Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 14

Still on a "high" about getting a full day tracked nutritionally! Yay!  So I'm looking forward to keeping that trend going.

Today's mini-goals:

#1 - Get 2 10MT done before church, and some treadmill or step aerobics in front of Biggest Loser after church.  (Yes, a 2-shower day!)
#2 - Continue NO SODA or Artificial Sweetners
#3 - Track my nutrition
#4 - Plan out this week's dinners

Today's workouts:
10 MT Lower Body & Abs (ick): 31 min, 226 cal
Treadmill: 39 min, 309 cals
Total Calories burned: 535 cals

Today's Nutrition:
I'm tracking each snack and meal in my profile. 
Total calories:  1401 (within my range of 1270-1620)  Even with Theater Popcorn! Yay!

I'm SOOO super proud of myself!
I accomplished ALL four mini-goals for today. 

#1 - I ALMOST didn't get in my treadmill time!  My hubby was coming home soon, I still needed to fix dinner, and wanted to get in 30+ min. on the treadmill.  I was in the shower when he came home, and dinner (very good SP Breakfast Casserole, by the way) was in the oven. Yay, me!

#2 - When we went to Jack & Jill at the theater, I really, really, really, really craved soda.  But it helped that it was late in the evening - the caffeine would have kept me up 1/2 the night!  So I took a water bottle with crystal light (the kind with Stevia for sweetner).  YAY #2!

#3 - Nutrition tracked.  It was SO much easier to just add a recipe already in Sparkpeople!  I just added my servings to today's menu, and viola! Done!

#4 - Dinners are planned.  YES!

Tomorrow is a new challenge.  My step kids are over, but I AM using another SP dinner, to be going in the crockpot.  For some reason, I'm still craving soda really bad.  I would have thought that 2 wks off of it, I'd be doing pretty good....  hmm...

My biggest challenge for tomorrow is getting in my workout.  With a full house (all 6 of us) all on "vacation" for Martin Luther King Jr. day, it's really going to be a struggle....  To be continued! :D

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