Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 24 - shoulda saw the signs...

The day didn't start well...shoulda known it probably wouldn't end well...

It started out sleeping through my alarm (don't you hate that?) not only did I miss my workout, but I was running frantically through the house.  LUCKILY, I wasn't too late (overall), but pinched enough on time that my normal routine was completely out of whack.  Then my step-daughter decided to take my shower time (yes, I was up by then) which set me back ANOTHER 15 minutes, and when I could finally get in the shower, my son had my bathroom "occupied."  Yep...that was the start to my day...

Forgot my waterbottle AND my Shakeology as I ran out the door...luckily, I think I remembered my head...but only because it was attached.

No Workouts.

As we got home from a glorious day at work, the step daughter was already ticked off at the world (this is more "normal" than not, but still adds to the stress of the house), and then I realized that our 14 year old Chocolate Lab was taking a turn for the worse...

Our Rainie....
Rainie came to our family when my son (now 16) was just 2.  So she's been with him practically his whole life, and since we rescued her, she's always just been a very grateful, loving family pet.  This past year her arthritis has really flared up, and I knew we probably wouldn't have another year with her.  In fact, when my husband and I got married this summer, I'm surprised that she made the trip from our home in Washington to our new home in Idaho.  But that's Rainie: a trooper.  She's been through marriage #1, the divorce, most of my son's life, my daughter's life, 4 moves and now a new marriage/familly.  She's really been through it all with me and my kids.  Now, sadly, she's really suffering.  She can't go up or down the back porch steps to go to the bathroom, and it kills me to see her suffer.

I couldn't eat dinner tonight.  I'm just sick to my stomach.  I guess in retrospect, it's a good thing that I calorie loaded up at the beginning of my day.  Sorta.  Weight-loss wise, the thing I'm worried about is that I quickly go from not being able to eat (my stomach just kills me) to wanting to eat EVERYTHING to mask the pain and bad feelings.  I can't do that.  I can't self-soothe that way anymore.


Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1,401

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