Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 5...

This is about the time where I start giving up.  Yep, you read that right; usually by the time I have been working my butt off for a week, I don't see any results, and therefore, I usually give up.

So the next few days are pretty crutial for me.  

I KNOW it takes longer than 5 days to see the results of my hard work; especially since I'm a female.  But KNOWING is different than being motivated.

But I promised myself that I would do this for 90 days: no matter what.  No giving up. Period.

So... here's what happened today:

When hubby left for work, I couldn't go back to sleep (still had 45 min left), so I woke up and started brewing my tea!

10MT - Total Body: 15 min, 120 cal
Treadmill (fast walk): 25 min, 235 cal.

Bfast: Shakeology with Almond Milk and apple
Snack: cottage cheese with tropical fruit
Lunch: Chicken breast and brown rice
Snack: frozen yogurt
Dinner: salad

NO SKITTLES! YAY! Not even a craving for them! I knew the frozen yogurt was in today's "plan" (it was a reward for a class competition), so I made sure I watched my p's & q's!

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