Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 11 - on the upswing!

Well, it's still cold in my area, which just makes me want to hibernate again, but hubby's back to work today, and that meant no excuses for not getting up!

So I did 45 min. this morning, and plan to walk at school (already thinking about the layers I'll be wearing). ;-)

10MT Abs (oops, just realized it was supposed to be total body): 12 min, only 69 cal
Treadmill: 33 min, 283 cal
Walking at school: 37 min, 206 cal

I dislike/like the 10MT Abs segment.  It WORKS me!  My core sucks SO bad, but at the same time, because it is such a hard area for me, I have a hard time doing the moves, and by the time I get "set up," they're already 5-10 seconds into the move.  It's frustrating.  Maybe I just need to do it more often....

I know today is "cooking day" for my kids at school, so I'm flopping my bfast & snack. (Bfast being SMALLER, and my "snack" being bigger.)

Bfast: mini bowl of cherios with almond milk
Snack: waffles, bacon & eggs (OUCH!)
Lunch: 1 cup Mac & Cheese
Snack: Shakeology & almond milk
Dinner: Olive Tapitda (sp?) on Italian bread, meats & cheese (very light) with wine

Nutrition UP and DOWN! URG!

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