Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 20, after peaking, there's bound to be a valley...

Today I KNEW I would have some challenges.

First, I was leaving mid-day to travel to my nephew's bday party.  I knew that meant CRAP FOOD all afternoon!  I'm ok with handling cake (not a big fan), and probably ice cream as well, but I wasn't aware we were going to a bowling alley.  Do you know what they serve there???  Oh jeez...

So in preparation, I did a LONGER workout (and plan for a LONG one tomorrow as well), and "skinny'd up" on my intake in the am, and try to make the best choices possible.  I really didn't want to track this.  I didn't want to see the "damage."  But in retrospect, I'm glad I did.  Because I needed to see HOW BAD the damage was.  I would have normally ate like this (and then some) before this challenge.  No wonder why I was almost 200 lbs again!


Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: 2,588  OUCH! THAT'S 1,000 OVER GOAL!

The sad/funny thing is, is I actually "prepared" for this.  Not just by saving some calories for the morning and getting a long exercise time in, but I took an apple and oranges with me in my bag, AND my own water bottle.  However, when we got to the bowling alley, they would not allow any personal food in (you had to buy their's).  So I was able to get away with the water bottle (because they didn't even have a water fountain there!), and I refused to drink pop.  But the owner said the fruit was too sticky.  Oh sheesh, really?!?!  So much for preparing.... 

And I KNEW I would eat a few slices of pizza.  I "allowed" myself that for a few reasons: #1 I don't normally care for pizza on a regular basis, so I wouldn't go hog-wild, and #2 I still need to "live life!" (And yes, I did have a salad with it!)  It was Nathan's bday!  There wasn't cake or ice cream (whew!), but I could participate in the celebration. 

The ironic thing is, my other sister-in-law (not the bday boy's mom) was on a 7 day detox diet - the one where you eat nothing but cabbage/veggie soup for 7 days.  She was MISERABLE!  This was day 3 or 4 into it, and she was a grouch, and clearly wasn't enjoying anything.... So glad I'm not on a DIET! :D

Step aerobics: 64 min, 584 calories burned

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