hike up the drama!  (What station doesn't?)  However, sometimes when the inner battles come out, that's when I really relate.  That tends to happen a lot.

However, today, there was a comment out of the blue that really hit home.  Here's the situation: Season 11, Episode 4.  Middle of the show, each of the trainers (Bob, Anna and Duvett) had a BL Alumni show up to help them motivate each of their teams.  For Bob's team, Hannah from Season 10 showed up. 

Now, here's a disclaimer: I haven't seen ALL of Season 10 yet!  I'm watching it upstairs on Netflix when I do step aerobics! (funny how I always have to be moving when I watch that show!)  But I already know that her sister Olivia wins the season, and she's the runner up. 

But that's not what got to me.  One of the current contestants commented: "Now THAT is my goal.  To know that she used to look like me (200+lbs), and now she looks like that, I finally believe that I might be able to do it too."  Cue the tears....

...my tears....

I guess that's HUGE for me too!

My story....

I very well could be a BL contestant too.  My highest weight has been 218 (that wasn't even during a pregnancy, sadly), and a size 18/20.  I promised myself at the time that I was not going to reach 220, and out of 18/20.  (Which my clothes were hardly holding me, I really should have been a solid 20.)

But that's not the beginning of my story.  See, like so many on BL, I've always been "the big girl."  Not really overly obese, only because I was on soccer team after soccer team growing up.  I got a decent amount of exercise, and lived the in time frame where our parents actually SENT US OUTSIDE TO PLAY!  (Imagine that!)  But as high school went on, and sports became less fun, and more competitive, I wasn't able to be as lithe as the smaller girls.  I HATED, ABHORED running, and would do anything to get out of it.  So as my teen years continued on, and sports started to slack, I gained the lbs. I clearly remember going from a size 10 to a size 12 in my teenage years, and was just appalled.  My friends didn't wear sizes like that!  (Now I look back and wish I could still fit in a 12!)  But for a teenage girl, it was horrible.

So life continued on.  At 19 I became pregnant with child #1 and ate like there was also child #2 AND #3 inside! :)  But afterwards, it was no laughing matter.  The boy only weighed 6 lbs, 4 oz, but I had gained near 80 lbs!

So when he was pretty young (about 2), I remember going on the Atkins diet.  I knew early on that I was addicted to white flour, white sugar, and somehow, someway I needed to break that cycle.  I lost over 60 lbs in four short months, but I hated the diet.  I have never been a big "meat eater" - we grew up pretty poor, and "meat" in the house was usually tuna or chicken.  So eating a lot of taco salads got pretty boring, although I can't say that I minded all the bacon!  But it wasn't just the diet, I finally got active again.  I was biking my son to daycare, and myself to work on nice days, and joined the work softball team (where I met my first husband).  I LOVED being active again, and yes, I felt good and really started LOOKING good!  I don't remember my exact weight, but I was in the mid to high 160's, and I thought if I didn't get any lower, I would be ok.

But "diets" never last, do they?

So I met my then-boyfriend/future husband, and I did what I knew best: tried to love him through his stomach.  It worked, and as I got married, started gaining the lbs. right back.  I thought he loved me for me, and although it's truly a different topic, I found out that he truly feel in love with my son.  He's a great kid, and my ex really wanted to be a good dad for him, but I was the "baggage."  And so food was my best friend for me again...

2003 was the year of the divorce, and quickly afterwards I was looking for a Christian man who would "love me for me - the inside me."  And not worry about the extra layers of "me" that surrounded the "inside me."  I dated a couple of guys and one relationship ended horribly, and ended in pregnancy. 

This time I did NOT eat for 3 or 4 babies, but I wasn't overly careful.  I was more stressed out with being newly divorced, pregnant (and a single mom) yet AGAIN, trying to finish up school (to be a teacher) and still trying to work all at the same time.  Food was always a comfort when husband, boyfriend, family and friends were not.  I vowed to stay away from men, focus on raising my children and work on me on the inside....

Child #2 was born mid-2004, and more determination to work on the "inner me" in regards to relationships (because frankly, I was pickin' bad ones!) and raising my kids than working out the physical me.  And over time, that changed.  I noticed that my son had my "big German build" disposition, and I didn't want him fighting the same battle.  So although financially poor, I really tried to feed my kids healthy meals, and be active.  He's been in football, t-ball through baseball, Tae Kwan Do, etc. etc.  My daughter (although more the cheerleader than athlete type) has also done soccer and baseball. 

But fast forward to about early 2008 when I was about to hit 220; my ultimate high.  I felt God working in me in ways that I hadn't known. I was unsettled with my outside again.  I wasn't looking to date; I was clear with God on that, and vowed next time HE would choose for me.  But I was ready to work on the outside of me.

What I didn't know was at the time, God was setting me up for a way to deal with stress in a way that I've never done before.  Instead of turning to food and internally taking it all in, He wanted me to start DEALING with the baggage - the stress, the hurt feelings, the sadness and tears.  Because in 2008, my mom, my best friend was diagnosed with Lung Cancer.

I cannot tell you how this diagnosis rocked my world.  Although my mom and I had a rocky relationship in my teens and early 20's, being wiser (and not a stupid young adult), I had finally matured, and she was my best friend.  When my dad wasn't taking care of her, I was.  Especially through the summer, since I had it off as a teacher.  And I took sick leave and all my vacation days to help take her to chemo, radiation, and just simply spend time with her.  In the back of my head, I KNEW she would not survive this; the cancer was spreading too fast.  But how I was dealing with it was different.  I didn't have a LOT of "me" time left (between taking care of the kids and mom - and she lived 50 min from us at the time), but I didn't EAT my way to comfort.  I walked, rode my stationary bicycle, etc.  I think the stress was still killing me, but it was better than what I was doing before.

My mom survived a year with the diagnosis, and at 4am on Nov. 12, 2009 she passed away.  I battled my grief with running.  Jogged a very slow first 5-K with my brother (who was in town for the funeral) that month, and haven't looked back ever since.

