Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 1

Today is Day 1 of the 90 Day Challenge, and there were some "pluses" and some "minuses."

For the workout today, I had the options of Cardio, followed by Lower Body and Abs.  I had planned to do all three, but I did only the first two.  But I worked out for 35 minutes today and burned off 270 calories!  Not bad...but when I jog for the same amount of time, I usually burn 340+ calories.  But the Lower Body workout was a good challenge, that's for sure, and I can't wait to try the other workouts in the set.

Another positive was my Shakeology shake - 8 oz of unsweetened almond milk, a banana, ice & mix.  It was good!  It was my bfast/lunch since I woke up so late.

However, the highlight (I must say) was reading in my "Made to Crave" 60 day devotional by Lysa Tyrkhurst.  Today there was a quote: "Define your week by obedience, not by a number on the scale."  Did I work out today? YES.  Did I have my Shakeology? YES. Was my eating on track? YES/NO.  (Dinner was not so healthy, but I DID add a salad!) ;-)  Tomorrow is another day.

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