Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 21 - heading toward the peak again! :-)

Trying to bounce back from yesterday is easier than expected.  The only thing is, I HATE wasting food!  Although I ordered a "mini" pizza last night, they accidentally "upgraded" me to a medium!  That's ok and fine for most people, because it means YAY - LEFTOVERS!  But I'm the only one who will eat this kind of pizza (Seafood combo), and the leftovers are staring me down.... RESIST!

But since I don't have a lot of time before church, I just got in a short Turbo Jam, and plan on getting in more later.  Yes, another 2-shower Sunday.  Starting a trend, I think....

Turbo Jam - Cardio Mix 3 with 1lb hand weights: 35 min, 277 cals
Step Aerobics during BL: 53 min, 490 cals

Total Calories burned:  767 calories  (not bad...)


Well, my calorie consumption has been pretty good thus-far, but my hubby announced "date night" tonight at a restaurant that I have never been at, but my hubby really wants me to try.  I'm really nervous because I can't pre-make my choices.  AND to top it off, he wants to go to the movies after.  Oh man....  It's not the soda, or even the candy... I WANT POPCORN!!!!  BAH! Oh Lord, have mercy....


Goal: 1,200 - 1,550
Calories consumed: ???

(Day 22, wrapping up thoughts for Day 21:)

I didn't finish this blog last night because we got home at 11:30pm - TOO LATE for me for a school night!  I truly hope I don't "pay" for that all day....

I tried to go onto the restaurant's website to look up the nutritional information.  That is so frustrating!  However, I don't think I chose too badly - a fetticini (sp?) pasta with scallops, shrimp, mushrooms and olives and the sauce was NOT ALFREDO! :-)  It was a lemony-garlic sauce.  It was good, but about 1/4 of it my hubby finished for me.  (Pat on back for me.) ;-)

And yes, I did have popcorn at the movies (darn those PMS salt cravings!), HOWEVER I stopped myself.  Normally, I can eat a whole XL bag by myself!  But I was thinking "this doesn't even taste that good!"  Is that a step in the right direction???  I'm hoping so.

Well, I know I'm going to have to swing by Starbucks this morning for a little caffiene jolt...oi!  So I'm going to make allowance for that in my calories this morning.  Thank goodness Starbucks puts its nutritional information online!

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