In January 2010 I signed up with Team in Training for my first half marathon.  I was working through my grief, and getting in shape at the same time.  I never got below the 180's, and I wasn't as "trim" as I was on Atkins, but I felt GOOD!!  I loved being active, but the training for half marathons were rigiorous, and hard on my overweight body, and I dealt with a lot of foot issues, but still worked on!

June 25, 2010 I did my first half marathon in Seattle, (it was ugly, but that's another story) and finished just shy of 4 hours.  I did the Nike Women's Marathon that October in about the same time (I was coaching a friend through it), and as that friendship fell apart, I drifted away from running, and gained the lbs. 

However, new things were coming my way in the end of 2010.  Although dealing with the loss of my friendship put me back into old, bad eating habits, I met my now-husband.  Through 2011 I started eating better - to look better for him.  I didn't weigh myself before I got married, but I figure I was in the high 180's.  Married life, stress of moving and finding a job, step kids and new schedules help keep me away from exercise and although healthy foods, non-healthy portions got me to where I am now.

I didn't realize I was so close to 200 lbs again.  It wasn't until my friend Deb challenged me with this challenge that I woke up again, and started doing the right things - one baby step at a time.  First, the exercise. Next tracking food. NOW dealing with the "inner demons" again, and frankly, just working through it, and giving it to God.

I know there will be more breakdowns on the treadmill, and like the Biggest Loser contestants, I dread peeling away the layers, but I need to fix what got me here.  Also on that episode, Bob Harper (the trainer - LOVE HIM!) said "there is NO FOOD that is 'off limits.' FOOD IS NOT YOUR ENEMY.  There is a time and place for it, and portions that are appropriate.  You are NOT on a diet, you are on a life journey."  Preach it, Bob!  I love that guy!

But I have to ADMIT to it, and track it in my food journal, and make accomodations along the way.  Yes, I will stumble, and yes, life will happen.  But I can't do this just purely because I want to look good and sexy for my husband, and not worry about that roll around my waist.  I want to feel GOOD again.  When I'm upset, RUN on the treadmill instead of RUNNING to food.  And when I can't turn to my hubby, my best friend, turn to GOD who is the ULTIMATE best friend!  HE will help me through it.

It's a struggle, but anything worth having is worth fighting for.

Day 19

Today I was able to sleep in since my boss called off school yesterday due to weather.  Yay!  I usually get "enough" sleep during the week, but I wouldn't call it great sleep.  So I sleep in whenever I can.  (by the way, "sleeping in" is like 8:30am for me... not always considered "sleeping in" by some people's accounts!)

But this morning I was awakened by my SIL's text, and we got to talk for a couple of hours, which was really nice, but put me off schedule. So I'm hoping to get my butt in gear and get moving!

However,  I do want to measure myself.  I know I'm starting to get the ol' PMS bloat going on, but I must say, it's NOT as bad as what I'm used to! Yay!  Must be from the lack of soda this month, because I'm not so sure it's the lack of sodium!

 - Later -

I worked some of my numbers over in Sparkpeople.com  I put in that I burn about 1600 calories a week, and I thought that would change my nutrition (because I had on there that my goal was to burn 1,100 calories a week).  Well, it DID, but it changed my goal to consume 1,200 - 1,550 calories... (instead of 1,620 max).  WHAT?!?!  I'm confused...  But I have heard that 1200 - 1500 calories is what a woman should be shooting for...so...here's a new challenge for me!

And so far, I've just done my Jillian Michael's work out, and I'm sorta torn because I really would like to get 30 min. on the treadmill, but at the same time I'm looking at the long....long... list of things I want to get done today.  AND I know that I'll be heading to my nephew's bday party (out of town) tomorrow, so I won't be able to do my longer workouts like a normal Saturday... So I guess I had better get my butt off the computer and get movin', huh?

Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 - week 1 - 40 min, 336 calories
(I chose to do this DVD because I knew I could modify it for my hip.)

Treadmill (walking):  43 min, 393 cals.

total burned: 729 calories!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories in: 1,213 DOUBLE YAY!

The good/bad news about my nutrition is that I really didn't get a "lunch" due to the fact that I slept in, and then had my bfast after working out (which was more like an early lunch time), and then the domino affect just occured through the day. 

Most days I WILL NOT be sleeping in, and I'm afraid that my "normal schedule" of 3 meals, 2 snacks will easily put me over 1,500.  So I'm really going to have to watch my "snacks" I think.  My Shakeology has been a "snack" lately because in the morning I've really been wanting FOOD to actually EAT (as in chew, not just swallow...lol), and my lunch I've been craving something WARM (even just soup) because it's been so snowy, blustery here.  So I'm really going to have to watch it.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 18

When I found out that our school day was being cut in half, I really wanted to come home and jump into a workout since I had missed my opportunity this morning.  (We were too busy praying for a two hour delay! lol...)  But one thing led to another...fixing the zipper on my hubby's coat, getting homemade chicken noodle soup started in the crock pot, making cookies for hubby at work... by the time I knew it, my hubby was walking through the door after work and it was about dinner time!  Shoot, where DOES all the time go??

It just certainly goes to show, that I must exercise first thing in the morning, or it's really just NOT going to happen.  I know that I tend to put everyone before me - even when I don't WANT to!  But there's always homework to go over, mail to respond to (not counting email!) bills to pay, things to mend, meals to cook... Does the list EVER end?  So I know that I put those things FIRST, especially if I have already taken a shower for the day.... 

So the plan for tomorrow is that my boss already called a snow/weather day.  (We're expecting all the rain we had today to freeze.)  So tomorrow is like day 1 of my weekend, so I really plan to use the time in the morning to workout.  Since my hip is still achy, it might just mean more time walking on the treadmill.  But at least it's walking, and not just sitting on my rear.

