Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 1 wrap up

Well, overall the first week has been full of ups and downs - probably an equal share of both.

First, for the good news:
- my nutrition started leveling off.  I don't crave the sweets like I was at the beginning of the week, and I've made sure to have a salad a day.
- I'm getting exercise in some form at least once a day.

Not so good news: :(
- My weight this week didn't stay the same, or go down. It went up. 196.6 (2.2 lbs)
- It was a rocky start
- I'm feeling discouraged. :-/

However, in my devotional times today, I've already hit two of them that both focus on NOT GIVING UP! And when I'm discouraged, to give it all to Him, and pray about it.  I know that this is much more for me than just losing weight.  I know that this is a spiritual journey for me, and I have to continue on.  It's not a short-term journey.  For me, I've always struggled with my weight, I've always had issues.  Although it feels like the weight piles on daily, I know it hasn't; it's taken time to accumulate, and therefore it's going to take time and a lot of effort, prayer and fighting to get it off.

Yes, I AM discouraged about the gain.  2.2 lbs. REALLY?!?!  It's not even that time of month!  But I know the enemy WANTS me to be discouraged, I know he WANTS me to give up like I have before and just QUIT.  But I won't.  Instead, I will refer to scripture and pray.

Jesus Calling Devo: "I am with you and for you.  When you decide on a course of action that is in line with My will, nothing in heaven or earth can stop you.  You may encounter many obstacles as you move toward your goal, but don't be discouraged - never give up! With My help, you can overcome any obstacle."

Love Dare couples devotional: "Do you feel like giving up sometimes?  Jesus said to pray instead of quitting, 'to pray always and not become discouraged' (Luke 18:1). Are you stressed out and worred? Prayer can bring peace to your storms, guarding 'your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus' (Phil 4:7) Do you need a major breakthrough? Prayer can make the difference."

I know that the Love Dare devo was referring to my relationship with my husband, but it also completely and totally applies to my journey with exercise and food as well.

Yesterday in church, our pastor preached on hope.  He said that today's society has skewed the true definition of hope.  Like "well, I hope I can pay my bills this month."  But actually this is the true definition of HOPE

HOPE: a confident expectation

Like it IS going to happen!  With CONFIDENCE! closing of Week 1, these are my thoughts:
I'm disappointed.  I'm upset about the results, but I have TRUE HOPE that this journey will not only get better, but that God is on my side.

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