Sunday, January 15, 2012

New scale... urg...

Although I will "officially" weigh myself tomorrow, I finally got a new scale, so I needed to get a "sneak peak."  *sigh*  I don't know if that was a good or bad idea....

Weight: 198.4
Body Fat: 40.2% (More than I thought)
% Hydration (as a percentage of your body weight): 42.3%

However, on my "old scale" I was back down to 194.4, so I will celebrate that I "lost" those 2 lbs., and just admit that I had a crappy scale, and now it's replaced.

I'm upset because I thought I had more muscle than that.  My body fat range is in the "very high" category (duh), and I'm pretty upset about that.  I'm only 5' 4" and I know that body fat shows easily on a smaller person, and I SEE that in the mirror each day.  But I truly thought that I had more muscle than that. (29-33% is "High", 23-28% is "Moderate" and 18-23% is "Good" for my age range.)  I have to reduce my body fat by half.  That's my sad realization. :-/

But being a teacher by trade, I LIVE by numbers. They give me solid goals to look at, achieve and re-examine.  However, these are not the ONLY numbers I live by... tomorrow when I "officially" weigh in, I'll be remeasuring as well, and last time I checked, my tape measurer wasn't "off/broken," so I'll be looking forward to seeing changes in those, hopefully.

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