Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 9 - another small victory!

Alrighty, do you realize HOW CLOSE I was to just going back to bed?  I hadn't quite put on my work out clothes, but I had at least turned off the alarm, got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.  I was actually walking back to the bedroom - back to my warm, loving hubby snoring away... Oh, I so BADLY wanted to go back to bed!


Nope, I talked myself into "at least one 10 Minute Trainer."  Whatever TH had in store for me today.  Well, it's "Total Body." Not my fave, but ok...JUST 10 min!  Well, I paused and did a few more reps (they switch so quickly with the band sometimes, that I don't feel like I do some moves for a WHOLE minute), so it stretched from 10 min to 16 (with warm up/cool down too)! 

That's a big one for me.

Another motivator:  I noticed that my hubby got out his weights again.  I laugh inside because I LOVE him how he is!  In fact, when we met, he was almost "too skinny" and made me feel like a beached whale!  (It was my own insecurities, nothing he did/said.)  But, as it did with most people, the holidays and married life have snuck around his waist line, and put a few lbs on him.  I DON'T REALLY CARE!  (Why is it that men can wear a few pounds much better than women???)  But I love to see that yesterday, during his day off, he must have got them out again.  And I DO LOVE his strong arms wrapped around me!  Can't wait to feel them get even stronger!  Here's a shout out to my hubby: YAY DAN!

10MT (total body): 16 min, 119 cal
Treadmill: 16 min, 142 cal
Walking at recess: 11 min., 0.59 mi., only 27 cal??? (was my HRM off??)

Bfast: banana, oatmeal (oats), 1 tsp brn sugar, vanilla protein
Snack: 2 clementines & Shakeology with almond milk
Lunch: *cringe* Taco Johns - burrito with tater tots and TEA! (No soda!)
Snack: 2 cheese sticks
Dinner: to offset lunch, I had a salad and green beans

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