Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 27

Today I took a "sneak peak" on the scale.  My period finally wrapped up (I DO NOT go on the scale during my period.  It's just an untruth filled with bloat and misery!), and so I stepped on it.  It read: 193 lbs. (Previous: 196)  I'm feeling good that the scale is finally going down.  I'm a little disheartened that it's ONLY  3 lbs in 4 weeks. (That's less than a lb a wk.)  But I do know that the first couple of weeks took a bit of panning out with exercise and nutrition - especially to the realization that I needed to track my nutrion, and not just assume I made good choices through the day.  The choice of WHAT I was eating might have been fine, but the portion or frequency of eating wasn't where it should have been.

My clothes DO feel "bigger" and it's frustrating.  Clothes I used to fit into just fine this summer still are still a bit snug, but clothes that I've recently been wearing are getting looser, and I have a pair of jeans that I need to wash all the time to keep them "shrunk up!"  Yes, I would love to go out and buy new clothes, but not only is it not a reality in my budget, but when I have a closet full of clothes already, I really can't justify more.

Treadmill watching BL: 1hr, 13 min, 618 calories

I have noticed that my "resting" heart rate is REALLY low (60's-70's) - to the point where I even replaced the battery on my chest belt!  But I know that as you get more fit, your resting hear rate gets lower.  So once I'm warmed up, I do a few short sprints to actually get it UP!  Today I ran faster on my treadmill (5.7) than I ever have before!  It may not seem very fast, but it was for me (especially for 30 - 60 sec intervals)!  I got the idea from Biggest Loser where they really push them beyond their comfort zones, having them run 10 sec sprints at crazy speeds - 8.0, 9.0! Wow! I'm not even sure my treadmill goes that high, much less with ME on it!

Calorie goal:  1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1107

At the last minute I made Chicken Noodle Soup for my hubby who is fighting a cold.  There's just something about homemade soup that does a body wonders, and I was hoping that it would do him well.  But of course, there's not a lot of calories in soup and pretty filling too. So I was a little low today...which I think is ok too - offsets all those days I was a "little over," huh? ;-)

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