Goal: 1,270 - 1,620
Calories consumed: 1597

Since I figured that I wasn't going to get in a workout, it was really important to me to stay on course and be within my goal range for calories today.  Do you know how easy it would have been for me to "stray" had I not been aware of my calorie intake?  Goodies here, goodies there...  It IS PMS week, so the cravings are starting to kick in.  There was one point today when I was driving home from school and I really wanted to just pull into Starbucks and have a really nice, warm latte.  But NOT just a "skinny" latte, one with a flavor in it (of course), and probably a slice of pumpkin bread.  After all, it's been cold, wet and rainy all day, and that just sounded nice, warm and comforting...

BUT I DIDN'T! (**cue victory music!**)

Also on the way home (after I decided "no" to Starbucks - not only because of my calorie budget, but I couldn't justify the cost either), I was thinking of a fountain soda.  It has been SO long since I had a pop, much less a big ol' 32 oz-er from the local Zip-Trip.... And although cold, soda sounded SO GOOD (typical PMS craving for me).  And besides, it's DIET, right?  Zero calories...wouldn't have hurt my "calorie budget," and pretty cheap on the wallet too....

BUT I DIDN'T!  (**cue victory DANCE!**)

Small, small victories, one day at a time.  So when I start bloating up this week due to all those lovely PMS-primings for next week's event, I'll remember that I won't be AS bloated.  I also noticed today that as I was putting my boots on (to go into the nasty rain-snow), that my belt/gut wasn't cutting off my air supply/circulation as bad as it used to!  Another small victory...

One small victory at a time fuels the small victories for tomorrow...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 17

Oh man, what a DAY!

We woke up to snow...a LOT of snow!  And it continued to snow throughout the day.  Now from where I call "home," we're used to snow.  This is no biggie, except for the fact that schools usually call a 1-2 hr delay.


So I hurried through my morning, still getting a few minutes on the treadmill (not enough, but some...).  And since they called school off around lunch, I was able to come home and help shovel snow with the kids (bonus "activity")!  Which actually ended up being a lot of fun - a little snow-throwing inbetween shovels along with a little Snow/shovel ball. 

Treadmill: 32 min, 279 cal.
Snow shoveling: (about) 30+ min, (about) 283 calories


I REALLY did not think I would be able to fit in my goal range.  And I didn't!  With the craziness of the snow/cancelling school half way through the day, it totally off-set my eating plans. I'm sure the "light" dinner of fish, beets and salad helped, but the french bread put me over! NUTS!  That means no wine with hubby tonight after he takes his kids back to their mom's house (bummer)! : (

Goal: 1,270 - 1,620
Calories consumed: 1783  (163 over....stinkin' french bread...)

I'm really hoping for a 2 hour delay tomorrow - as well as my kids.  I'm really tired lately (fighting stress and a cold), and I'd like to sleep in...just a titch!  And get more than just a short time on the treadmill.

As for my hip, it's so-so.  It was feeling ok this morning on the treadmill, but mid-morning it was throbbing (for no reason?).  So I'm trying not to do too much to it (squats, lunges, etc.), I'm stretching out really well, and trying to keep it warm.  I may even take a bath tonight! ;-) 

This may sound stinky, but my husband just took his kids back to their mom's, and I can feel relief from stress already leaving my shoulders... my home is MINE for 4 1/2 more days until they return.  As with any blended-family, there are bumps along the road, and the fact we have 3 teens between us doesn't help!  Maybe I will have a small  glass of wine after all..... 

Day 16

Ah, the mood from last night tumbled over to this morning with sinus pressure, ache in my hip (reinjury from my training for my 1/2 marathon?) and not wanting to get out of bed.  I have to keep repeating:

"It is NOT Monday. It is NOT Monday. It is NOT Monday...."

It's not helping.

But I DID get up (although later than I wanted), and because my hip is achy, I just walked on the treadmill for almost a 1/2 hr.  Not what I SHOULD have done, but I got SOMETHING done.  Better than nothing.

Treadmill: 26 min, 210 cal
Walking at school: 15 min, (about) 100? cals (HRM needs a new battery, I think.  Or it couldn't read through all the layers of clothing I had on for outside!) ;-)

Total Calories burned: 310 cals


Goal: 1,270 - 1,620
Consumed: 1450

I seem to be all over the place with my nutrition.... break down and have skittles one minute, and then feel like skipping dinner (because of lack of hunger...) the next.  What gives?  I know that I'm fighting a cold right now, and the mucus dripping down my throat into my stomach (sorry so graphic!) is not making my throat or my stomach feel great.  And when I DID have skittles - ick.  My stomach totally rebelled!  Lesson learned!

On the OTHER positive side, I'm seeing results myself!  YAY!  That "roll" that I hate SO MUCH below my ribs IS starting to shrink, and I'm so happy about that! I am frustrated about my hip, and I really wish I could do more.  But at the same time, I learned early on with training with Team in Training that if you ignore your injuries, it's only going to get worse.  So I'm just working on the treadmill at a fast walking pace for now (with no pain), and icy hot the hip at night. 

Hubby promised me a massage to help with the hip and the stress that I tend to harbor in my right shoulder...he's so good to me!  He hasn't mentioned anything about my weight loss, and maybe he hasn't noticed anything yet.  But on his days off, I'm noticing that he has the weights out as well. ;-)  I LOVE it!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 15

Ah...the day STARTED out so well.... Day off for MLK Jr. day, sleeping in with the hubby, dinner already planned... well, it STARTED well! :-/

I knew today would be a total struggle to get in a workout, and instead of Wed. being my "off day" I was willing to trade it for today, espeically since I was able to sneak in those minutes on the treadmill yesterday.  So I did.

No workout today.

I didn't each much during the day, because I had a HUGE dinner planned for the evening: Swiss Steak in the crock pot, roasted potatoes, long grain rice with salad.  All good stuff, but I knew those Elk Steaks would still hit me in the caloric range.

