Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 10...uh oh...

Although I had a small workout victory yesterday on Day 9, Day 10 isn't starting out so swell. I went to bed early (could barely keep my eyes open at 8pm!) and woke up during the night with my ear killing me! (I had a TON of ear infections growing up, so it's certainly my biggest Achille's heel.) I slept in this morning. I will consider it my "off" day and walk at recess to just keep me moving, and watch my nutritional intake. It's not the plan I wanted, but I think I'm fighting a cold or something, and I really don't want to compromise my immune system.

No workouts today

bfast: normal oatmeal
snack: Skittles. :-(
lunch: 2 sm pieces of pizza
snack: Shakeology & two oranges
dinner: sushi & yakisoba noodles & stir-fry (YUM!)

It wasn't a good day all around.  It was COLD, and I tend to hibernate - both not moving much as well as "fatten up." (Like I really need help in that area!)

Looking forward to a better start tomorrow - it'll be a new day.

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