Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 29 - drama, drama, drama!

Ok, I know that every workplace has it's fair share of drama - especially in a woman-ladened profession such as teaching and daycare (right next door).  But it's getting ridiculous!

My boss used to own both the private school AND the daycare which share the same building.  She was overwhelmed by running both, being principal, teacher, business owner, etc., etc. so she sold the daycare this past fall (to a friend) hoping things would transition smoothly through the school year. 

It's not.

The stress is getting to me, and personally, I'm dealing with some delimmas: do I stay and work through my committment of the whole school year when I am honestly not sure that my job with last that long?  Or cut losses now and look for another job?

Disclaimer: There are NO teaching jobs in this area.  When I got engaged last spring, I started looking, and looking...and this is what I was able to come up with (a job at a private school).  It's not that I was even turned down, or wasn't interviewed: there were NO JOBS to apply for!  And frankly, I took what I could.  But hourly, I'm not even being paid minimum wage (for Washington state).  Granted, I know I'm not at the building for 40 hours a week, but I WORK 40 hours a week, ya know what I mean?  So that's why I'm even temped to just go and take a minimum wage job.

What's my problem?  I'm a person of my word.  I said I would teach for this school year, and I feel bound by my word.  But I need to talk to my boss and make sure she's being honest with me about the rest of the year.

How does this affect my weight loss journey? GREATLY!  Dealing with stress and drama leaves me to CRAVINGS!  But I'm learning to pray through it instead.... still learning.

Hubby took me to lunch yesterday.  It was a way to get away from the building, and a nice (short) respite, but Taco Time doesn't have a lot of great meals while watching your weight.  And yes, I did abstain from soda, but Powerade has quite a few calories, I found out.  So I went over today...

And today was a PLANNED sleep-in day, so no work outs.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Consumed: 1,750

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