Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 17

Oh man, what a DAY!

We woke up to snow...a LOT of snow!  And it continued to snow throughout the day.  Now from where I call "home," we're used to snow.  This is no biggie, except for the fact that schools usually call a 1-2 hr delay.


So I hurried through my morning, still getting a few minutes on the treadmill (not enough, but some...).  And since they called school off around lunch, I was able to come home and help shovel snow with the kids (bonus "activity")!  Which actually ended up being a lot of fun - a little snow-throwing inbetween shovels along with a little Snow/shovel ball. 

Treadmill: 32 min, 279 cal.
Snow shoveling: (about) 30+ min, (about) 283 calories


I REALLY did not think I would be able to fit in my goal range.  And I didn't!  With the craziness of the snow/cancelling school half way through the day, it totally off-set my eating plans. I'm sure the "light" dinner of fish, beets and salad helped, but the french bread put me over! NUTS!  That means no wine with hubby tonight after he takes his kids back to their mom's house (bummer)! : (

Goal: 1,270 - 1,620
Calories consumed: 1783  (163 over....stinkin' french bread...)

I'm really hoping for a 2 hour delay tomorrow - as well as my kids.  I'm really tired lately (fighting stress and a cold), and I'd like to sleep in...just a titch!  And get more than just a short time on the treadmill.

As for my hip, it's so-so.  It was feeling ok this morning on the treadmill, but mid-morning it was throbbing (for no reason?).  So I'm trying not to do too much to it (squats, lunges, etc.), I'm stretching out really well, and trying to keep it warm.  I may even take a bath tonight! ;-) 

This may sound stinky, but my husband just took his kids back to their mom's, and I can feel relief from stress already leaving my shoulders... my home is MINE for 4 1/2 more days until they return.  As with any blended-family, there are bumps along the road, and the fact we have 3 teens between us doesn't help!  Maybe I will have a small  glass of wine after all..... 

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