Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 12

10MT (Total Body): 17 min (did a few of them 2x), 116 cal
Treadmill: 34 min, 290 cal

I know that I'm taking my daughter to McDonald's today for a playdate with a friend.  I'm PLANNING on the salad!  I'm going to ORDER the salad.  I KNOW that anything else is NOT GOOD FOR ME - but as I said before, I'm not battling the fact that I don't have KNOWLEDGE, I'm battling what I think I "want" vs. what I KNOW is good for me!

Bfast: Sm bowl of cherios with almond milk
Snack: Shakeology
Lunch: urg... Big Mac, Iced Tea, small fries  :-(
Snack: Frozen yogurt
Dinner: 3 sushi rolls

Yep, alrighty I admit it fully to MYSELF AND MY GROUP that I did it - I ate the Big Mac. (And actually, yes, it WAS good.  Not so much the fries...I frankly ate those because it was a late lunch, and I was still hungry, and they were THERE.)  But there IS  good news: no soda for my New Year! Yay! 

I had a small "revelation" tonight.  Nothing "new" in the world of dieting, just something that became clearer to me....

I was watching an old series of the Biggest Loser last night (I don't have cable/dish or even the 3 free channels), and this guy WORKED HIS BUTT OFF all week, but was sloppy on the food.  JM (Jillian Michaels...LOVE HER) said "you can still outeat all your hard work." BINGO.  (He didn't gain, but he didn't have the fabulous weight loss that normal contestants on the ranch have.)

I've been accountable about what I have been eating, and for the most part it's been "good food," but not the amount of calories, etc.  And frankly, that's what it's all about - calories in vs. calories out.

Start of a new day! I'm logging back in to  For anyone who doesn't know what it is, it's a FREE (yes, FREE!!!) website that allows you to track exactly that: calories in and calories out.  That's originally where I met Deb (my coach) and a whole bunch of fabulous, supportive people. 

Why did I leave?  Because I was getting sloppy.  It takes TIME to log in my exercise and food.  (Although now they have a manual place for exercise where you can just input the calories and time you did - which is saved on my HRM.  SO SLICK!)  But it's the FOOD that takes time - especially with homemade dishes (which I tend to make a lot of, being that we're a family of 4-6 on a budget).  But also helps with that - you input  your recipe and TAH-DAH! They spit out the calories!  I also have the cool app on my iTouch, and I'm committed to this now!

A new day tomorrow...and I've got a plan!

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