Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 23...*warning: "female content"! Males beware! ;-)

Sorry guys, but I have to forewarn you, there's going to be a lot of "girl talk" in this one. 

Mother nature arrived last night, and I have to tell you that I feel the difference this month (in a very positive way)!  Normally, my boobs ache about 5 days beforehand (during that lovely "PMS week").  I've always known it was due to the amount of soda that I consume, but I never knew if it was related to the carbonation, artificial sweeteners or sodium in the soda, or just the crap in soda itself!  I guess it doesn't really matter, but anyway, I only had a 1/2 day of problems with that this month.

But even better, I started during the night last night (which is pretty normal for me), and "felt" inside what was going on.  BUT NO CRAMPS!  Really!  I don't get those horrible, debilitating cramps like some women where they have to stay home, etc.  But on Day 1, I usually get my fair share and inhale enough Advil to choke a horse!  (And usually with a Diet Coke for the caffeine to open up the capillaries!)  And on TOP of it all, I woke up feeling pretty good this morning!  Usually on Day 1, I wake up exhausted and just overall wanting to go back to bed.  NOPE!  Yay!  Awesome!  If this is what each period will be like from now on, I'm a new woman! ;-)

Still not overly "peppy" to do more than a treadmill workout, despite the lack of fatigue.

Treadmill: 46 min, 399 calories

Tonight's dinner menu is Asian food - potstickers, Sweet & Sour Meatballs (from the Beachbody cookbook!), Soba noodles & stir fry.  I'm going to need to watch the potstickers and soy sauce: too much sodium!  I'll have to drink a lot of water today for sure!

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed:  I have no idea...

I'm sure it was over 1,550.  I did pretty good during the day, but succumbed to a Fast Break candy bar... And I stuck with mainly stir-fry for dinner tonight,  but I'm sure I went over too... *sigh*  New day tomorrow...

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