Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 3

Today's "Thought for the Day" from my "Made to Crave" devotional totally fits me and where I am right now.

"Between any trial and the blessing that comes from that trial, there is a pathway I must walk - that pathway is perseverance."

I went to bed early last night really hoping I'd jump out of bed, ready to go when my alarm went off. Nope. I think going back to work after the Christmas break zapped my energy! I was a popped puppy last night (AND this morning)! I admit to hitting the snooze. Now there's good and bad news to that. First, I started justifying it all... "I'm tired. My body needs sleep, & sleep is just as important as food and work out choices." AND "I have exercised 4 days straight; time for a rest day." REALLY?!? But then I pushed the thoughts aside and already started a plan! (yay me!) I am going to walk again at school recess, and do at least one 10 Min. segment with TH (Tony Horton) when I get home. I don't like to workout when I get home and get all nasty, sweaty, but it IS just the yoga planned for today, and even the 10 Min Cardio doesn't have me breaking too much of a sweat. So.... NO EXCUSES! (that's the good news!)

Also, I really am craving FOOD for breakfast. The shake is okay, I don't even mind the taste, but sometimes I just want to CHEW something instead of just swallowing my meal, ya know?!? So instead of making a SHAKE, I will just have Shakeology plain, and have a slice of toast. I already have last night's leftovers for today's lunch (which not only was YUMMY, but super healthy!) and we have a sensible dinner planned for tonight. Yay! I feel like I jumped a hurdle and have a good plan for the day!


It was NOT the day I planned.  Lesson learned: Workout in the morning - PERIOD!  I DID walk at school, but it was only 100 cal burned for 15 min.  And someone left a bag of OPENED Skittles (the BIG Costco bag) on my desk to use for the students, and of course I had to dip in as well.  And I'm not even a bit Skittles fan! BAH! 

Oh well...I have to chalk it up to lessons learned, and learn from it.  It's done, and time to MOVE ON!

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