I just calculated my food for the day, and for my range (1,270 - 1,620), it says I was barely under: 1,245.  Honestly, I sorta doubt that.  HOWEVER, the "bad" part of the day was at the end...

We took the kids to see the movie "Jack and Jill" - after hubby & I saw it the night before. They didn't like it as much as we had, and I had a feeling they were all feeling a bit slighted because we didn't buy the usual popcorn, snacks & pop.  (For 2 reasons: 1 - we're on a budget, #2 - it was a 4:10pm showing, and I had a GOOD dinner planned for afterwards!!! No spoiled appetites by crappy food!)  And when we got home, we found that my step-daughter's dog got in the house again, and tore into a bag of brown sugar (damn dog, ALWAY sneaking in)!  That set the whole house off - my SD defending the "poor dog," and the rest of us tired of cleaning up after his mess.  (It's a long, drawn out battle.)  My poor husband is stressed to the max by this teenage drama queen, and he didn't even finish his dinner (unheard of).  So stress was certainly the name of the game this evening. :-(

Trust me - I WANTED TO GET ON THAT TREADMILL!  But at 8:00pm at night, that would have gotten my adreneline moving, and my IT band has been killing me... so taking it easy for now...

Ah, life, kids and stress...gotta love it....

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 14

Still on a "high" about getting a full day tracked nutritionally! Yay!  So I'm looking forward to keeping that trend going.

Today's mini-goals:

#1 - Get 2 10MT done before church, and some treadmill or step aerobics in front of Biggest Loser after church.  (Yes, a 2-shower day!)
#2 - Continue NO SODA or Artificial Sweetners
#3 - Track my nutrition
#4 - Plan out this week's dinners

Today's workouts:
10 MT Lower Body & Abs (ick): 31 min, 226 cal
Treadmill: 39 min, 309 cals
Total Calories burned: 535 cals

Today's Nutrition:
I'm tracking each snack and meal in my sparkpeople.com profile. 
Total calories:  1401 (within my range of 1270-1620)  Even with Theater Popcorn! Yay!

I'm SOOO super proud of myself!
I accomplished ALL four mini-goals for today. 

#1 - I ALMOST didn't get in my treadmill time!  My hubby was coming home soon, I still needed to fix dinner, and wanted to get in 30+ min. on the treadmill.  I was in the shower when he came home, and dinner (very good SP Breakfast Casserole, by the way) was in the oven. Yay, me!

#2 - When we went to Jack & Jill at the theater, I really, really, really, really craved soda.  But it helped that it was late in the evening - the caffeine would have kept me up 1/2 the night!  So I took a water bottle with crystal light (the kind with Stevia for sweetner).  YAY #2!

#3 - Nutrition tracked.  It was SO much easier to just add a recipe already in Sparkpeople!  I just added my servings to today's menu, and viola! Done!

#4 - Dinners are planned.  YES!

Tomorrow is a new challenge.  My step kids are over, but I AM using another SP dinner, to be going in the crockpot.  For some reason, I'm still craving soda really bad.  I would have thought that 2 wks off of it, I'd be doing pretty good....  hmm...

My biggest challenge for tomorrow is getting in my workout.  With a full house (all 6 of us) all on "vacation" for Martin Luther King Jr. day, it's really going to be a struggle....  To be continued! :D

Sunday, January 15, 2012

New scale... urg...

Although I will "officially" weigh myself tomorrow, I finally got a new scale, so I needed to get a "sneak peak."  *sigh*  I don't know if that was a good or bad idea....

Weight: 198.4
Body Fat: 40.2% (More than I thought)
% Hydration (as a percentage of your body weight): 42.3%

However, on my "old scale" I was back down to 194.4, so I will celebrate that I "lost" those 2 lbs., and just admit that I had a crappy scale, and now it's replaced.

I'm upset because I thought I had more muscle than that.  My body fat range is in the "very high" category (duh), and I'm pretty upset about that.  I'm only 5' 4" and I know that body fat shows easily on a smaller person, and I SEE that in the mirror each day.  But I truly thought that I had more muscle than that. (29-33% is "High", 23-28% is "Moderate" and 18-23% is "Good" for my age range.)  I have to reduce my body fat by half.  That's my sad realization. :-/

But being a teacher by trade, I LIVE by numbers. They give me solid goals to look at, achieve and re-examine.  However, these are not the ONLY numbers I live by... tomorrow when I "officially" weigh in, I'll be remeasuring as well, and last time I checked, my tape measurer wasn't "off/broken," so I'll be looking forward to seeing changes in those, hopefully.

Day 13

Time: mid-day...lunchtime...

So far, I'm doing well today.  But Saturdays are usually good for me.  I have "control" of the day, for the most part.  The kids and I do "Cinderella Saturday" (i.e. chores), and I have a fridge usually full of leftovers that need to be eaten, all relatively healthy, and inbetween chores, I usually throw in a short workout or two.  For example, inbetween laundry already today, I've done two 10 Min. Trainer episodes and shortly I'm going to do a little step up while watching old Biggest Loser episodes.  (I can never just "sit still" while watching TV - ESPECIALLY during that show!)

And so far, with the "relaxing" of the day, I'm easily able to put in the calories I've eaten AS I'm eating them!  It's so much easier to see what I've eaten and how much I have left.  I can "budget" a night out with my hubby, or plan on a smaller dinner, etc.  As much of a pain in the butt this will be, I know I need to do this for my success.So I'll have a calorie in/calorie out total for each day - that's my goal!  Working out is not enough, because I KNOW I will eat every calorie I burn off, and then some....

Here's today's summary -

10MT Lower Body: 17 min, 167 cals
10 MT Cardio: 16 min, 153 cals
Step Aerobics while watching BL: 34 min, 312 cals

Bfast: Multigrain Cherios & Almond Milk Cals: 155
Snack: Yoplait greek yogurt & E2 (energy/vitamin drink) Cals: 145
Lunch: Yakisoba Noodles with Stirfry, Shakeology with Almond Milk Cals: 398
Snack: nuts cals: 203
Dinner: Chicken Enchalidas, salad white white vinaigerette dressing and SMALL bread pudding Cals: 700 (ouch!)


