Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 22...yeppers, feels like a Monday!

Ok, let me start this Monday off with the fact that I am working on 6 (or less) hours of sleep after a date night with hubby on top of an emotional (PMS induced?) attack on myself... (to be explained in a bit)

I know if I don't get about 8 hours of sleep, I cannot work out.  I just can't - I function ok, but I can't put anything into my workout.  So the "workout" plan today is to walk at recess with the kids.  It's not a huge calorie burn, but at least I'm moving, right?

And today's nutrition I'm hoping to hit the lower part of my 1,200 - 1,550 calorie goal since the last 2 days haven't been stellar, and with Mother Nature visiting soon, I usually start craving very "clean" foods anyway. 

So...for that "emotional attack" I mentioned earlier....
I won't give all the personal details, but I was really hoping that my husband would have said SOMETHING about me losing weight, or looking nice for date night last night... nope.  ** Disclaimer for him: not only was it "late," but he'd been up since 3am that morning for work, and had a long, 12 hr. day before we even got to our date night.**  But he wasn't even really his attentive self, and I took it personally.  I've got to stop doing that because I just beat myself up.

But today is a new day.  I'm still emotionally "bruised" from my own self beating, and I'm hoping it's just the fuel I need to make sure I do my laps at recess...


I honestly tried to walk at recess, but I had people and students coming up to me needing things, so I wouldn't really count what I did.  I guess we'll just call Monday my off day.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1494 (yay!)

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