Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 28 - blah day...

This morning (day 29) I woke up like normal and came to finish my blog for day 28 to find that all I did yesterday (blog-wise) was to actually set up the day.  The entry was blank....  Sorta like my day.

I was in a FUNK!  I was letting all those bad conversations hit me like a ton of bricks!  Needless to say, it was an ugly day in my head.

I DID start to track my food, and frankly gave up mid-afternoon.  I "fed" my bad-head-talk with popcorn.  Light, with just a couple dashes of kettle corn sprinkle stuff.  As per normal, it didn't fill the void, nor calm the bad-talk in my head.

So my choices yesterday were all "good" choices as far as CHOICES go, but the portions I'm sure were not, as were the reasons behind WHEN I ate.  There were a few times I stood in front of the fridge thinking "what are you DOING?  You're not hungry, get out of the fridge!"  Most of the time it worked.

My relationships are a little out of whack here at home, and I"m sure that's a huge part of it.  I'm always at odds with my own kids over something or another, and add my two step kids (who are with us Mon-Wed) and that's just more fun to the mix. 

And then my husband - who is a WONDERFUL, FABULOUS man, and I love him dearly.  But he works LONG hours 4 days a week, and is fighting a nasty head cold on top of it all.  His wife is dying for his attention, but knows that it's not really the time to be asking for it.  And just when his work week is done, his kids show up and THEY want his attention.  At times I feel like the cook and maid who just lives here, shuffling around doing my chores.  See what I mean?  UGLY head-thoughts....

And I'm watching the Biggest Loser and slightly strengthened when the girls are getting around my weight (190's/180's) and are having a hard time pulling more than 1-3 lbs. a week ON THE BIGGEST LOSER RANCH!  If they struggle at times, I guess that means I can too, right?

Well, I did get a small workout in before church, but no nutritional tracking.

Treadmill: 55 min, 474 cals.

Here's to a better Day 29 - both tracking and mental head talk!

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