Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 2

Today was an okay day. I was only able to get in ONE 10 Minute trainer segment (instead of 2 or 3). It was only about 118 calories burned. BUT - I went for a walk around the school yard at lunchtime. It was a leisurely walk, only 1 mike, but I burned another 150+ calories, so I feel better about that! It will be easier to get up & out of bed on days that Dan works. Since Th. - Sun. he is our of the house by 5, that will make it easier to get out of bed. It's hard leaving a warm, loving hubby!

Anyway, food-wise I think my hardest problem will be at school. I packed myself a taco salad, but the kids had hot dogs & fries for lunch. I DID have a hot dog and ONE fry! Lol. However, I also succumbed to two pieces of chocolate in my desk drawer. Not cool. But not a big surprise that my issue is food. SHOCK! (or not) that's what it usually is! I wish my cravings for crap-food would go away!!! However, on a brighter note, dinner was AWESOME! baked salmon with no-salt seasonings, and roasted veggies. The same recipe from my Unle Ed Shaw - he made them for us at Christmas dinner. Red & yellow potatoes, carrots, parsnips and beers. Diced up, covered with Olive oil on 400 degrees for about 30 min., stirring every 5-10 min. I also added a bit of sea salt. They were delish!

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