Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 4 (so far)...

Today is already a better day!

Hubby left for work at 4:15am, so there was NO excuse to not get out of bed when the alarm rang at 5:15!  (Even the step kids aren't here, so I knew I could take my shower a few minutes later than normal if I had to.  With 6 people in the house on some days - 2 adults, my 2 kids, and his 2 kids - we have a strict shower schedule Tues & Wed mornings.)

So I got up, did 2 out of 3 10MT (10 Minute Trainer) workouts - Cardio and Abs.  Abs kicked my butt! My core is SO not "there!"  But I know I need to find a different solution for Cardio.  I can't use the bands as directed for a challenge - there is no where to "hook" the band to in the room I'm using.  So I'm looking into P90, or substitute Turbo Jam occasionally.

And this morning for nutrition, I'm already drinking my green tea, and Shakeology is in the blender for bfast! :D  I feel better already!

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