Calories burned: 622 (yay!)
Calories consumed (goal 1270-1620): 1602 (Yay!)

I'm obviously trying to hit the LOWER end of my Caloric range, but I'm really happy to see that I can have a "real" dinner, and still fall in my range.

Thoughts: It was a pain in the butt to put that recipe in to sparkrecipes, but worth it.  I would have guessed ABOUT 500 cals on that (per serving), and that's close.  But I'm thinking I'm going to just find recipes that are already on there for the week to come, because I don't have this much time to input everything.  And instead of blogging all my food and individual cals, I'll just give a total for the day, which will MAKE me have to log it in through sparkpeople.com.

I'm happy that my first logging day was successful.  Now to just keep going....

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 12

10MT (Total Body): 17 min (did a few of them 2x), 116 cal
Treadmill: 34 min, 290 cal

I know that I'm taking my daughter to McDonald's today for a playdate with a friend.  I'm PLANNING on the salad!  I'm going to ORDER the salad.  I KNOW that anything else is NOT GOOD FOR ME - but as I said before, I'm not battling the fact that I don't have KNOWLEDGE, I'm battling what I think I "want" vs. what I KNOW is good for me!

Bfast: Sm bowl of cherios with almond milk
Snack: Shakeology
Lunch: urg... Big Mac, Iced Tea, small fries  :-(
Snack: Frozen yogurt
Dinner: 3 sushi rolls

Yep, alrighty I admit it fully to MYSELF AND MY GROUP that I did it - I ate the Big Mac. (And actually, yes, it WAS good.  Not so much the fries...I frankly ate those because it was a late lunch, and I was still hungry, and they were THERE.)  But there IS  good news: no soda for my New Year! Yay! 

I had a small "revelation" tonight.  Nothing "new" in the world of dieting, just something that became clearer to me....

I was watching an old series of the Biggest Loser last night (I don't have cable/dish or even the 3 free channels), and this guy WORKED HIS BUTT OFF all week, but was sloppy on the food.  JM (Jillian Michaels...LOVE HER) said "you can still outeat all your hard work." BINGO.  (He didn't gain, but he didn't have the fabulous weight loss that normal contestants on the ranch have.)

I've been accountable about what I have been eating, and for the most part it's been "good food," but not the amount of calories, etc.  And frankly, that's what it's all about - calories in vs. calories out.

Start of a new day! I'm logging back in to sparkpeople.com.  For anyone who doesn't know what it is, it's a FREE (yes, FREE!!!) website that allows you to track exactly that: calories in and calories out.  That's originally where I met Deb (my beachbody.com coach) and a whole bunch of fabulous, supportive people. 

Why did I leave?  Because I was getting sloppy.  It takes TIME to log in my exercise and food.  (Although now they have a manual place for exercise where you can just input the calories and time you did - which is saved on my HRM.  SO SLICK!)  But it's the FOOD that takes time - especially with homemade dishes (which I tend to make a lot of, being that we're a family of 4-6 on a budget).  But sparkrecipes.com also helps with that - you input  your recipe and TAH-DAH! They spit out the calories!  I also have the cool app on my iTouch, and I'm committed to this now!

A new day tomorrow...and I've got a plan!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 11 - on the upswing!

Well, it's still cold in my area, which just makes me want to hibernate again, but hubby's back to work today, and that meant no excuses for not getting up!

So I did 45 min. this morning, and plan to walk at school (already thinking about the layers I'll be wearing). ;-)

10MT Abs (oops, just realized it was supposed to be total body): 12 min, only 69 cal
Treadmill: 33 min, 283 cal
Walking at school: 37 min, 206 cal

I dislike/like the 10MT Abs segment.  It WORKS me!  My core sucks SO bad, but at the same time, because it is such a hard area for me, I have a hard time doing the moves, and by the time I get "set up," they're already 5-10 seconds into the move.  It's frustrating.  Maybe I just need to do it more often....

I know today is "cooking day" for my kids at school, so I'm flopping my bfast & snack. (Bfast being SMALLER, and my "snack" being bigger.)

Bfast: mini bowl of cherios with almond milk
Snack: waffles, bacon & eggs (OUCH!)
Lunch: 1 cup Mac & Cheese
Snack: Shakeology & almond milk
Dinner: Olive Tapitda (sp?) on Italian bread, meats & cheese (very light) with wine

Nutrition UP and DOWN! URG!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 10...uh oh...

Although I had a small workout victory yesterday on Day 9, Day 10 isn't starting out so swell. I went to bed early (could barely keep my eyes open at 8pm!) and woke up during the night with my ear killing me! (I had a TON of ear infections growing up, so it's certainly my biggest Achille's heel.) I slept in this morning. I will consider it my "off" day and walk at recess to just keep me moving, and watch my nutritional intake. It's not the plan I wanted, but I think I'm fighting a cold or something, and I really don't want to compromise my immune system.

No workouts today

bfast: normal oatmeal
snack: Skittles. :-(
lunch: 2 sm pieces of pizza
snack: Shakeology & two oranges
dinner: sushi & yakisoba noodles & stir-fry (YUM!)

It wasn't a good day all around.  It was COLD, and I tend to hibernate - both not moving much as well as "fatten up." (Like I really need help in that area!)

Looking forward to a better start tomorrow - it'll be a new day.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 9 - another small victory!

Alrighty, do you realize HOW CLOSE I was to just going back to bed?  I hadn't quite put on my work out clothes, but I had at least turned off the alarm, got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.  I was actually walking back to the bedroom - back to my warm, loving hubby snoring away... Oh, I so BADLY wanted to go back to bed!


