Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 26 - on the upswing

This morning is already a better morning (emotionally).  Yes, it still hurts, and I'm still missing my dog.  But she was old and in horrible pain, and now I don't have to watch her suffer.

My daughter even seems a little more chipper today, although it's another emotional day for her as well - this is her last day at the private school that I teach at - she's going to public school on Monday that's just 1 1/2 blocks down from our house.  This is the first time she won't be going to the same school that mommy is teaching at.  I won't get into all the reasons why, but it's going to be a good thing in the long run, but she's going to miss her private school friends.  But this is NOT "goodbye," just "see you later."

The even better news (for me) is that it's a half day grade prep.  I'm almost done with report cards for the semester, so that means that I can come home sooner than later and get in my workout, because I got to sleep in this morning!  (I needed it after the emotional rollercoaster with the dog this week.)

Lunch time....

Urg, what SHOULD have been a swift, easy half day at work turned into a mess!  Drama, drama, drama!  (Which I do NOT like.)  My boss has all of a sudden found me to be her new BFF confidant, and I worry more and more about my job.  I'm half tempted to really just find a new one.  We figured out the other day that even if I got a min. wage, 40 hr/wk job, I would be making more a month.  Ok...I admit, I don't spend 40 hours at work a week, but I DO put in 40 hrs a week...lesson planning, etc., etc.  But dealing with drama just isn't worth it!  So I succumbed to a brownie for snack.  (And YES, it WAS good!)  Good thing my breakfast was light!  I think I'll keep lunch light too since it's now 2pm, and I technically haven't even eaten more than a clementine orange!  Maybe another Shakeology since my second bag just arrived via mail today, and I still need to work out! 


Well, I did get in a short workout.  It was interrupted by a great surprise: a call from Japan!  My brother and his wife moved to Japan earlier this month.  Luckily, we got to see him at Christmas time, and surprisingly, I miss them already (we are just SO different, that sometimes it's hard to spend a lot of time with them all at once).  He's Air Force, so they will be spending at least the next 4 years there, and it was really good to hear from him - we talked for almost an hour! 

After that it was really hard to get back to my workout!  Not onlyl had my heart rate decreased, but I just really wasn't in the mood to do it anymore, and my hip has really been flaring up - especially with the step aerobics!  I can't afford to go in and get it checked right now.  Putting down our dog this week has made an unexpected dent into our budget (it's EXPENSIVE!) and I don't get paid until Tuesday...IF I even get my check! (Boss has been having $$$ problems, so I'm a little nervous to say the least....) So I need to really look into getting some advice on keeping my HR up, but trying not to aggrivate my hip so much.  Guess it's just going to be a lot of walking and upperbody stuff for me. That does not make me happy.

Step Aerobics - watching BL: 40 min, 372 cals

Calorie Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1353

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