Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 13

Time: mid-day...lunchtime...

So far, I'm doing well today.  But Saturdays are usually good for me.  I have "control" of the day, for the most part.  The kids and I do "Cinderella Saturday" (i.e. chores), and I have a fridge usually full of leftovers that need to be eaten, all relatively healthy, and inbetween chores, I usually throw in a short workout or two.  For example, inbetween laundry already today, I've done two 10 Min. Trainer episodes and shortly I'm going to do a little step up while watching old Biggest Loser episodes.  (I can never just "sit still" while watching TV - ESPECIALLY during that show!)

And so far, with the "relaxing" of the day, I'm easily able to put in the calories I've eaten AS I'm eating them!  It's so much easier to see what I've eaten and how much I have left.  I can "budget" a night out with my hubby, or plan on a smaller dinner, etc.  As much of a pain in the butt this will be, I know I need to do this for my success.So I'll have a calorie in/calorie out total for each day - that's my goal!  Working out is not enough, because I KNOW I will eat every calorie I burn off, and then some....

Here's today's summary -

10MT Lower Body: 17 min, 167 cals
10 MT Cardio: 16 min, 153 cals
Step Aerobics while watching BL: 34 min, 312 cals

Bfast: Multigrain Cherios & Almond Milk Cals: 155
Snack: Yoplait greek yogurt & E2 (energy/vitamin drink) Cals: 145
Lunch: Yakisoba Noodles with Stirfry, Shakeology with Almond Milk Cals: 398
Snack: nuts cals: 203
Dinner: Chicken Enchalidas, salad white white vinaigerette dressing and SMALL bread pudding Cals: 700 (ouch!)


Calories burned: 622 (yay!)
Calories consumed (goal 1270-1620): 1602 (Yay!)

I'm obviously trying to hit the LOWER end of my Caloric range, but I'm really happy to see that I can have a "real" dinner, and still fall in my range.

Thoughts: It was a pain in the butt to put that recipe in to sparkrecipes, but worth it.  I would have guessed ABOUT 500 cals on that (per serving), and that's close.  But I'm thinking I'm going to just find recipes that are already on there for the week to come, because I don't have this much time to input everything.  And instead of blogging all my food and individual cals, I'll just give a total for the day, which will MAKE me have to log it in through

I'm happy that my first logging day was successful.  Now to just keep going....

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