Nope, I talked myself into "at least one 10 Minute Trainer."  Whatever TH had in store for me today.  Well, it's "Total Body." Not my fave, but ok...JUST 10 min!  Well, I paused and did a few more reps (they switch so quickly with the band sometimes, that I don't feel like I do some moves for a WHOLE minute), so it stretched from 10 min to 16 (with warm up/cool down too)! 

That's a big one for me.

Another motivator:  I noticed that my hubby got out his weights again.  I laugh inside because I LOVE him how he is!  In fact, when we met, he was almost "too skinny" and made me feel like a beached whale!  (It was my own insecurities, nothing he did/said.)  But, as it did with most people, the holidays and married life have snuck around his waist line, and put a few lbs on him.  I DON'T REALLY CARE!  (Why is it that men can wear a few pounds much better than women???)  But I love to see that yesterday, during his day off, he must have got them out again.  And I DO LOVE his strong arms wrapped around me!  Can't wait to feel them get even stronger!  Here's a shout out to my hubby: YAY DAN!

10MT (total body): 16 min, 119 cal
Treadmill: 16 min, 142 cal
Walking at recess: 11 min., 0.59 mi., only 27 cal??? (was my HRM off??)

Bfast: banana, oatmeal (oats), 1 tsp brn sugar, vanilla protein
Snack: 2 clementines & Shakeology with almond milk
Lunch: *cringe* Taco Johns - burrito with tater tots and TEA! (No soda!)
Snack: 2 cheese sticks
Dinner: to offset lunch, I had a salad and green beans

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 8

Treadmill: 35 min, 327 cal.
Walk at school:  29 min, 137 cal.

Total: 64 min, 464 cal.

I chose to do the treadmill today so that I wouldn't wake my hubby up. I can do my treadmill in the dark corner downstairs, but not my 10MT segments.  BUT - at least I got a workout in!

Bfast: 1/2 c of oats, pecans, craisins, 1 tsp. of brn sugar
Snack: Shakeology with almond milk, 2 clementines
Lunch: corn dogs :(
Snack: sm greek yogurt
Dinner: GREAT recipe! Healthy coconut chicken with pineapple cilantro salsa, salad and peaches.
2 BITES of Bread Pudding!

Two small victories: 

1 - I had not planned to walk at school during recess since I had burned over 300 calories in the morning.  But it was a gorgeous day, and I did anyway! (I think it was the guilt over corn dog-lunch thing!)

2 - I like trying new recipes.  I KNEW that the coconut chicken was a lighter recipe from Paula Deen's original, but I was using her full-fat, full sugar Bread Pudding recipe that I LOVED from Christmas (darn those SILs that bake good recipes)!  But I only had TWO bites!  I read an article from a food competition tester that the first and last bite are savored the most.  (She takes only 3 bites of each dish.)  So I truly took that to heart.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 1 wrap up

Well, overall the first week has been full of ups and downs - probably an equal share of both.

First, for the good news:
- my nutrition started leveling off.  I don't crave the sweets like I was at the beginning of the week, and I've made sure to have a salad a day.
- I'm getting exercise in some form at least once a day.

Not so good news: :(
- My weight this week didn't stay the same, or go down. It went up. 196.6 (2.2 lbs)
- It was a rocky start
- I'm feeling discouraged. :-/

However, in my devotional times today, I've already hit two of them that both focus on NOT GIVING UP! And when I'm discouraged, to give it all to Him, and pray about it.  I know that this is much more for me than just losing weight.  I know that this is a spiritual journey for me, and I have to continue on.  It's not a short-term journey.  For me, I've always struggled with my weight, I've always had issues.  Although it feels like the weight piles on daily, I know it hasn't; it's taken time to accumulate, and therefore it's going to take time and a lot of effort, prayer and fighting to get it off.

Yes, I AM discouraged about the gain.  2.2 lbs. REALLY?!?!  It's not even that time of month!  But I know the enemy WANTS me to be discouraged, I know he WANTS me to give up like I have before and just QUIT.  But I won't.  Instead, I will refer to scripture and pray.

Jesus Calling Devo: "I am with you and for you.  When you decide on a course of action that is in line with My will, nothing in heaven or earth can stop you.  You may encounter many obstacles as you move toward your goal, but don't be discouraged - never give up! With My help, you can overcome any obstacle."

Love Dare couples devotional: "Do you feel like giving up sometimes?  Jesus said to pray instead of quitting, 'to pray always and not become discouraged' (Luke 18:1). Are you stressed out and worred? Prayer can bring peace to your storms, guarding 'your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus' (Phil 4:7) Do you need a major breakthrough? Prayer can make the difference."

I know that the Love Dare devo was referring to my relationship with my husband, but it also completely and totally applies to my journey with exercise and food as well.

Yesterday in church, our pastor preached on hope.  He said that today's society has skewed the true definition of hope.  Like "well, I hope I can pay my bills this month."  But actually this is the true definition of HOPE

HOPE: a confident expectation

Like it IS going to happen!  With CONFIDENCE!

So...in closing of Week 1, these are my thoughts:
I'm disappointed.  I'm upset about the results, but I have TRUE HOPE that this journey will not only get better, but that God is on my side.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 7

Oh my gosh!  I'm feeling yesterday's workouts FOR SURE!  So I have to admit, I did "take it easy" today...

Treadmill: 25 min, only 244 calories

Bfast: Cherios (small bowl) with almond milk
Snack: Shakeology with almond milk
Lunch: Eat-your-way-through-Costco
Snack: 2 Moz. Sticks and 7 oz of General So's Chicken (swap with lunch??)
Dinner: Applebee's Asian Chicken Salad

I'm dealing with a bit of stress over the scale - it's moving UP, but I know I 'm being true to my workouts.  I'm not doing GREAT on my nutrition, but definiately doing BETTER!  I just wish I could see SOME results!!

