Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 16

Ah, the mood from last night tumbled over to this morning with sinus pressure, ache in my hip (reinjury from my training for my 1/2 marathon?) and not wanting to get out of bed.  I have to keep repeating:

"It is NOT Monday. It is NOT Monday. It is NOT Monday...."

It's not helping.

But I DID get up (although later than I wanted), and because my hip is achy, I just walked on the treadmill for almost a 1/2 hr.  Not what I SHOULD have done, but I got SOMETHING done.  Better than nothing.

Treadmill: 26 min, 210 cal
Walking at school: 15 min, (about) 100? cals (HRM needs a new battery, I think.  Or it couldn't read through all the layers of clothing I had on for outside!) ;-)

Total Calories burned: 310 cals


Goal: 1,270 - 1,620
Consumed: 1450

I seem to be all over the place with my nutrition.... break down and have skittles one minute, and then feel like skipping dinner (because of lack of hunger...) the next.  What gives?  I know that I'm fighting a cold right now, and the mucus dripping down my throat into my stomach (sorry so graphic!) is not making my throat or my stomach feel great.  And when I DID have skittles - ick.  My stomach totally rebelled!  Lesson learned!

On the OTHER positive side, I'm seeing results myself!  YAY!  That "roll" that I hate SO MUCH below my ribs IS starting to shrink, and I'm so happy about that! I am frustrated about my hip, and I really wish I could do more.  But at the same time, I learned early on with training with Team in Training that if you ignore your injuries, it's only going to get worse.  So I'm just working on the treadmill at a fast walking pace for now (with no pain), and icy hot the hip at night. 

Hubby promised me a massage to help with the hip and the stress that I tend to harbor in my right shoulder...he's so good to me!  He hasn't mentioned anything about my weight loss, and maybe he hasn't noticed anything yet.  But on his days off, I'm noticing that he has the weights out as well. ;-)  I LOVE it!

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