Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 18

When I found out that our school day was being cut in half, I really wanted to come home and jump into a workout since I had missed my opportunity this morning.  (We were too busy praying for a two hour delay! lol...)  But one thing led to another...fixing the zipper on my hubby's coat, getting homemade chicken noodle soup started in the crock pot, making cookies for hubby at work... by the time I knew it, my hubby was walking through the door after work and it was about dinner time!  Shoot, where DOES all the time go??

It just certainly goes to show, that I must exercise first thing in the morning, or it's really just NOT going to happen.  I know that I tend to put everyone before me - even when I don't WANT to!  But there's always homework to go over, mail to respond to (not counting email!) bills to pay, things to mend, meals to cook... Does the list EVER end?  So I know that I put those things FIRST, especially if I have already taken a shower for the day.... 

So the plan for tomorrow is that my boss already called a snow/weather day.  (We're expecting all the rain we had today to freeze.)  So tomorrow is like day 1 of my weekend, so I really plan to use the time in the morning to workout.  Since my hip is still achy, it might just mean more time walking on the treadmill.  But at least it's walking, and not just sitting on my rear.

Goal: 1,270 - 1,620
Calories consumed: 1597

Since I figured that I wasn't going to get in a workout, it was really important to me to stay on course and be within my goal range for calories today.  Do you know how easy it would have been for me to "stray" had I not been aware of my calorie intake?  Goodies here, goodies there...  It IS PMS week, so the cravings are starting to kick in.  There was one point today when I was driving home from school and I really wanted to just pull into Starbucks and have a really nice, warm latte.  But NOT just a "skinny" latte, one with a flavor in it (of course), and probably a slice of pumpkin bread.  After all, it's been cold, wet and rainy all day, and that just sounded nice, warm and comforting...

BUT I DIDN'T! (**cue victory music!**)

Also on the way home (after I decided "no" to Starbucks - not only because of my calorie budget, but I couldn't justify the cost either), I was thinking of a fountain soda.  It has been SO long since I had a pop, much less a big ol' 32 oz-er from the local Zip-Trip.... And although cold, soda sounded SO GOOD (typical PMS craving for me).  And besides, it's DIET, right?  Zero calories...wouldn't have hurt my "calorie budget," and pretty cheap on the wallet too....

BUT I DIDN'T!  (**cue victory DANCE!**)

Small, small victories, one day at a time.  So when I start bloating up this week due to all those lovely PMS-primings for next week's event, I'll remember that I won't be AS bloated.  I also noticed today that as I was putting my boots on (to go into the nasty rain-snow), that my belt/gut wasn't cutting off my air supply/circulation as bad as it used to!  Another small victory...

One small victory at a time fuels the small victories for tomorrow...

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