I've been looking around for a scale.  The cheap-wad in me doesn't want to pay $30+ for a scale - I want one that not only tells me weight, but also the % of body fat, just so that I have yet ANOTHER number to OBSESS over! :-/  Seriously, I know that between my workouts and my sore muscles, I KNOW I'm gaining muscle, so I'm hoping to see that more in the % of body fat even if I don't see the lbs going in the direction that I want.

Day 6 wrap up

Work outs:
It felt so good to get a FULL workout in! My work week is usually so crazy, that I don't ever feel like I have time to get a full one in. Today was good.  I paced them out inbetween doing chores today since my body isn't used to doing that all at once.
10MT Yoga: 15 min, 58 cal.
10MT Cardio WITH resistance belt!: 19 min (I did a couple exercises 2x), 177 cal.
Turbo Jam Cardio Remix: 35 min, 318 cal!

total minutes: 59 minutes
total calories: 553 calories (!)

I really like the 10MT Yoga.  Obviously not a big calorie burner, and I don't think I even broke a sweat!  But it's so mellow that I can do after work without feeling like I need another shower for the day. So that's a plan.

Bfast: small bowl of Cherios & almond milk
snack: Shakeology with almond milk
Lunch: sm. bowl of chili with cheese & tortilla chips
snack: none
Dinner: tilapia fish, green beans, baked potato with mushrooms and salad

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 6 (morning)

Well, it's not my "official" weigh day (I'll do that on Sundays), but I thought I would get a little sneak peek... let's just say I shouldn't have. 194.4

Nothing lost, nothing gained.

But I feel like Coach Barbie on the You Tube video who showed how she threw away her scale.  Except she threw it out because she KNEW she was at her healthiest - she exercises, eats right, etc., etc.  The scale and I have just NEVER been friends.  The few times I have divulged my weight (or hinted to what I've been around), people usually can't believe that I weigh THAT much!  Well, under all that fat, there actually IS some muscle!  My legs are short, but STRONG - they always have been.  And I guess that's why when I strength train, I truly enjoy doing lower body best because I can feel myself not only getting stronger, but I never have to start back at "square one" when I start a new exercise program.  My weaknesses (by far) are core and upper body strength.  I can't do a (real) pushup to save my life, but I can pump out almost 20 "girlie" pushups. I can't do a pull up, and my core (*laughing*), oh my...

But getting back on target: I don't like the scale.  Even when I was on an Atkins' diet and doing great, lost 40 lbs (was in the 160's), I looked like I was at least 20 lbs. less.  So this challenge, I still plan on using the scale, but on my "to do" list today is to go out and get a scale that tells a little bit more: BMI, and muscle % maybe.  I can't remember what all this scale used to do (it's an older one, hopefully less accurate??). 

But today is Saturday, and there's bad and good to my weekend.  The only "bad" is that there is SO much to do, and the day TOTALLY flies away from me!  (Much less the fact that I'm on the computer usually WAY too much!)  But I usually make a nice dinner for my wonderful hubby and family, bake a few things to throw into lunches (I need to research some healthier cookie recipes), clean up the house and of course, put more time into my workouts.  Here's my "to do" list today:

- clean downstairs bathroom
- clean up our bedroom (strip sheets)
- do laudry (and remember to put it away! oops)
- research some healthier cookie recipes
- dye hair (yes, sorry - roots are showing! But I usually clean the bathroom at the same time)
- get new scale
- do grocery shopping (maybe save that until tomorrow after church?)
- watch 1-2 success stories
- log on to beachbody for nutrition menu
- check kids' school grades
- workout: I'm thinking 45 min. of Turbo Jam and at least one 10MT segment.
- look into putting "Biggest Loser" past seasons on my iTouch for treadmill walks (if I'm "distracted," I tend to walk FARTHER and LONGER
- cash check

Whew!  On top of that, my kids are doing their "Cinderella Saturday" chores as well!  Here's to a good day!  Get 'er done! ;-)

Day 5...

This is about the time where I start giving up.  Yep, you read that right; usually by the time I have been working my butt off for a week, I don't see any results, and therefore, I usually give up.

So the next few days are pretty crutial for me.  

I KNOW it takes longer than 5 days to see the results of my hard work; especially since I'm a female.  But KNOWING is different than being motivated.

But I promised myself that I would do this for 90 days: no matter what.  No giving up. Period.

So... here's what happened today:

When hubby left for work, I couldn't go back to sleep (still had 45 min left), so I woke up and started brewing my tea!

10MT - Total Body: 15 min, 120 cal
Treadmill (fast walk): 25 min, 235 cal.

Bfast: Shakeology with Almond Milk and apple
Snack: cottage cheese with tropical fruit
Lunch: Chicken breast and brown rice
Snack: frozen yogurt
Dinner: salad

NO SKITTLES! YAY! Not even a craving for them! I knew the frozen yogurt was in today's "plan" (it was a reward for a class competition), so I made sure I watched my p's & q's!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 4 wrap up

AM workout (2 10MT segments): 33 min., 243 cal.
10 Minute walk after lunch: 67 calories (?)
PM recess (13 min): 94 calories
The Skittles in my desk keep haunting me; I need to hide them from me AND the class!
But lunch was good: small piece of salmon & the rest of the roasted veggies from the other night's leftovers.

I wasn't very hungry for dinner.  I got a disturbing phone call about work, and although I don't get paid much for teaching at a private school, it's steady (until June), and I'm hearing that it's not so steady any more.  (Like might be going under before the school year ends??)  So I'm sure my stress & cortisol levels are through the roof, which is not very conducive for losing weight.

However, I have to trust that God has a plan in all of this, and He has never let me down yet.  He's provided needs when I didn't even know that I needed them until it was almost "too late," and I know it will all work out in the end.  I'm just worried about what this will do to my 90 Day Challenge.  I know stress is not very good for weight loss at ALL, and when I stress, I don't sleep, which is why I've been up this morning (Day 5, Friday) since 3am when hubby's alarm went off. :-(  (Also not a good thing for weight loss.)

