Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 6 (morning)

Well, it's not my "official" weigh day (I'll do that on Sundays), but I thought I would get a little sneak peek... let's just say I shouldn't have. 194.4

Nothing lost, nothing gained.

But I feel like Coach Barbie on the You Tube video who showed how she threw away her scale.  Except she threw it out because she KNEW she was at her healthiest - she exercises, eats right, etc., etc.  The scale and I have just NEVER been friends.  The few times I have divulged my weight (or hinted to what I've been around), people usually can't believe that I weigh THAT much!  Well, under all that fat, there actually IS some muscle!  My legs are short, but STRONG - they always have been.  And I guess that's why when I strength train, I truly enjoy doing lower body best because I can feel myself not only getting stronger, but I never have to start back at "square one" when I start a new exercise program.  My weaknesses (by far) are core and upper body strength.  I can't do a (real) pushup to save my life, but I can pump out almost 20 "girlie" pushups. I can't do a pull up, and my core (*laughing*), oh my...

But getting back on target: I don't like the scale.  Even when I was on an Atkins' diet and doing great, lost 40 lbs (was in the 160's), I looked like I was at least 20 lbs. less.  So this challenge, I still plan on using the scale, but on my "to do" list today is to go out and get a scale that tells a little bit more: BMI, and muscle % maybe.  I can't remember what all this scale used to do (it's an older one, hopefully less accurate??). 

But today is Saturday, and there's bad and good to my weekend.  The only "bad" is that there is SO much to do, and the day TOTALLY flies away from me!  (Much less the fact that I'm on the computer usually WAY too much!)  But I usually make a nice dinner for my wonderful hubby and family, bake a few things to throw into lunches (I need to research some healthier cookie recipes), clean up the house and of course, put more time into my workouts.  Here's my "to do" list today:

- clean downstairs bathroom
- clean up our bedroom (strip sheets)
- do laudry (and remember to put it away! oops)
- research some healthier cookie recipes
- dye hair (yes, sorry - roots are showing! But I usually clean the bathroom at the same time)
- get new scale
- do grocery shopping (maybe save that until tomorrow after church?)
- watch 1-2 success stories
- log on to beachbody for nutrition menu
- check kids' school grades
- workout: I'm thinking 45 min. of Turbo Jam and at least one 10MT segment.
- look into putting "Biggest Loser" past seasons on my iTouch for treadmill walks (if I'm "distracted," I tend to walk FARTHER and LONGER
- cash check

Whew!  On top of that, my kids are doing their "Cinderella Saturday" chores as well!  Here's to a good day!  Get 'er done! ;-)

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