Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 15

Ah...the day STARTED out so well.... Day off for MLK Jr. day, sleeping in with the hubby, dinner already planned... well, it STARTED well! :-/

I knew today would be a total struggle to get in a workout, and instead of Wed. being my "off day" I was willing to trade it for today, espeically since I was able to sneak in those minutes on the treadmill yesterday.  So I did.

No workout today.

I didn't each much during the day, because I had a HUGE dinner planned for the evening: Swiss Steak in the crock pot, roasted potatoes, long grain rice with salad.  All good stuff, but I knew those Elk Steaks would still hit me in the caloric range.

I just calculated my food for the day, and for my range (1,270 - 1,620), it says I was barely under: 1,245.  Honestly, I sorta doubt that.  HOWEVER, the "bad" part of the day was at the end...

We took the kids to see the movie "Jack and Jill" - after hubby & I saw it the night before. They didn't like it as much as we had, and I had a feeling they were all feeling a bit slighted because we didn't buy the usual popcorn, snacks & pop.  (For 2 reasons: 1 - we're on a budget, #2 - it was a 4:10pm showing, and I had a GOOD dinner planned for afterwards!!! No spoiled appetites by crappy food!)  And when we got home, we found that my step-daughter's dog got in the house again, and tore into a bag of brown sugar (damn dog, ALWAY sneaking in)!  That set the whole house off - my SD defending the "poor dog," and the rest of us tired of cleaning up after his mess.  (It's a long, drawn out battle.)  My poor husband is stressed to the max by this teenage drama queen, and he didn't even finish his dinner (unheard of).  So stress was certainly the name of the game this evening. :-(

Trust me - I WANTED TO GET ON THAT TREADMILL!  But at 8:00pm at night, that would have gotten my adreneline moving, and my IT band has been killing me... so taking it easy for now...

Ah, life, kids and stress...gotta love it....

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