Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 7

Oh my gosh!  I'm feeling yesterday's workouts FOR SURE!  So I have to admit, I did "take it easy" today...

Treadmill: 25 min, only 244 calories

Bfast: Cherios (small bowl) with almond milk
Snack: Shakeology with almond milk
Lunch: Eat-your-way-through-Costco
Snack: 2 Moz. Sticks and 7 oz of General So's Chicken (swap with lunch??)
Dinner: Applebee's Asian Chicken Salad

I'm dealing with a bit of stress over the scale - it's moving UP, but I know I 'm being true to my workouts.  I'm not doing GREAT on my nutrition, but definiately doing BETTER!  I just wish I could see SOME results!!

I've been looking around for a scale.  The cheap-wad in me doesn't want to pay $30+ for a scale - I want one that not only tells me weight, but also the % of body fat, just so that I have yet ANOTHER number to OBSESS over! :-/  Seriously, I know that between my workouts and my sore muscles, I KNOW I'm gaining muscle, so I'm hoping to see that more in the % of body fat even if I don't see the lbs going in the direction that I want.

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