Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 25 - a sad day in the journey of life

Today we put down Rainie, my chocolate lab of 14 years.  To say it minimally, it was a sucky day. 

I was giving myself the day "off."  "Off" from the challenge, "off" from working out and eating well.

Ha, ya know, it's kinda funny...but when you work really hard at something, you really don't want to screw it all up with an "off" day.  So I just walked on the treadmill with 1 lb wrist weights.  And although I was "off" today, I still tracked all my food, and yes, I did go over my calorie allotment, but I made GOOD CHOICES!  I did not grab chocolate, I did not go and get fried, greasy junk food that I really WAS craving badly!

In retrospect, the only things I should have done differently is make my snacks a little lighter (in the AM I had cottage cheese, but only had the 2% kind instead of my normal non-fat, and my Shakeology in the PM was mixed with OJ and Almond milk instead of water), and drink more water.  I know I didn't drink enough and feel a little dehydrated.  I don't even regret the 4 oz. of white wine with hubby after dinner.  NOPE.  Gotta still live....

Walking on Treadmill with 1 lb. hand weights: 44 min, 435 cals.

Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 1,887  (over by 337)

Tomorrow is a new day. 
Tomorrow will be a better day, and it will continue to get easier (emotional-wise) each and everyday.
I will give myself permission to cry.
I will give myself permission to grieve.
But I do NOT give myself permission to hide in the comfort of food and calories.

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