On a more positive note, I know that exercise is a great stress combatant, and that's on my docket for sure.  The kids at school know that when Mrs. Kinnick comes outside for recess duty with tennis shoes on (despite whatever skirt or professional dress I'm wearing), that means "going for a walk," and a few of the younger ones walk with me. :-)  So I already feel like I'm paying it forward, in some small way.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 4 (so far)...

Today is already a better day!

Hubby left for work at 4:15am, so there was NO excuse to not get out of bed when the alarm rang at 5:15!  (Even the step kids aren't here, so I knew I could take my shower a few minutes later than normal if I had to.  With 6 people in the house on some days - 2 adults, my 2 kids, and his 2 kids - we have a strict shower schedule Tues & Wed mornings.)

So I got up, did 2 out of 3 10MT (10 Minute Trainer) workouts - Cardio and Abs.  Abs kicked my butt! My core is SO not "there!"  But I know I need to find a different solution for Cardio.  I can't use the bands as directed for a challenge - there is no where to "hook" the band to in the room I'm using.  So I'm looking into P90, or substitute Turbo Jam occasionally.

And this morning for nutrition, I'm already drinking my green tea, and Shakeology is in the blender for bfast! :D  I feel better already!

Day 3

Today's "Thought for the Day" from my "Made to Crave" devotional totally fits me and where I am right now.

"Between any trial and the blessing that comes from that trial, there is a pathway I must walk - that pathway is perseverance."

I went to bed early last night really hoping I'd jump out of bed, ready to go when my alarm went off. Nope. I think going back to work after the Christmas break zapped my energy! I was a popped puppy last night (AND this morning)! I admit to hitting the snooze. Now there's good and bad news to that. First, I started justifying it all... "I'm tired. My body needs sleep, & sleep is just as important as food and work out choices." AND "I have exercised 4 days straight; time for a rest day." REALLY?!? But then I pushed the thoughts aside and already started a plan! (yay me!) I am going to walk again at school recess, and do at least one 10 Min. segment with TH (Tony Horton) when I get home. I don't like to workout when I get home and get all nasty, sweaty, but it IS just the yoga planned for today, and even the 10 Min Cardio doesn't have me breaking too much of a sweat. So.... NO EXCUSES! (that's the good news!)

Also, I really am craving FOOD for breakfast. The shake is okay, I don't even mind the taste, but sometimes I just want to CHEW something instead of just swallowing my meal, ya know?!? So instead of making a SHAKE, I will just have Shakeology plain, and have a slice of toast. I already have last night's leftovers for today's lunch (which not only was YUMMY, but super healthy!) and we have a sensible dinner planned for tonight. Yay! I feel like I jumped a hurdle and have a good plan for the day!


It was NOT the day I planned.  Lesson learned: Workout in the morning - PERIOD!  I DID walk at school, but it was only 100 cal burned for 15 min.  And someone left a bag of OPENED Skittles (the BIG Costco bag) on my desk to use for the students, and of course I had to dip in as well.  And I'm not even a bit Skittles fan! BAH! 

Oh well...I have to chalk it up to lessons learned, and learn from it.  It's done, and time to MOVE ON!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 2

Today was an okay day. I was only able to get in ONE 10 Minute trainer segment (instead of 2 or 3). It was only about 118 calories burned. BUT - I went for a walk around the school yard at lunchtime. It was a leisurely walk, only 1 mike, but I burned another 150+ calories, so I feel better about that! It will be easier to get up & out of bed on days that Dan works. Since Th. - Sun. he is our of the house by 5, that will make it easier to get out of bed. It's hard leaving a warm, loving hubby!

Anyway, food-wise I think my hardest problem will be at school. I packed myself a taco salad, but the kids had hot dogs & fries for lunch. I DID have a hot dog and ONE fry! Lol. However, I also succumbed to two pieces of chocolate in my desk drawer. Not cool. But not a big surprise that my issue is food. SHOCK! (or not) that's what it usually is! I wish my cravings for crap-food would go away!!! However, on a brighter note, dinner was AWESOME! baked salmon with no-salt seasonings, and roasted veggies. The same recipe from my Unle Ed Shaw - he made them for us at Christmas dinner. Red & yellow potatoes, carrots, parsnips and beers. Diced up, covered with Olive oil on 400 degrees for about 30 min., stirring every 5-10 min. I also added a bit of sea salt. They were delish!

"Before" Pictures...

As a warning, these are not "pretty."  I have thought about printing them as motivation, but I won't for two reasons:
#1 - I don't want to be caught DEAD with them in my wallet, in my purse, etc! (lol)
#2 - I would most likely not just look at them, but they would become an obsession and I would continually pick myself apart. :(

On a more positive note, I am so hopeful for changes!  These "before" pictures motivate me enough to roll me out of bed, even when my warm, loving husband is still in bed (which is hard to leave)!

Front: "Before" January 1, 2012

Side: "Before" January 1, 2012

Sorry if I ruined any appetite! Urg... It's enough to slow my breakfast down! :-P

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 1

Today is Day 1 of the 90 Day Challenge, and there were some "pluses" and some "minuses."

For the workout today, I had the options of Cardio, followed by Lower Body and Abs.  I had planned to do all three, but I did only the first two.  But I worked out for 35 minutes today and burned off 270 calories!  Not bad...but when I jog for the same amount of time, I usually burn 340+ calories.  But the Lower Body workout was a good challenge, that's for sure, and I can't wait to try the other workouts in the set.

Another positive was my Shakeology shake - 8 oz of unsweetened almond milk, a banana, ice & mix.  It was good!  It was my bfast/lunch since I woke up so late.

However, the highlight (I must say) was reading in my "Made to Crave" 60 day devotional by Lysa Tyrkhurst.  Today there was a quote: "Define your week by obedience, not by a number on the scale."  Did I work out today? YES.  Did I have my Shakeology? YES. Was my eating on track? YES/NO.  (Dinner was not so healthy, but I DID add a salad!) ;-)  Tomorrow is another day.