Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 19

Today I was able to sleep in since my boss called off school yesterday due to weather.  Yay!  I usually get "enough" sleep during the week, but I wouldn't call it great sleep.  So I sleep in whenever I can.  (by the way, "sleeping in" is like 8:30am for me... not always considered "sleeping in" by some people's accounts!)

But this morning I was awakened by my SIL's text, and we got to talk for a couple of hours, which was really nice, but put me off schedule. So I'm hoping to get my butt in gear and get moving!

However,  I do want to measure myself.  I know I'm starting to get the ol' PMS bloat going on, but I must say, it's NOT as bad as what I'm used to! Yay!  Must be from the lack of soda this month, because I'm not so sure it's the lack of sodium!

 - Later -

I worked some of my numbers over in  I put in that I burn about 1600 calories a week, and I thought that would change my nutrition (because I had on there that my goal was to burn 1,100 calories a week).  Well, it DID, but it changed my goal to consume 1,200 - 1,550 calories... (instead of 1,620 max).  WHAT?!?!  I'm confused...  But I have heard that 1200 - 1500 calories is what a woman should be shooting's a new challenge for me!

And so far, I've just done my Jillian Michael's work out, and I'm sorta torn because I really would like to get 30 min. on the treadmill, but at the same time I'm looking at the long....long... list of things I want to get done today.  AND I know that I'll be heading to my nephew's bday party (out of town) tomorrow, so I won't be able to do my longer workouts like a normal Saturday... So I guess I had better get my butt off the computer and get movin', huh?

Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 - week 1 - 40 min, 336 calories
(I chose to do this DVD because I knew I could modify it for my hip.)

Treadmill (walking):  43 min, 393 cals.

total burned: 729 calories!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories in: 1,213 DOUBLE YAY!

The good/bad news about my nutrition is that I really didn't get a "lunch" due to the fact that I slept in, and then had my bfast after working out (which was more like an early lunch time), and then the domino affect just occured through the day. 

Most days I WILL NOT be sleeping in, and I'm afraid that my "normal schedule" of 3 meals, 2 snacks will easily put me over 1,500.  So I'm really going to have to watch my "snacks" I think.  My Shakeology has been a "snack" lately because in the morning I've really been wanting FOOD to actually EAT (as in chew, not just, and my lunch I've been craving something WARM (even just soup) because it's been so snowy, blustery here.  So I'm really going to have to watch it.

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