Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 4 wrap up

AM workout (2 10MT segments): 33 min., 243 cal.
10 Minute walk after lunch: 67 calories (?)
PM recess (13 min): 94 calories
The Skittles in my desk keep haunting me; I need to hide them from me AND the class!
But lunch was good: small piece of salmon & the rest of the roasted veggies from the other night's leftovers.

I wasn't very hungry for dinner.  I got a disturbing phone call about work, and although I don't get paid much for teaching at a private school, it's steady (until June), and I'm hearing that it's not so steady any more.  (Like might be going under before the school year ends??)  So I'm sure my stress & cortisol levels are through the roof, which is not very conducive for losing weight.

However, I have to trust that God has a plan in all of this, and He has never let me down yet.  He's provided needs when I didn't even know that I needed them until it was almost "too late," and I know it will all work out in the end.  I'm just worried about what this will do to my 90 Day Challenge.  I know stress is not very good for weight loss at ALL, and when I stress, I don't sleep, which is why I've been up this morning (Day 5, Friday) since 3am when hubby's alarm went off. :-(  (Also not a good thing for weight loss.)

On a more positive note, I know that exercise is a great stress combatant, and that's on my docket for sure.  The kids at school know that when Mrs. Kinnick comes outside for recess duty with tennis shoes on (despite whatever skirt or professional dress I'm wearing), that means "going for a walk," and a few of the younger ones walk with me. :-)  So I already feel like I'm paying it forward, in some small way.

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